Have we discussed Jackson Mahomes dancing on Sean Taylor’s memorial?

One of the weirdest psychological quandaries is trying to figure out why highly financially successful men get married.

What a stupid legal arrangement and totally unnecessary risk.

Prenups chief.

Also, marriage is a great institution that’s been ruined by boomers via no fault divorce and lack of personal responsibility.
Lot of grown men getting upset over a painted number on a field from an absolutely awful NFL franchise who did this "tribute" at the last minute to try and bury all the awful **** said franchise has done.
It's not just about dancing on a number. Kids and even grown uos today are too much all about being seen. They want a camera on them. Nothing else matters. He could have done that dumb *** dance 3 feet either direction. Just like all the assclowns at games that have a fit when they see themselves on the screens at games. Like they are now famous for being on a monitor for 6 seconds at a football game.
Prob alot of what is wrong with players now as well..
It's not just about dancing on a number. Kids and even grown uos today are too much all about being seen. They want a camera on them. Nothing else matters. He could have done that dumb *** dance 3 feet either direction. Just like all the assclowns at games that have a fit when they see themselves on the screens at games. Like they are now famous for being on a monitor for 6 seconds at a football game.
Prob alot of what is wrong with players now as well..
The world we live in now. I can't relate to it at all. I don't care to be in The Truman Show.
She looked down at ST’s number when that weak song said, “I could never be a lame”. I beg to differ with him (he is the epitome of a lame), but regardless it should be on sight status with him for any Canes fan under 20.
The world we live in now. I can't relate to it at all. I don't care to be in The Truman Show.
I have some pretty cool associates, relatively speaking, who are in their 20s. They really don’t understand what living is (or was) all about. And they have no common sense or intuition. I’ve been scolded, multiple times, by my partners not to be so “hard” on them despite the fact I treat them like children compared to how my mentors treated me 20 years ago.

It’s a **** shame. I feel so bad for the younger generation and those to come. We failed them by not protecting the gate and there’s no way to unring the bell. The next generation will live their entire life digitally, caring only about their social credit score, and be closer to walking computers than humans, programmed by corporations and their political puppets.
I have some pretty cool associates, relatively speaking, who are in their 20s. They really don’t understand what living is (or was) all about. And they have no common sense or intuition. I’ve been scolded, multiple times, by my partners not to be so “hard” on them despite the fact I treat them like children compared to how my mentors treated me 20 years ago.

It’s a **** shame. I feel so bad for the younger generation and those to come. We failed them by not protecting the gate and there’s no way to unring the bell. The next generation will live their entire life digitally, caring only about their social credit score, and be closer to walking computers than humans, programmed by corporations and their political puppets.
Amen brother.
I have some pretty cool associates, relatively speaking, who are in their 20s. They really don’t understand what living is (or was) all about. And they have no common sense or intuition. I’ve been scolded, multiple times, by my partners not to be so “hard” on them despite the fact I treat them like children compared to how my mentors treated me 20 years ago.

It’s a **** shame. I feel so bad for the younger generation and those to come. We failed them by not protecting the gate and there’s no way to unring the bell. The next generation will live their entire life digitally, caring only about their social credit score, and be closer to walking computers than humans, programmed by corporations and their political puppets.
Ill be 35 in Dec. Its easy for me to be friends with the 45s. I have no idea how to interact with people 10 years younger. We have nothing in common. Massive generation gap.
The Redskins/Deadskins dumpster fire franchise reserved a small area of the sideline directly on the #21 emblem for Mahomes’ family to stand on… maybe Mahomes’ brother should have been more aware of his actions, but it was part of a logistics/planning fail by the Deadskins franchise.

They gave no notice that they were going to retire Taylor’s #… they hastily announced it last week as a distraction from the Bruce Allen e-mail fiasco and the entire ceremony on Sunday was a distasteful mess.

People getting ****ed at Mahomes’ brother are missing the bigger outrage.
I honestly think the kid didn’t know. He’s a complete idiot & bi*ch for sure, a quick google search verified that, but the WFT absolutely botched everything about Sean’s day. Security was actually funneling people to INSIDE of the chained off area. That area wasn’t chained off for the #21, it was a chained off area for VIP guests. They also had porta-potys lined up in front of the Sean Taylor Rd street sign. So everyone that stopped by there to take a picture, had a row of shi*tears in the background.
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Look at that forehead...

...she shows up at coin flips to intimidate tails.
In my experience, the hotter the woman the worse she’s been in bed. That’s been my experience 9/10 times. If she’s hot but bad in bed, I think that should be considered taking an L.

I’m not opposed to dating a woman that’s slightly less attractive if the *** will be dynamite. That’s a win.

Maybe that’s what Mahomes figured out.