First Rd Management

First Round Management Question (Now a poll too)

  • Interrupt them please. The plebes need to be heard at any time.

  • STFU and let them fight. I see enough comments from the plebes. Let the battle rage uninterrupted.

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Pete I personally am really tired of you running your box like you're giving people truth when you're talking in tongues. These dudes on here can feel free to believe what they want. It's what they should do. But me I'm done with this. He got 1k and a weekly surplus of steaks from some ****** meat market on us1 in a strip mall... That ain't no ****** cash deal when that is spent on dinner in our circle. You have a nice day peter and I really do hope the nonsense you talk comes to fruition. Cause we do need alot more people who care about the kids who put money in their pockets. It may be you personally but it sure the **** ain't fifth round management...
jeff goldblum checkmate GIF
which is fine. some of us in business perform "lost leaders" to get a client into our business. i do certain things for large companies as a favor knowing that I will be in line for more work. nothing wrong with that or what FRM is doing if they are doing it to help develop business.

Loss leader. Assuming typo, the autocorrect algo here is a beast.
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