Ferman Says Al Golden Was Blindsided

At the end of the day, The play on the field is what matters the most. And the play on the field is ******.
If the Scout board knew this was coming, how did he not know?

huh? Where do you get that from? The only thing I recall back from grassy was when yahoo/robinson leaked that he had earth shattering allegations about a school but didn't report what school. Even that was done after golden got hired, imo.
So our players suck again

How are these kids even out there sacrificing their bodies for this guy? He's steamrolling them under the bus now
He was blindside?!?!?!

Our defense looks they were blindsided every **** Saturday (on Thursday nights too).

In both instances, shapiro and prior to another shameful game performance, the fans can see it coming, but Golden can't?
If the Scout board knew this was coming, how did he not know?

huh? Where do you get that from? The only thing I recall back from grassy was when yahoo/robinson leaked that he had earth shattering allegations about a school but didn't report what school. Even that was done after golden got hired, imo.

The extent might not have been known but there was talk about allegations coming...
Gary Ferman says Al Golden was blindsided by the Nevin Shapiro scandal. Everyone here knew that Shapiro posed a real threat to Miami's football program. I believe that Golden was caught by surprise but should he have been? Almost everyone else new there was a pending problem. I also believe that we the fans have to support Golden and the team, we have the talent to beat all the remaining teams and that includes Florida State. To get the facts straight here's a timeline courtesy of the Miami Herald:

April 2010
Shapiro is charged in federal court in New Jersey with running a $900 million Ponzi scheme. He is held in federal custody without bond.

August 2010
Shapiro, from prison, tells the Miami Herald that he intends to write a book alleging he gave cash and other gifts to some Canes’ football players.

August 2010
Failed contact
UM, after reading the Herald article, contacts Shapiro, but he is unwilling to share information.

September 2010
Shapiro pleads guilty to securities fraud and money laundering in connection with his Ponzi scheme.

December 2010
No book
Shapiro decides against writing a book and begins working jointly with Yahoo! Sports.

December 13, 2010
Al Golden reported hired by ESPN as Miami's next coach.

August 16, 2011
Yahoo! report
Yahoo reports Shapiro gave improper benefits to 72 players and several coaches.

August 16th 2011 was over three years ago though…….
So was there excuses there for Al during NSD 2012 and 2013? Absolutely, but its not like recruiting was a disaster. Sure it hampered him from bringing in top 5 classes and it would be a legit excuse if we were a top 20 team right but we aren't even close to that. We recruited top 15 on paper those two years but have played at a top 40 level. Also last year there was no cloud going into NSD and we still crawled to the finish line. Its all BS, and only a simp can say otherwise…..
The simps continue to buy the "Folden as victim" narrative that Folden perpetuated. That Shapiro mess was the best thing that ever happened to that fat piece of ****. It gave him his excuse for failure that he's duped everyone into buying.

He almost rode that thing right into the Ped State gig that he begged for. Had Charlie Strong not throat fcked him so unmercifully in the Rustled Bowl, he would have parlayed that cloud into the Ped State gig. That would have given him another 5 years at a major program where he could have swindled them out of $30M total including buyout.

I've written something similar and agree 100% with that take. He was blindsided, sure, that is absolutely true. But it has nothing to do with the fact that his Temple "death by 1000 paper cuts" philosophy just isn't a good match for Miami. And at this point, four years into the experiment, the numbers bear it out completely. No amount of time or talent will change that. The Shapiro mess is the most favorable red herring Golden could have ever asked for.
August 16th 2011 was over three years ago though…….
So was there excuses there for Al during NSD 2012 and 2013? Absolutely, but its not like recruiting was a disaster. Sure it hampered him from bringing in top 5 classes and it would be a legit excuse if we were a top 20 team right but we aren't even close to that. We recruited top 15 on paper those two years but have played at a top 40 level. Also last year there was no cloud going into NSD and we still crawled to the finish line. Its all BS, and only a simp can say otherwise…..

