Even Ferman is taking the gloves off

Ferman is probably right about what's happening big picture but I would not rely on him for accurate details. This was the guy who said Gruden was a done deal weeks after they were done talking to him and were never even close on numbers.
One thing I must have missed in the article was any mention of James Blake being dismissed from his football duties or his AD duties et al……It actually said he would REMAIN in charge of things going forward.

That’s the scariest part of that article that WASN’T in there….unless I misread the article of course.
While it wasn’t overtly states, I’m pretty sure a reorganized department would inherently mean new leadership.
Im only okay with this if the AD has been told by the folks who have the bag that if Mario makes it clear he wants the gig...search is over. Hes the guy. We cant turn him down a 3rd time. The guy has proven he can, at the very least, get us to the ACC title game every other year if not every year. He has, 2 and about to get 3, PAC 12 titles. He doesnt need to prove anything more to the administration and this fanbase. I dont want them to overthink this is all im saying.
I’m 100000% on the Mario train. I just want an honest search so to speak. Not saying it would happen, but say we get a new AD and he is able to pull a big name coach, for purely example sakes, say Chris Peterson. I’d take him over Mario obviously. I don’t want new power brokers saying we want Mario since he’s from my HS, my area, etc. That line of thinking got us into the Manny mess.
Fernandez' resume:

As Senior Vice President for Public Affairs and Communications and Chief of Staff, Fernandez has been Frenk's most-trusted aide in his time as President. His primary role has been nurturing relationships with federal, state and local government entities and serving as the chief legislative strategist.

Fernandez oversees the Division of University Communications, which stewards the brand and shares stories of the university's impact. He created the Public Affairs division at the University to better coordinate all communication and external relations efforts. As Chief of Staff, Fernandez works with other campus leaders in developing and implementing long-range strategy on behalf of the institution.

Prior to joining the university in 2007 as vice president for government and community relations, Fernandez spent over a decade in Washington, DC. He was Special Assistant to the President in the George W. Bush White House. He also held senior positions in the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Bush-Cheney 2004 Campaign and the Republican National Committee.
a bureaucrat who became a lobbyist, okay :
Others that have more current info can chime in, but the U Health purchase was virulently opposed by a number of fiscally responsible BOT's and was indeed a disaster early on. Norman Braman, who is as smart an individual as one can find, even resigned from the BOT. Perhaps donations and covid funding has turned that operation around, but I truly find it impossible to believe that is the reason we suddenly have bitcoin to properly run an athletic operation.
that's what I understood : it was bleeding cash ( supposedly plenty of fraud and mismanagement)
Others that have more current info can chime in, but the U Health purchase was virulently opposed by a number of fiscally responsible BOT's and was indeed a disaster early on. Norman Braman, who is as smart an individual as one can find, even resigned from the BOT. Perhaps donations and covid funding has turned that operation around, but I truly find it impossible to believe that is the reason we suddenly have bitcoin to properly run an athletic operation.
The fact that we haven't heard them trumpeting its turnaround is evidence you're correct. But I'll say this., donations and covid funding probably would have just maintained the status quo. With 30 outpatient facilities, they should have shown profitability or sold portions of it, but covid may have delayed some of that. We're in a time when the small practice or hospital is getting squeezed and having to consolidate to survive. Uhealth should be poised to thrive because of that.
Others that have more current info can chime in, but the U Health purchase was virulently opposed by a number of fiscally responsible BOT's and was indeed a disaster early on. Norman Braman, who is as smart an individual as one can find, even resigned from the BOT. Perhaps donations and covid funding has turned that operation around, but I truly find it impossible to believe that is the reason we suddenly have bitcoin to properly run an athletic operation.
It was, at the time, an unmitigated disaster. The school paid nearly double what they should have per outside analysts. To pay it off, they started funneling the higher paying, insured patients to UHealth and out of Jackson. This almost bankrupted Jackson and UHealth had to pay MASSIVE fines because of it.

