Even Ferman is taking the gloves off

I agree to some extent, but believe me, it does not matter who is the AD at Bama or Clemson the head ball coach makes the calls there and rightfully so.
It's not an issue at Clemson. Radikovitch is firmly behind football . I doubt the AD at Bama has much at all to say to Saban other than "yes, you can have the $$ you want"
Yea we’ve all thought we’d have new and pretty things before and yet here we are worrying if Chud or Tommy Tuberville will be the new HC.Until I see what’s inside my presents I’m not believing I’ll get anything good from this bunch playing Santa Claus…
No we haven’t. We’ve never thought we’d get anything new OR pretty!! This Miami… the bargain rack of college football.
I think Herbie is a closet Canes fan. Bless his heart, love what he did for the U on national tv.

He's been that way for years now. He know's Miami just makes things more interesting. He's gotta be bored at the current landscape
Ferman is probably right about what's happening big picture but I would not rely on him for accurate details. This was the guy who said Gruden was a done deal weeks after they were done talking to him and were never even close on numbers.
@jp2344 - was that you feeding Ferman bad info on purpose? 😂😂😂
It was, at the time, an unmitigated disaster. The school paid nearly double what they should have per outside analysts. To pay it off, they started funneling the higher paying, insured patients to UHealth and out of Jackson. This almost bankrupted Jackson and UHealth had to pay MASSIVE fines because of it.

The strong financial performance is because of Covid. Insurance companies and the government are paying pretty much 100% charged and not the negotiated percentages or fixed amounts like other services or procedures. Whatever financial success they have found in the last year is a product of a pandemic and luck and has absolutely zero to do with a single Betz cell found in Coral Gables.
Which probably explains all xxxxxxxxxxxx (I know, it’s for another forum) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Edit - strikes from the record, your honors for probably speaking out of my a$$
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It's really easy to take the gloves off when things are obvious and it's clear everyone is dead and not breathing...but where was this bravado when everyone was cheering Manny Diaz or jerking off the hiring of Rhett Lashlee?
I think many of us got the Lashlee hiring wrong. But most here were not happy with the Manny hire. Off-season Manny, many liked but obviously when it counted he sucks.
Listen; I’m not a Debbie Downer. I’m typically optimistic, but this article highlights why this University can’t get out of its own way.

There are WAAAAAAAY too many ppl who in the kitchen of athletics w/o the resume in athletics.

You want to change chit? Stop doing the same chit. I’ll be honest folks, b/c Miami have sucked, it’s forced my hand to explore the world of CFB vs keeping on my Orange & Green shades, exclusively. I don’t think I can recall any other school’s BOT being so heavily involved in every single athletic decision. What I typically see is either the BOT or Board of Regents get involved to make a change to the AD. THE AD. If the AD proves to be incompetent, they meet to remove them for their post. If they prove to be competent, they r there to support whatever they need.

And that’s my problem w/ our decision making. Again, if Blake, indeed, went rogue, if the entire athletics have gone to chit under his watch, u don’t solve the matter by involving “business people” to fix “athletic issues.” YOU FIRE THE AD & HIRE A COMPETENT AD!

I’m not sure how much others loosely follow other programs, but this is not normal. So yes, while it’s refreshing Miami wants to semi step into the 21st century, they still have a control issue in which guys who never played or ran athletics r trying to run the dept from a quasi state.

Step 1. Decide what the total budget will be, and realize that it needs to expand exponentially

Step 2. Fire Blake James & his cronies

Step 3. Hire a capable AD either from another, SUCCESSFUL P5 program, an Assistant AD from a SUCCESSFUL P5 program, or an NFL personnel executive.

Step 4. GET OUT OF THEIR WAY. Support their needs

Step 5. Get out of this Adidas contract & go back to Nike b/c image & perception is everything. (OK, step 5 was more personal, but true at the same time. lol)

But in all seriousness, those 4 steps need to be done. This school overthinks so much. The fact James is still being considered as a AD is all I need to know. Til that change, til this BOT get over its control issues, nothing will change.
#5 though - we are at a low point. Will Nike pay us more or less than what Addidas is paying now? Likely not but I could be wrong
Manny hasn't been fired because Blake brought him on as a 5 year project and knows that firing him now will make him look stupider. Lots of telling stuff in that article.

James going behind everyone's back to hire Diaz while people were away on holiday vacations is a fireable offense on its own. But going to Frenks to stamp before they get back?
First, Blake was told to hire him by the BOTs or at least a portion of them. He wanted, and announced there would be a national search, but was overruled when Diaz Sr used his influence to see to it his son got the job. Any comments otherwise are false, be it purposeful or they just don’t know.

As for Manny surviving, that simply cannot and will not happen
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#5 though - we are at a low point. Will Nike pay us more or less than what Addidas is paying now? Likely not but I could be wrong
They could pull a Michigan on us. What’s funny is that was the 1st thing Harbaugh requested when taking the job. He said we need to switch b/c perception is everything. A couple of high profiled Michigan alums, namely Charles Woodson made it happen by reaching out to MJ, since he’s a Jordan Brand athlete, & the rest was history. The ONLY reason that happened, though, is b/c Michigan hired a credible coach. The results? Michigan apparel sold out w/in minutes. Btw, same happened w/ UCLA.