On top of all that, the cloud has been gone for over a year, yet his 2015 class looks worse than the cloud classes. How does he excuse his way out of that? Could it be that the **** product he's putting on the field is doing more damage than this lame cloud?
If the Scout board knew this was coming, how did he not know?

huh? Where do you get that from? The only thing I recall back from grassy was when yahoo/robinson leaked that he had earth shattering allegations about a school but didn't report what school. Even that was done after golden got hired, imo.

The extent might not have been known but there was talk about allegations coming...

I call bullchat on that.
Even if he was blind sided he still can't croot or coach we seen enough to know that. So gtfo of sfla please.
Anyone who believes this built in excuse bull**** that Golden is trying to pull is a ******* moron.

He knew....not only that but I'd be willing to bet he actually looked at it as a built in insurance plan.

Ferman is a ******* idiot.
Sorry. I want Golden canned as much as the next guy, but this is bull**** revisionist history. He was absolutely blindsided.

In August 2010, the Shapiro stuff was a mild rumor. Most people chalked it up to a disgruntled groupie spewing loads of garbage. Nobody thought anyone would take Shapiro seriously because he clearly had an ax to grind and was a convicted, professional conman. I know that's how I felt. In fact, it was such a non-story that I completely forgot about the whole thing until the story dropped in August 2011 (or, more likely, some poster gave us the heads up a week before).

At best, if he did his due diligence, Golden may have seen some smoke. At worst, he was completely blindsided. Regardless, there's no way he could have predicted what actually unfolded. There is not a person on this planet, not even Nevin Shapiro himself, who envisioned the investigation being drawn out like it was.

I'd love for him to get fired tomorrow, but y'all should be glad we had Golden during the sanctions. If there's one good thing he did for us, it's not leaving when he had the chance. That would've been the stake through the heart. He held the program together during a dark time. He deserves credit for standing with us but it's time for the program to move on.

Great post.
Sorry. I want Golden canned as much as the next guy, but this is bull**** revisionist history. He was absolutely blindsided.

In August 2010, the Shapiro stuff was a mild rumor. Most people chalked it up to a disgruntled groupie spewing loads of garbage. Nobody thought anyone would take Shapiro seriously because he clearly had an ax to grind and was a convicted, professional conman. I know that's how I felt. In fact, it was such a non-story that I completely forgot about the whole thing until the story dropped in August 2011 (or, more likely, some poster gave us the heads up a week before).

At best, if he did his due diligence, Golden may have seen some smoke. At worst, he was completely blindsided. Regardless, there's no way he could have predicted what actually unfolded. There is not a person on this planet, not even Nevin Shapiro himself, who envisioned the investigation being drawn out like it was.

I'd love for him to get fired tomorrow, but y'all should be glad we had Golden during the sanctions. If there's one good thing he did for us, it's not leaving when he had the chance. That would've been the stake through the heart. He held the program together during a dark time. He deserves credit for standing with us but it's time for the program to move on.

Great post.

Not only do I disagree about that being a "great post"...it's absolutely inaccurate.

He knew. We knew....it was no secret. This is exactly the type of bull**** excuses that I knew would start popping up as soon as the heat turned up on that fat ****.

What's disappointing (but not surprising) is that there are idiots in this fan base that actually believe that garbage.

He knew. I'd bet my life on it.
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If he was blindsided, then that makes us even as the way he talks we thought he could coach. Add Dorito to the mix and he needs to shut the **** up because that makes him the **** fraud.
First of all Al has given a lot to the university and the university owes him for helping us get through the Shapiro and NCAA mess. I think Al has to be given every opportunity to right the ship and it starts by evaluating everything the team is doing from practices, to coaches to who are the best game day players. As far as what he knew I think he probably discounted the Shapiro accusations made to the Miami Herald in August 2010 but the facts were out there then and nobody can dispute that. After USC it was clear a microscope was going to be put on our program.