Forgive my lack of football knowledge….

You guys know how this is going to go, right? It's plain as day.

We are going to go 6-1 in our next 7 games, finishing the ACC schedule at 6-2, and we will finish 3rd in the ACC and miss out on Charlotte because of a diarrhea smoothie of playing like *** + horrendous officiating + the most moronic decision in football coaching history.

I'll bump this post after the Boston College game when we're on our way to the Gator Bowl.
Sign me up for this scenario right now.

We don't want any part of the playoffs this year b/c we'd get raped.

10-2 which is really 11-1, play a New Years Day winnable bowl game, and we fuccin' in recruiting and the future is bright.
Sign me up for this scenario right now.

We don't want any part of the playoffs this year b/c we'd get raped.

10-2 which is really 11-1, play a New Years Day winnable bowl game, and we fuccin' in recruiting and the future is bright.
Why? Outside of UGA and even then who are you a really scared of?
Just one thing of note and I’m sure it’s been mentioned here I just haven’t seen it….if you’re skeptical on the rest of the season or think the first 4 games were fools gold etc just because you’re still thinking about what you saw last year just remember this:

Texas beat Oklahoma 49-0 last season. One year ago. 49-0 and honestly they called the dogs off the whole 4th quarter, if they wanted to it could have been 56-0 easy and probably worse.

One year later, Oklahoma wins. College football can change in an INSTANT. Much more rapidly than the NFL. Especially with the portal now being what it is.

So just a reminder to let things play out and try not to get too high or too low. When we beat FSU 52-10 a few years ago, I was seeing posts and tweets about how we’re 5 years ahead of them, they can’t compete at least for a few seasons, etc. Well, they beat us the next year, then 45-3 happened. Now it’s swung the other way. People will tell you we have absolutely no chance in **** against them because they smoked us last year. Not so fast, my friends. I think this team is MILES better than it was last year. If they can use what happened last week as fuel and not as a fire extinguisher, I like our chances in Chapel Hill. If we get that one, look out.
Gawd ****, the game is in the books, it isn't going to change. Someone cue the Let It Go song.
Gawd ****, the game is in the books, it isn't going to change. Someone cue the Let It Go song.
You can't let pure evil go. It is pure evil to do what the refs and ACC continually do to these poor kids. They should literally be drawn and quartered for this ****.
You can't let pure evil go. It is pure evil to do what the refs and ACC continually do to these poor kids. They should literally be drawn and quartered for this ****.

Drawn and quartered, over a game? Okay, that's hysterical in a sad way.

I can't stand when refs ***** up a review, but I'm glad there's review. Refs are always going to miss things and if one has ever been a ref, you'd know that. It's nowhere near what it's like from a stands or television view.
Drawn and quartered, over a game? Okay, that's hysterical in a sad way.

I can't stand when refs ***** up a review, but I'm glad there's review. Refs are always going to miss things and if one has ever been a ref, you'd know that. It's nowhere near what it's like from a stands or television view.
Yes, this is a pattern of brazen and blatant corruption, it isn't one blown call here and there. It is cheating. It is ruining the lives of young men who are pouring their hearts and souls out on the field to try to better their lives. Worse still, it has gone on for two decades in this conference. It isn't even debatable at this point. The refs literally impacted the score in this game by 3 TDS, aka the spread. Enough is enough and these refs should get what they deserve for being human scum.
Critics always like to cite the Duke game in 2015, but the only reason that happened was the refs hosing us all game. They literally called three egregious pass interference calls on their last TD drive, all in a row.
@SayWhat I wish I could lie to myself and live in denial like you are and chalk it up to a "bad call" on a "bangbang play," but I'm not naive.
Yes, the refs got it wrong, but we had everything in our hands after that play. We allowed GT to score a TD in under 30 seconds on two plays not including the 1st. There are so many other factors that went into the loss besides not kneeling. There are so many lessons to be learned about paying attention to details.

We were hiking the ball with 5-8 seconds left on the clock when GT had no time outs. Had we just ran off another 10 seconds. GT probably doesn't score.

After the "so called fumble", Mario should have taken a timeout. I think everyone including the coaches were in shock and the defense was not mentally ready to take the field as their job should have been finished and they were mentally shut down. A timeout was needed to regroup and focus.

On the last play of the game, a time out should have been taken. How many times in any college or pro game do we see the defense come out and see how the offense is lined up, then call a time out? A time out should have been taken so no mental mistakes were made. After a timeout, It should have been emphasized that GT would likely not have enough time to get their FG team on the field if we tackle their receivers inbounds. Don't let anyone get behind you no matter what. If the receiver catches the ball, hold him up so the clock runs out.

Not including anything before the last 2 minutes of the game, there were so many things we didn't do that I'm not going to scapegoat the refs. Had we done 1 of the several things I pointed out, we likely win the game.
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