Great Job…

He ain’t going anywhere lol.

He’s having way too much fun toying with the mouth breathing buffoons.

It’s sad that these copium ****ers vehemently behrate the rational and concerned, level-headed potion of the fanbase that simply questions what Mario is doing here. Makes this place toxic, even though in their twisted minds, questioning the staff = somehow not a fan and toxic behavior.

It’s a sickness that paints us as bad people or Miami-haters, when in reality the expectations are just higher and people are sick of the bar being lowered for one particular coach.

I’ll keep calling it like it is. 5-9 in ACC play is absolutely unacceptable. Didn’t say it can’t be fixed, but again we’re trending in the wrong direction. Moral victories > actual victories I guess.
You can get better but be worse in the win column. We are actually 1 game better. With 3 to play. I expect to lose all 3.
We are 11-11 and 5-9 in conference with only 2 games remaining in year two, during a time where unlike in the past we have an open transfer portal to help facilitate/quicken the roster turnover process. Mario has brought in 25+ transfers that past two cycles and that has netted us said .500 record. We are also on OC and DC #2 with the strong possibility that we will be onto OC #3 in as many years with so many placing blame on Dawson for our anemic offensive performance. Lastly we are lagging in recruiting when you consider that Mario was touted as an elite when he was hired.

For the amount of money we are paying him, its unreasonable to be okay with the results he is delivering. We laugh at slingblade Billy being a joke over at UF but record wise he is only 1 loss worse than Mario with a much more difficult schedule. I bring him up because if fans just separated their emotions out of this they would see that there is major cause for concern, but because he is HC of out beloved team we will ignore major red flags, like being 5-9 in conference.
It’s much deeper than the record imo. We were getting blasted last year and players were giving up. Those same players flagg george rivers taylor Williams kinchens cooper restrepo etc are competing at a totally different level this year. Things go wrong and they keep fighting to get back in games. The year to year turnaround is evident. I see cause for optimism. If they continue on this same trajectory and our issues are addressed in qb and dt lookout.
I’ve got you by a few years but that’s irrelevant.

The vast majority of what we see on this board, or any other for that matter, is exactly that - speculation and conjecture. There isn’t a soul, including you and I, that knows what goes on behind the doors of Hecht.

As I said, all any of us can derive a view from is the product and results on the field. And quite frankly, it hasn’t been good.
423 my friend, sometimes isn't it just fun to disagree...
VanDyke went from looking great before Mario…to sucking under Mario…to looking great again the first 4 games of this season while running a scheme that looks totally different than last season…to sucking horribly these last 5 weeks once we went back to the bunch formations and methodical, grind it out, predictable football.

TVD was terrible these last 5 weeks, but his play is only a symptom of a larger issue. A coach that refused to play to his player’s strengths and tries to fit round pegs into squares. Same old, same old. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Regardless of formations there have been PLENTY of open receivers this season. TVD should have the comprehension by now to go through progressions. Stare downs have been a problem before this staff
The defense has been outstanding and the hire of Guidry has been the best coaching hire at UM in my opinion in many years. We desperately need to keep Guidry and add help at CB and DT.

The OL has been fixed. We haven’t added the talent in this class that I’d like but I’m still good there overall. RB room is ok. We’ll add some WRs hopefully in this class. We need difference makers there. The TE room has been misused. QB is a disaster. Offensive play calling/coaching has been abysmal. Mario is undoubtedly part of that problem though at this point, there’s a QB portion and an OC portion and it’s all not working, however blame is allocated.
Understood. So I usually combat problems in life by fixing the easiest first. Portal a QB and go from there
Who said he doesnt get credit for that? The problem here is 11-11 and 5-9 and the reason for that is the offense and hence why it is getting all the attention. We are 7-2 and the whole vibe of this site is way way different and we are talkng about our great defense, but we arent...
No your right but there still is time with 3 games to change the narrative on this season
No your right but there still is time with 3 games to change the narrative on this season
There is still a chance but we must win next week and it won’t be easy. If we win, I think we beat BC and then you never know with the bowl game. If we lose to UL though, I think the wheels completely fall off.
There is still a chance but we must win next week and it won’t be easy. If we win, I think we beat BC and then you never know with the bowl game. If we lose to UL though, I think the wheels completely fall off.
I agree the lugnuts aren't tight but they still on
Regardless of formations there have been PLENTY of open receivers this season. TVD should have the comprehension by now to go through progressions. Stare downs have been a problem before this staff
The last 6 games we have not had PLENTY of open chances. We’ve had a few and they all ended in disaster. Our WR’s have gotten little to no separation these last 6 games, and it’s a symptom of not spreading the defense out, and allowing them to dictate how the pace and rhythm of the game is gonna go.

Mario wants to run as slow plodding and in creative offense as possible. The proof is irrefutable. He’s making the hires, and as such, during the interview process he’s telling OC’s what he prefers and hearing from them what their offensive philosophy is.

