Tears Gator Tears

I don’t care WHAT it means or doesn’t mean for the Noles this old man ain’t pulling for a UFAG win..no way no how I don’t care if it meant the noles would win the NC I AINT PULLING FOR THE TURDS...SORRY!!!!!

Could not agree more. This post should be the last one on who to pull for in this game.
Jaromir Jagr swears up and down that Chip Kelly is a done deal at UF, I still dont buy it.

Buyout clause or not, if you have a big name, you need to splash it NOW at UF. Splash it for the heavy boosters, splash it for next season ticket sales, and splash it most importantly to salvage a recruiting class.

Eat the money and hit the ground running. Miami is way ahead of you, but FSU is faltering, and having a big name coach and direction might unlock some recruiting avenues, maybe poach a few from FSU.

I still think if UCLA offers him something comparable, he'll go back to the west coast.

They're seriously mentioning Strong and they don't even realize how fcked they are. 500 pages later, and I'm still finding the delusion hard to believe. They're in a position where they might have to take the guy who, at the richest school in the universe, managed to go 6-7, 5-7, 5-7. I mean, how do you fail like that anywhere let alone Texas? I know they've got problems, but it should be almost impossible to win fewer than 7 games there.
"Florida officials remain engaged with Chip Kelly about becoming the next football coach of the Gators, but the school is preparing to widen its search, multiple sources told Yahoo Sports."



Been trying to tell people that Kelly has too many reasons to pick UCLA, and that he is not the type of guy to marry the first girl who gives up the pvss.

Meanwhile, the Gaytor fans are spreading all kinds of false BS to maintain the illusion that the Chipster is right around the corner. Pretty soon, they will start circulating false "Chip is at a local Gainesville restaurant right now" rumors. I mean, good lord, they have a north Florida radio host yapping about how Chip Kelly has to wait until after the F$U game to take the job to keep his 49ers money, which is a complete load of crap (as he has since acknowledged).

Now you've even got dopey UM fans buying into the hype. As I've said, UCLA could always blow the chase, but right now UF is Chip Kelly's safety school.
I find it hard to believe that UCLA didn’t have some kind of contact with Kelly that made them believe he was coming there.Why else would a booster step up and pledge 6 million at that point to immediately pay off Mora’s buyout when waiting till the end of the season and starting a search then wouldn’t have made much difference.

If he doesn’t sign with a UCLA it would be the biggest surprise this season,unless another west coast job comes open like say Oregon State.

People need to think about this.

First, why do almost all schools use a "search consultant"? So that they can have INDIRECT contact with a coaching candidate, who may be under contract elsewhere, before they actually have "official contact" with a particular candidate. Plausible deniability.

Second, Kelly's agent is a UCLA alum. So UCLA doesn't even need a search consultant in this situation to be able to "put out feelers".

If UCLA wasn't Kelly's first choice, he would have signed with UF already.
I only want them to hire someone these turds don't want keeping the tear flow going. IN 2019 whoever they hire is going to get such an a$$ whipping from the U, he'll do an Urb and have heart issues.

They're seriously mentioning Strong and they don't even realize how fcked they are. 500 pages later, and I'm still finding the delusion hard to believe. They're in a position where they might have to take the guy who, at the richest school in the universe, managed to go 6-7, 5-7, 5-7. I mean, how do you fail like that anywhere let alone Texas? I know they've got problems, but it should be almost impossible to win fewer than 7 games there.

Glad you brought that up. Strong is a guaranteed failure at UF. If Strong's smart, he stays at USF where the competition on the recruiting trail and on the field is subpar. USF with him at the helm will have good seasons. But Texas has the same problems that UF has - boosters that need coddling and having to play the political games. Given Strong's struggles at UT, it's safe to say that he sucked at managing this aspect.
Luke Stampini=Gary Ferman

oh and I have a message to UiF and their fans

They're scared now that espn reported Kelly met with UCLA. Oh please let this happen I'll screen shot everything for you guys lol


This makes absolutely no sense , and could be the dumbest **** I've ever read. This guy needs shot for posting this bs.

An agreement that I can back out of if I want doesn't sound like an agreement. Hence chip never agreed or signed
I read something about Taggart having interest. We'd have to assume Taggart would bring Cristobal with him. How laughable would it be to see Shannon & Cristobal in that **** hole?
It's so obvious chips agent leaked this crap to speed ucla up, then the same day it's leaked a huge ucla booster kicks in million to Moras buyout.

It's starting to be more evident that Chip used UF like the dirty whores they are.

They're seriously mentioning Strong and they don't even realize how fcked they are. 500 pages later, and I'm still finding the delusion hard to believe. They're in a position where they might have to take the guy who, at the richest school in the universe, managed to go 6-7, 5-7, 5-7. I mean, how do you fail like that anywhere let alone Texas? I know they've got problems, but it should be almost impossible to win fewer than 7 games there.

Glad you brought that up. Strong is a guaranteed failure at UF. If Strong's smart, he stays at USF where the competition on the recruiting trail and on the field is subpar. USF with him at the helm will have good seasons. But Texas has the same problems that UF has - boosters that need coddling and having to play the political games. Given Strong's struggles at UT, it's safe to say that he sucked at managing this aspect.

Programs like that need CEO type schmoozers, not offensive/defensive geniuses (unless you can find both in one person). I don't think Kelly makes any sense for them except that it looks like a win...they got a guy other programs wanted. They think an offensive mastermind at HC is the answer, but they're wrong. Get a guy everybody likes and give him the money to hire good staff.

Luckily they don't listen to me, so they'll completely fck this up. Can't wait to see in what novel way they do it.