Go national


Dec 4, 2011
Plain and simple...
Get the best down here for sure but as we have seen 2 of our top 3 players in this class are from cali and Illinois . Keep the trend and get miami back to being recognized as a national recruiting program again. Whenever Miami has been good we always recruited very well nationally. 70% Florida rate/ 30 % out of state should be the roster breakdown. You put dj Johnson and jeff Thomas in the state of Florida and they are likely still the best de and receiver in florida. Let's keep the trend going, get the elite out of state kids to add to our main base.
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You'll probably get thrashed in this thread by all sides, but here's what I think every coach, even Golden has thought. Try to get the best players, wherever they may be. That's what every coach does and ratios be damned, just get the best you can.
We got lucky as **** on both of those guys. Can't make a habit out of dudes falling into our lap. We better establish our presence in Florida before we start expanding just like FSU has done
I actually agree with this, there's a ton of really talented players in Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, North Carolina & Missouri.

I post out of state prospects on here all of the time, especially from the 2018 class.

Bama, FSU, Oh St, Clemson & even LSU go out of State in every cycle... Just about every major program in College football gets their fair share of OOS kids.
We've always done this.

That doesn't give us a pass for striking out on elite locals though.

You realize that CB's Quincy Wilson and Fabian Moreau are both predicted to go within the 1st/2nd round of the upcoming draft and they're both from Broward County? And both would've likely been here had we offered. (I love Corn but I'd trade those 2 for him in a heartbeat) We also would've had Burns in the same defensive backfield. That's THREE 1st round level CB's from South FLA playing at Miami.

Don't get it twisted, the best football players are still down here and South FLA should always remain our focal point. A couple studs from out of state don't change that.
We got lucky as **** on both of those guys. Can't make a habit out of dudes falling into our lap. We better establish our presence in Florida before we start expanding just like FSU has done

Not trying to be a **** but how did johnson fall in our lap? Dude had 98 offers
Agreed with Thomas though
That OOS/national 30% need to be the icing on the cake...the **** and ***** players...not the guys we are relying on for the class to be passable.
We got lucky as **** on both of those guys. Can't make a habit out of dudes falling into our lap. We better establish our presence in Florida before we start expanding just like FSU has done

Not trying to be a **** but how did johnson fall in our lap? Dude had 98 offers
Agreed with Thomas though

Coach Kul said that DJ called us (Miami). We weren't even recruiting him.
We got lucky as **** on both of those guys. Can't make a habit out of dudes falling into our lap. We better establish our presence in Florida before we start expanding just like FSU has done

Not trying to be a **** but how did johnson fall in our lap? Dude had 98 offers
Agreed with Thomas though

Coach Kul said that DJ called us (Miami). We weren't even recruiting him.

It was another kid like that too in cali who ended up being the #1 player in the country by 247 I believe he was the dend jaelan Phillips
We got lucky as **** on both of those guys. Can't make a habit out of dudes falling into our lap. We better establish our presence in Florida before we start expanding just like FSU has done

Not trying to be a **** but how did johnson fall in our lap? Dude had 98 offers
Agreed with Thomas though
He had offers from everywhere and could have gone anywhere but I'm glad that he's signed to the U. Great get
We've always done this.

That doesn't give us a pass for striking out on elite locals though.

You realize that CB's Quincy Wilson and Fabian Moreau are both predicted to go within the 1st/2nd round of the upcoming draft and they're both from Broward County? And both would've likely been here had we offered. (I love Corn but I'd trade those 2 for him in a heartbeat) We also would've had Burns in the same defensive backfield. That's THREE 1st round level CB's from South FLA playing at Miami.

Don't get it twisted, the best football players are still down here and South FLA should always remain our focal point. A couple studs from out of state don't change that.

Hold up there champ. You say they both would have come if we'd called, but it seems like most of the guys we offer choose other schools anyway so I wouldn't be so sure. It's easy to claim you wanted to go to Miami but they didn't offer once you've already left and don't have to live by that claim. As for focus, of course we focus in SFLA...it's not only loaded with talent, but it's super easy for the coaches to get to.
We've always done this.

That doesn't give us a pass for striking out on elite locals though.

You realize that CB's Quincy Wilson and Fabian Moreau are both predicted to go within the 1st/2nd round of the upcoming draft and they're both from Broward County? And both would've likely been here had we offered. (I love Corn but I'd trade those 2 for him in a heartbeat) We also would've had Burns in the same defensive backfield. That's THREE 1st round level CB's from South FLA playing at Miami.

Don't get it twisted, the best football players are still down here and South FLA should always remain our focal point. A couple studs from out of state don't change that.

I said we need to take care of home but to act like there aren't elite kids out of state is incredible naive
We've always done this.

That doesn't give us a pass for striking out on elite locals though.

You realize that CB's Quincy Wilson and Fabian Moreau are both predicted to go within the 1st/2nd round of the upcoming draft and they're both from Broward County? And both would've likely been here had we offered. (I love Corn but I'd trade those 2 for him in a heartbeat) We also would've had Burns in the same defensive backfield. That's THREE 1st round level CB's from South FLA playing at Miami.

Don't get it twisted, the best football players are still down here and South FLA should always remain our focal point. A couple studs from out of state don't change that.

@Coach Macho is spot on. All comes down to evaluations. There are so many goos players in south florida each year. If Richt and the recruiting people are good evaluators of talent. Thats really all it takes.
You'll probably get thrashed in this thread by all sides, but here's what I think every coach, even Golden has thought. Try to get the best players, wherever they may be. That's what every coach does and ratios be damned, just get the best you can.

Yup bump all that 70% sfa guys.. please.. I want national guys I don't care if we gotta go to Canada for a prospect.. I want to see our guys aim higher than this!
Our National brand seems to have more clout than our local brand. Our local brand is very tainted for some reason by the locals. The way college football has gone in south and how we have struggled for going on decade plus has given alot of the behind scene guys enough ammo to make moves. We have mishandled some recruitments also but when you hear national guys talk about UM (DJ Johnson, DJ Dallas, Jeff Thomas) They talk more highly than the locals. Its gotten bad, locals are more on wait and see mode, lets see if they win a real game. (which in past few years we always lose) They are more business decision mode. We get no local love. Got to win to get the Local stars, all seem to be on the take
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I want most Dade & PB kids here, but unless they're from STA or Pompano, mannn Broward kids get on my ****** nerves lol

Them got **** Broward divas are the worst lol