This is on him. He needs to own it and fix it. No excuses.
I don’t know. All I know is that he was attacked for stating facts after another abysmal performance this past Saturday.

I know that posters like you are pro-Mario, as is your right. But the attacks on anyone that disagrees or states facts using data and what our eyes are telling us need to stop.

I had multiple people telling me to STFU and be quiet on Saturday because they can’t handle anyone speaking against Mario and his failures up to this point.
If u show optimism, ur a slurper. If u criticize, ur a mope. This is CIS.
I’m always so genuinely confused by these posts.

Mario is going to be the coach here for 5 years. At absolute least. That is 100% fact. There is nothing I, or you, or literally anyone else on the planet can do about that. It’s 100.0% concrete fact.

So, let’s say I’m on this “slurp crew”, of which apparently you are not. How would you suggest I act? Am I allowed to post here, or should the board solely consist of people just *****ing and complaining and being miserable and saying how everyone sucks?

I’m being completely serious. I would like the slurp crew to have specific instructions. If we know the coach isn’t going anywhere for the next 3 years, at minimum, and we know this as legitimate fact, what should we do? I am a Miami fan and will support the university for the rest of my days. No matter what. Because that’s where my allegiance lies, and no matter how much I’m hurt, my allegiance will always lie here. So for people like us, I guess the slurp crew, what do you guys suggest? Don’t watch the games? Don’t talk ball with folks here and in real life? Don’t support the program? Pretend it doesn’t exist?

And if so, then what do the people who hate Mario and wish ill will on him do? Do they continue to get to post here and tell him he’s a ****** and do the same on social media? Even though he’s not being fired no matter what?

Sorry, just trying to stay between the lines here. Some of us would like guidance on how to act. Thanks in advance.

Way too many miserable posters on here, who get even more miserable when you dont want to join them in misery. Just put them on IGNORE, you will be much happier.
I don’t know. All I know is that he was attacked for stating facts after another abysmal performance this past Saturday.

I know that posters like you are pro-Mario, as is your right. But the attacks on anyone that disagrees or states facts using data and what our eyes are telling us need to stop.

I had multiple people telling me to STFU and be quiet on Saturday because they can’t handle anyone speaking against Mario and his failures up to this point.
These dudes CLAIM to be UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI HURRICANES fans but they more loyal to coaches than the **** players and school.

Kam and Jam3s gotta go for they fuq ups. Where does our the coach go for his? I feel @Memnon. That **** lame af mane.

Get off Mario 🥜
You aren’t allowed to be optimistic fam. We all on the same side but people like to be divided. It’s ok imo to accept someone’s mope and disagree. We don’t have to go back n forth to prove nothing cause time will tell the story and apparently none of us can see the future. Problem is people take their stance personal and try to convince the other side that they are right. It’s ok to be like yo u believe that I believe this and that’s it move along. It’s like if you on one side you have to battle it out or some sh. Like bruh both sides have good arguments and we can only wait and see.
This. If you understand this, kudos to you. If you don’t, you do you.

The thing that makes me laugh and shrug off people is when they start hurling personal insults at a poster simply to sound like they way smarter which, if they were, they’d take the time to explain their reasoning. It seems everywhere on social media, people like to tear down anyone they feel threatened by. Hey, if you know better than another poster, time to switch on your emotional intelligence to uplift someone, not tear them down and make them feel s#!tt¥. They have something to offer or have a right to express as well.
There’s a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking. When we win the slurps are celebrating and attacking the mopes, when we lose the mopes go after the slurps etc..

One things remains a fact. Win or lose it is NOT the fault of anyone on here for being too critical or not critical enough, so it should never be THAT serious.

I’ve seen the mopiest of mopes express support, hope and positivity and they want us back on top just as much as the any fan on here.

The constructive criticism is just as necessary as the naive denial. It’s a balance and that’s ok.

Again, attending this platform and going back and forth with each other in the first place is just a testament to the fact that this forum is filled with the most hardcore fans in our entire base.

Can it become insufferable at times? Yes. But at the end of the day I am grateful for CIS existence and appreciate everyone of the characters who love this team.
I didn't even know this thread was about me lol

I never said I was leaving, I didn't say anything at all actually. I didn't write a post game recap because I didn't feel it was necessary.

I don't even know what this is all about lol.
This. If you understand this, kudos to you. If you don’t, you do you.

The thing that makes me laugh and shrug off people is when they start hurling personal insults at a poster simply to sound like they way smarter which, if they were, they’d take the time to explain their reasoning. It seems everywhere on social media, people like to tear down anyone they feel threatened by. Hey, if you know better than another poster, time to switch on your emotional intelligence to uplift someone, not tear them down and make them feel s#!tt¥. They have something to offer or have a right to express as well.