Ferman Says Al Golden Was Blindsided

ChemicAL ALi is not as dumb as his slurper following is trying to make him out to be....I'm calling bull$hit on this so-called Shapiro history lesson.
He's full of ****. It was well known something was coming...

And I think you're full of ****. I follow UM football very closely and if it weren't for the fact that I read message boards and receive regular emails I would not have known about it, even if it received publicity on ESPN.

Unless you know that he knew, or can provide better evidence that he was likely to have knowledge, you guys should curb your hate. I've raised questions about the quality of the coaching on this team, particularly the defensive coaching, but the hate here is worse than one can imagine. It's one thing to criticize the coaching and staff, it's another thing to wallow in constant, obsessive hate.

The people who run this board are as much to blame for creating a hate site out of what used to be a good sports site. Perhaps they like that, since it becomes clickbait. This is the really dark side of the internet.
Sorry. I want Golden canned as much as the next guy, but this is bull**** revisionist history. He was absolutely blindsided.

In August 2010, the Shapiro stuff was a mild rumor. Most people chalked it up to a disgruntled groupie spewing loads of garbage. Nobody thought anyone would take Shapiro seriously because he clearly had an ax to grind and was a convicted, professional conman. I know that's how I felt. In fact, it was such a non-story that I completely forgot about the whole thing until the story dropped in August 2011 (or, more likely, some poster gave us the heads up a week before).

At best, if he did his due diligence, Golden may have seen some smoke. At worst, he was completely blindsided. Regardless, there's no way he could have predicted what actually unfolded. There is not a person on this planet, not even Nevin Shapiro himself, who envisioned the investigation being drawn out like it was.

I'd love for him to get fired tomorrow, but y'all should be glad we had Golden during the sanctions. If there's one good thing he did for us, it's not leaving when he had the chance. That would've been the stake through the heart. He held the program together during a dark time. He deserves credit for standing with us but it's time for the program to move on.

I kind of can agree with this. Golden sucks and him choosing to keep his friend employed for a job that he is obviously not qualified to do over doing the right thing for university makes me disgusted that we keep him around. But the shapiro thing was not known as what is was when it was finally released. Everyone knew of shapiro and things he was alleging but nobody believed that could really be happening at UM. We were the school thought to be doing it right is what was being touted at time (we laughed at UF and Urban and his goons in years prior).

I remember there being a hint that there was a HUGE story about to drop on a big University and all of us being like who could it be since it wasnt us! With all that said, I am sure a con like Golden has shown to be, knew enough details of what was being said but in his and the university position he can say he didnt know and the university can not really deny that. Plus dont feel sorry for the guy, he was compensated for this. He has taken and cashed every check since story broke now it is his job to deal with it regardless and produce wins. If not, GTFO!
It's true, he was blindsided. No one told him.
It's called Google. That's why you pay agents to help you do research for a job they are negotiating.

dont believe for a second team golden wasn't aware on their own regardless of if UM Didn't tell him. He could have asked about it and cornered them before signing.

no, my guess was this was a preemptive I'll have an excuse to complain and renegotiate card. Miami was stupid for not telling him upfront just to avoid that.
He's full of ****. It was well known something was coming...

And I think you're full of ****. I follow UM football very closely and if it weren't for the fact that I read message boards and receive regular emails I would not have known about it, even if it received publicity on ESPN.

Unless you know that he knew, or can provide better evidence that he was likely to have knowledge, you guys should curb your hate. I've raised questions about the quality of the coaching on this team, particularly the defensive coaching, but the hate here is worse than one can imagine. It's one thing to criticize the coaching and staff, it's another thing to wallow in constant, obsessive hate.

The people who run this board are as much to blame for creating a hate site out of what used to be a good sports site. Perhaps they like that, since it becomes clickbait. This is the really dark side of the internet.

I have one word for you. Google.

who the **** doesn't have him or his rep do easy to find homework in 2010. It's not like it's 1991- looking at a library microfilm of past herald articles.
What thee **** is that got to do with Miami horrible defensive scheme and not making the proper adjustment to fix the situation...