The strong financial performance is because of Covid. Insurance companies and the government are paying pretty much 100% charged and not the negotiated percentages or fixed amounts like other services or procedures. Whatever financial success they have found in the last year is a product of a pandemic and luck and has absolutely zero to do with a single Betz cell found in Coral Gables.
Great insight and let’s hope this comes to fruition. Him saying timing has sped up is great news. It needs to happen sooner than later mostly bc of early signing day and LSU and USC looking at many candidates including Mario that we would want. They are gonna have to figure our this new structure financial commitment quickly to present to all of the candidates. If we can show a big money commitment we will be a wanted job again. Mario is #1 IMO just based on his success at Oregon, recruiting and obviously being his home.
Regardless of Money you aren’t going to get a good coach with a Lame duck/ bad AD. Haven’t seen any smoke of him being fired, so I don’t think anything will change big picture.
I think what Fermans article was saying is that even if BJ is kept on as AD, he will have no power to make any real decisions without someone else doing the checks and balances. Maybe hes not going to be cool with that and will just resign. Which is fine by all parties involved I assume. This whole "he is a great fundraiser" narrative seems to have run its course.
You could make the argument that we would be competing for the college playoffs this season if we had the right coach and staff. The ACC was/is there for the taking and we totally blew it.
Respectfully disagree. Again lots of pieces are there. Bottom line is this squad has been built from the back forward. It will never work for getting to that level. With the exception of CCST, every squad we’ve played, including App St, has gotten the better of us on both lines of scrimmage. Unacceptable.
Everybody was talking bout Trob being a great coach. Dude may be able to recruit, witch is impotent, but he ain't coached up these DBs worth a sh*t.
From a playmaking standpoint I have never seen this level of incompetence from a DB room. We are fast approaching 15-20 dropped int’s. Most of which are right in the breadbasket turnover opportunities that our guys flat out drop. Many of which were momentum/game changing opportunities
It was, at the time, an unmitigated disaster. The school paid nearly double what they should have per outside analysts. To pay it off, they started funneling the higher paying, insured patients to UHealth and out of Jackson. This almost bankrupted Jackson and UHealth had to pay MASSIVE fines because of it.

The strong financial performance is because of Covid. Insurance companies and the government are paying pretty much 100% charged and not the negotiated percentages or fixed amounts like other services or procedures. Whatever financial success they have found in the last year is a product of a pandemic and luck and has absolutely zero to do with a single Betz cell found in Coral Gables.
But have they paid it off yet? Because with the offices they have and the services they provide, they should be doing well. Outpatient is where the money is.
From a playmaking standpoint I have never seen this level of incompetence from a DB room. We are fast approaching 15-20 dropped int’s. Most of which are right in the breadbasket turnover opportunities that our guys flat out drop. Many of which were momentum/game changing opportunities
That is something people arent talking about enough. The amount of interceptions this secondary has dropped is embarrasing.

I am seriously asking, do any of our CBs have an interception this season?? If not, that is insane.
That is something people arent talking about enough. The amount of interceptions this secondary has dropped is embarrasing.

I am seriously asking, do any of our CBs have an interception this season?? If not, that is insane.
I didn’t watch the Connecticut game but I can only think of 3 ints right now. 2 of which were pick six: Flagg and Harvey. The other was a tipped pass that carter caught against app state.
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You will not see the words FIRED. You will see a press release of him moving on.
I don’t get the posters that want to make Manny (or Blake for that matter) do the Canes Walk like Cersi in game of thrones (shame!). Same as I didn’t mind when Manny let Banda and crew get a soft landing.

They didn’t get us caught cheating or something. I hope Manny lands on his feet. Just don’t want him in orange & green anymore.
Ferman is probably right about what's happening big picture but I would not rely on him for accurate details. This was the guy who said Gruden was a done deal weeks after they were done talking to him and were never even close on numbers.
He’s on track with what he’s saying. I’m not sure if it’s the information or just what he was trying emphasize (names) but I think there’s some other important specifics as far as AD he left out. Don’t agree with the dropping of names but I guess he has to as his revenue source. To each our own.
Respectfully disagree. Again lots of pieces are there. Bottom line is this squad has been built from the back forward. It will never work for getting to that level. With the exception of CCST, every squad we’ve played, including App St, has gotten the better of us on both lines of scrimmage. Unacceptable.
I am not saying we are that good..I am saying the ACC is that bad. I think most agree the majority of our problems stem from coaching and scheme.

If we are saying its not a talent issue, then we should be 5-1 at the moment. With the ACC title being in our sights.

Posters keep waiting for that "UNC 2020" type loss this year to be the final dagger for Manny but I have a feeling that type of loss never comes. We will definitely lose to NC State and Pitt but not in blow out fashion imo. VT, GT, Duke and FSU absolutely arent blowing us out. Thats talent taking over when coaching just isnt there. We can agree to disagree. This has been probably the most disappointing season since the 2005 season IMO. So its all moot anyway.