Adidas is all in on U Dub. There’s a whole article on why Washington became Adidas’ new flagship school. Just like we didn’t hold up on our end of the bargain for the ACC, we haven’t held up our end w/ Adidas & their attention is on UL (basketball), KU (basketball) & UDub (football). I’m going to assume once ASU’s contract is up, being that, that’s James Harden’s school, they’ll get broke off, too. Another indictment on James….these schools signed 6-8 yr deals, and we signed a 12 yr deal when the market has already changed.

Just one more thing of y I posted point 5….Long Beach Poly switched from Adidas back to Nike. Allegedly some local kids were not coming to Poly b/c of brand affiliation (per my home girl whose son is going to be a top 2023 kid in the nation).
The direct quote as to why was as follows: “Adidas and Oakley are underdog companies and there’s nothing underdog about Poly football.” Again, point 5 is about perception, and Adidas is perceived as a 2nd rate company + Yeezy. And Yeezy even goes on his IG sporting & begging for Nike apparel.
They could pull a Michigan on us. What’s funny is that was the 1st thing Harbaugh requested when taking the job. He said we need to switch b/c perception is everything. A couple of high profiled Michigan alums, namely Charles Woodson made it happen by reaching out to MJ, since he’s a Jordan Brand athlete, & the rest was history. The ONLY reason that happened, though, is b/c Michigan hired a credible coach. The results? Michigan apparel sold out w/in minutes. Btw, same happened w/ UCLA.

Adidas is all in on U Dub. There’s a whole article on why Washington became Adidas’ new flagship school. Just like we didn’t hold up on our end of the bargain for the ACC, we haven’t held up our end w/ Adidas & their attention is on UL (basketball), KU (basketball) & UDub (football). I’m going to assume once ASU’s contract is up, being that, that’s James Harden’s school, they’ll get broke off, too. Another indictment on James….these schools signed 6-8 yr deals, and we signed a 12 yr deal when the market has already changed.

Just one more thing of y I posted point 5….Long Beach Poly switched from Adidas back to Nike. Allegedly some local kids were not coming to Poly b/c of brand affiliation (per my home girl whose son is going to be a top 2023 kid in the nation).
The direct quote as to why was as follows: “Adidas and Oakley are underdog companies and there’s nothing underdog about Poly football.” Again, point 5 is about perception, and Adidas is perceived as a 2nd rate company + Yeezy. And Yeezy even goes on his IG sporting & begging for Nike apparel.
Legit info & view point right here. Good sh*+!!!!
I agree to some extent, but believe me, it does not matter who is the AD at Bama or Clemson the head ball coach makes the calls there and rightfully so.
I think what’s setting us apart from other schools is something Herbie said; other schools r completely aligned from Top to Bottom. We are not. OK, so w/ that being the case, then a coach needs to have a boss who’s going to not only support, but absorb all the ****ing contest, political bull chit from the top, so said coach can do its job effectively.

I believe the reason y the BOT loves James is b/c despite his incompetence, he’s the ultimate yes man, and can easily be manipulated.

Before doing my own thing, I worked for a company whose CEO literally made a living on wrecking companies & getting fired for his golden parachute, & a BOT where only 2 of the 15 members had experience in risk management & understood fiduciary responsibility, where the other 13 were grandfathered in from their relatives. It was a complete chit show at the top, to the point they lost accreditation from AM Best & JD Powers. I didn’t care bout the top, I cared about my $$. The managers i thrived under were the ones who shielded us from the bull chit, & allowed us to do us b/c my team was a proven commodity. The managers who didn’t know wtf they were doing & jumped at every beckon call of the admin failed me & my team 100% of the time.

My point being, Blake has shown an inefficiency as an AD, and that’s troublesome. It took Golden to push the training tables. It took Richt to push for the IPF. That’s not either of their jobs; that’s supposed to be Blake’s. A seasoned coach coming from an institution where the AD is all in on support, is not going to want to come in & be overseen by a guy who don’t know wtf they r doing. Jmo from personal experience.
cat bird GIF
This just killed me for some reason
There are other owner’s hand involved in that especially the biggest voice of all, David Beckham. That’s not all on Mas. Not defending him just pointing out that one is complicated.
Could be a reason he wants Miami to win bad so not all his teams suck
Speaking of Lame Ducks (AD) I think it is unlikely Mario will be HC here any time soon. And to me that's not a bad thing. (because) The guy has laid it on extra thick at Oregon "I love this place. I couldn't be happier". Yeah, I know Money Talks and Talent Walks, and you have to put on a show, but it would be a little dishonest to duck and weave, I mean leave. I could picture Mario here telling the Canes in a meeting "I love you guys" and one or more thinking "as much as a duck"?