For those of you wanting Richt gone..Who would you hire?

Richt has done an excellent job, facilities on the upgrade staff is the best we have had in a decade and the future seems bright.
to take the next step we need to beat the Clemsons , Bamas OSU's of the world.
Richt only issue as a coach comes when he takes on the HOF coaches Saban, Spurrier and U.Meyer
and during his time at UGA to lose a game where Dawg Nation would say WTF.
Any criticism of Richt should be tempered by thoughts of Coker, Shannon & Golden years when we truly a dumpster fire
FFS, anyone that thinks taking a job like Miami is "cushy" and he wants to "coast" is as dumb as a box of hammers. You do realize that he could have retired very, very comfortably and no put himself or his family through the rigors of college coaching ...right?

We are nothing short of blessed to have him as a coach.
I would have hired butch personally, I've already seen what that man can do shortstaffed, short rostered, with no admin behind him

I would have loved to seen what he could do with a uni that actually gives a crap about football

one things for sure, I think butch would have had a LOT better staff built by now

oh... and he'd fire rumph

I don’t want him gone, not yet. I think he can win NC here even though he was not up to it at uga. But if he is fired there can be only one choice, Butch Davis. That said, that is not going to happen. Mark has two more years to get us into playoffs or he will need to retire. We are not uga fans and Mark is not Golden. He will retire after the first plane. This is Miami and Winning is not all that matters, winning the National Championship is all that matters.
Anyone that said Richt needs to be gone is just super fan who knows nothing about football. Lol. There are about 3 ONLY that could replace Right, and Meyers, Saban, or Carroll ain't leaving their spot anytime soon.
I would have hired butch personally, I've already seen what that man can do shortstaffed, short rostered, with no admin behind him

I would have loved to seen what he could do with a uni that actually gives a crap about football

one things for sure, I think butch would have had a LOT better staff built by now

oh... and he'd fire rumph

You saw Butch of 90s. Butch would not have done anything close to Richt has.
Hiring Manny Diaz, Jon Richt, Ephraim Banda, Mike Rumph, Jonathan Patke, etc, is GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION.

You fools continue to give Richt a pass for hiring these incompetent coaches. Plus, while at UGA, Richt consistently lost to ***** teams like Vanderbilt and mediocre UF, so no one should be surprised that he loses to ***** teams like 4-7 Notre Dame and 5-7 Pittsburgh, etc. That sh×t happened.
Hiring Manny Diaz, Jon Richt, Ephraim Banda, Mike Rumph, Jonathan Patke, etc, is GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION.

You fools continue to give Richt a pass for hiring these incompetent coaches. Plus, while at UGA, Richt consistently lost to ***** teams like Vanderbilt and mediocre UF, so no one should be surprised that he loses to ***** teams like 4-7 Notre Dame and 5-7 Pittsburgh, etc. That sh×t happened.
What was the old name you used to post under?
This^ the stupidest thing i’ve read in weeks. That’s saying a lot.

How many coaches would average 10 wins a year over 15 years in the SEC?......and how many of those coaches could we afford to pay? Richt's salary is about 20th highest in the nation and IIRC we pay him double what they were paying Golden. It looks to me we'd have to go up at least 50% on what we pay to get one of the elites.
If you guys don't want him gone, then why undermine him constantly and say he has a ceiling of never winning a National Title on a regular basis? Isn't he the coach of the team you love?
Richt is good in my book. As long as he can make changes to his staff and not ride and die with em.

He needs to get the offense going. Past 2 seasons he had QB's hinder want he wants to do on offense. You got 3 QB on the roster you recruited. Time to ride with one and get him acclimated.

Diaz defense would be one of top 5 defenses in the country. If he could figure out how to stop an offense on 3rd downs. OC don't even get discouraged when we sack or TFL them on 1st and 2nd down. They know they will be able to pick it all back up on 3rd down. Chances are, if we don't get a TO on the drive at hand. The opposing offense is going to get points.
Anyone that said Richt needs to be gone is just super fan who knows nothing about football. Lol. There are about 3 ONLY that could replace Right, and Meyers, Saban, or Carroll ain't leaving their spot anytime soon.

I agree,

And we couldn't afford ANY one of them.

In fact it would be a notable dent in our budget to pay, what those three, are now paying any one of their Asst. Coaches.

Some here do not realize the extent of the $$ disparity between us and the schools where these guys are coaching.

We simply cannot compete dollar wise for "BIG NAME coaches" so we wouldn't even be in the picture if they became available. We were very very lucky Richt was available and most importantly willing when we needed a coach.