Henry Gray

I’ve heard he’s a bit overrated.
his high school tape doesn't even look better than Stanley, T. Lee, or harrel, but I also heard he was pretty dominant in the 7 on 7 tryouts. We will see though, there still plenty of time for evaluating and maybe he has a tremendous senior and I hope he disproves all the overrated tallk
Gray is a clout chaser...used Miami to get others offers. I would not call him elite in any regard.

I don't disagree that Gray may be a clout chaser but I don't feel that such and being elite are mutually exclusive. (I know the response will be that if he's elite the offers would have come anyways but kids these days want instant gratification, want to be recognized now.)

My point is he may be salivating for the big time offer and acts like a kid until he gets it but that doesn't make him not elite. I think he is elite.
Kid was highly ranked early in HS career. His performance since hasn't completely justified it (keyword: completely) so he's going to go to a school that has the glam factor to show everybody he's "elite".

Complete opposite of Francois, in that regard
Keep recruiting him if we really think he’s the goods but don’t let him jerk us around. Recruit others and if they want to commit then let them and move on. This is the exactly the type of kid we put all of our cards in only for him to choose someone else.
He ended up at Indiana. Kind of weird he went from a 5 star to a 3.

His running numbers were awful and spoke to a kid who is really unathletic...

I mean maybe he becomes a super smart heady player who outperforms athleticism but idk
I’m shocked!

Can’t wait for somebody to come and defend him and blame it all on Rumph.

Where are the OOS/North Florida CBs at?
I don't think people understand the whole reason behind all these ot of state offers opposed too our previous strategy of if they're local they have to be treated like we need them. It really is simple. #1 we have been neglecting superior or atleast top notch talent on a national level to go all in on kids who dont NEED us. Kids have loyalty to material first and foremost. So by us showing we are opening up our doors it puts local kids on notice that if they wanna string us along and play games that then their spot isn't secured. You wanna say you wanna stay home then you better commit. Otherwise we gonna move on without you. We've lost out on alot of elite talent because we wanna kiss these local hits asses. Fvck that. Either commit & help us build your class or roll the dice & wind up at Arkansas
Lot of corners this year in Sofla alone...Plus rumors that the national kids (Lee, the Cali Kid, Ringo) and Jax kids will at least listen.

But in Sofla alone

Francois (CB/S)
Gray (Don't think he's coming)
Stanley (Slot)
(Maybe Ca. Holmes, no idea offense or defense at this point)

From here down no idea who we like will push for
Hodges (no idea if recruiting)
Royal (CB/S)
Co. Holmes
and others
This will be a very interesting case study to prove or disprove the staff's recent comments.

Right out the gate, here's a perfect example. South Florida kid. Position of need. Obvious want...they've been courting him for well over a year now. But there are a TON of really good looking prospects, both here and OOS. The kid is saying PUBLICLY that Clemson is his leader, and the school closest to catching them is OSU.

Well, here you go, Manny. How are you gonna play this one?

Me personally, I don't give a **** what a kid says or what he does. The whole nonsense of a kid "playing" Miami is just that, nonsense. To me, you recruit the **** out of every kid you think can help you win. If Miami thinks Gray is as elite as his ranking, recruit him, let him visit, go watch him play basketball, whatever. But that's my strategy. I would never give up on a kid who I thought could help me win, especially with how weak-minded a lot of the kids in this area are and how they change their minds as often as it rains in South Florida.

But Manny has said differently, and that's fine. I applaud him for tackling the issue head on. But here's your chance. This is the EXACT situation you spoke about over the past few weeks. If you are going to put your money where your mouth is, then contact with this kid should dwindle to a slow drip, if that, from here on out.

My guess is that Manny was talking out of his *** and is going to recruit Gray until he commits to Clemson, and then continue to push as hard as he can. Because that's what every coach does. But this will be very interesting to see if he really does say "***** you" to the kid, have fun in Butt****, South Carolina. We shall see.
His teammate Harrel is just as good as he is who seems to have legit interest in us.

He's the DB w/ the most potential down here. I'd like for Miami to lock him up quickly.

Clemson is keeping close tabs here, and they've done a great job (like at receiver) of identifying kids who can excel at DB.