"Entitled" South Florida Recruits

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I agree. I think when it comes to Golden, many of our fan base thinks he walks on water. I think our staff CAN recruit and I do like Golden A LOT, but that doesn't mean he's perfect. I have the same critique and I think it DOES have merit. I think its over stated when guys like Luke say he doesn't recruit S. Florida. I don't agree with that 100% but I do believe our strategy for home is flawed at times. Now I think if there is a top kid in our backyard, WE need to be first on that kid and not playing catch up. Everyone was on Skai last year EXCEPT us until 11th hour. IF the numbers were truly tight then why not at least communicate and explain the situation and keep the channel open, rather than looking late to the party? We had SEVERAL plan A's that didn't come through last cycle and we had ZERO contingencies. When Mario and Coley got on staff, you could see the philosophy slowly starting to change and we got a lot more offers out earlier to kids at home. Communicating and offering are 2 different things, I think we fail in the communicating part. Just be straight up and keep the lines of communication open and positive because you never know when you have to come back and see that kid and you don't want to look like oh I ignored you for MONTHS and then in the 11th hour here is an offer and just expect the kid to take it. **** Skai said had UM even started recruiting him up until 2 weeks before he finalized on S. Carolina he'd probably have picked UM. I just wish the fan base would be FAIR and HONEST in their assessments. Criticizing does not mean you don't like Coach Golden. It just means you recognize he has chinks in his armor, all coaches do, even Nick Saban. You just don't hear as much about Saban's because he wins.

with skai, we had a small class and he likely wouldve been offered earlier under a normal recruiting year. when there are guys like MT out there and you are working w restrictions, you have to wait on his decision. again, without any recruiting sanctions, skai would have been at UM

That's fine and that is understood. The PROBLEM I have is the lack of communication. Communication doesn't mean OFFER. It just means keep the lines of communication open so the RELATIONSHIP is there so IF you have to offer late, its HARDER for the kid to say NO. Very rarely do you have Jawand Blues where that kind of strategy works. I think honestly and open lines of communication are what's needed. If they keep the lines of communication open and tell Skai we'd like to have you but our numbers are tight, THEN perhaps in 11th hour when you say we found a scholarship for you, he's more inclined to take it. You can't just show up in 11th hour with ZERO relationship and expect him to sign. THAT is my issue.
Regarding Moore, how does everyone seem to know exactly what happened? Didn't know there were so many hurricanes coaches and Moore's relatives in this board.
Regarding Moore, how does everyone seem to know exactly what happened? Didn't know there were so many hurricanes coaches and Moore's relatives in this board.

These are probably the same folks (op included) that were convinced that RB from South Plantation
was headed here.
Regarding Moore, how does everyone seem to know exactly what happened? Didn't know there were so many hurricanes coaches and Moore's relatives in this board.

He went to South Carolina, a "national title winner" that evaluates better than Miami.
This board sucks.

I see this phrase thrown around here a lot, but what exactly is it supposed to mean?

Along those same lines, I was just talking to someone very entrenched in the recruiting culture down here and he said, "I hear a lot how players down here act too privileged but I think its the other way around. Great talent shouldnt have to beg for an offer."

Something I've noticed is that there are a lot of kids that are potential back-up options down the line that the staff has yet to get in contact with. What happens when the plan A doesn't come through? It's too late to get in on the race. Miami tried getting Skai Moore last minute this year, but they hadn't talked to him at all for the months leading up to that. Does that make him entitled? Just trying to understand what a lot of you mean.

It's not possible Miami just has them rated lower on their boards than other programs, right? That can't be it.

so miami evaluates better than national title winning schools? ok
Negged for stupidity. Miami evaluates for its needs. Different schools have different needs, schemes, cultures and styles. It doesn't have to be better or worse.

Additionally, you wildly overestimate the ability of schools to 'evaluate' kids hundreds of miles away from their staffs. Miami almost certainly has more information on local kids than other schools do. Only a stubborn idiot would think that can't or doesn't lead to evaluation advantages. Doesn't mean they don't make mistakes, but your premise seems to be that 'evaluation' is some skill set that applies flawlessly and equally to all potential recruits irrespective of circumstances. That's wrong.
I should add to my post above.... I get the luxury of simply whining about it. But to 1775's point, that doesn't solve the issue. Golden has to crack that puzzle, and it's probably the difference between us being good again and us becoming great again. You have to deal with these types of characters in some way that is really beyond me. So - you're right.... I feel like the issue is real and it has to somehow get fixed. I just dunno HTF you deal with it. Golden's gotta channel his inner Clarice Starling. As a fan, it is infuriating to think he has to deal with that sillyness. The last thing I want to read is Pete defending it.
Winning will solve this issue. That's it.

When we're winning (and the NCAA's sword isn't hanging over our head), we'll have an easier sell, and kids will have to make up their minds earlier or risk being left out. We'll also pull nationally better again. It's not more than 5 kids at the margin that make the difference between consistently good classes and mediocre ones.
So because other schools have offered, that means we should too?

It makes me laugh to read everyone fapping over Golden's comments about finding "the right" kids but then still *****ing like babies about not offering everyone.

Which is it?
You guys are missing the point. I'm not saying they have to offer the plan B kids if the plan A kids are still on the table, but they should at least be keeping in contact with them so if the plan A kid goes elsewhere, they aren't left in the dust.
No, you're not making any point you think you're actually making. That's a completely separate discussion than the one your original porst attempts to have.
Lmao +1
Agreed on the winning part ESF. There's a recruiting dynamic in South Florida that makes it different than the rest of the country. Randy did things his way and people were willing to see if it worked. It didn't.

Golden is doing things his way amidst some of the toughest circumstances in school history. If he wins, there will he no questions about his methods, fundamentally anyway.
I genuinely appreciate Pete's effort to get us an abundance of legit info on local recruits and doing it the right way...by pounding the concrete and going to games, but this thread confirms that Sileo, Luke and Ariz are on the same page....and the book that page comes from is titled "i love black ***** in and around my mouth"

Its frustrating as **** listening to Sileo and Luke bad mouth Golden's approach with local recruits, but to now hear that garbage from our main moderator on this board is depressing!

You ever hear the saying "everything becomes real after its spoken"? Well, when you have people like Ariz trying to validate idiot's like Luke's claims, then all of a sudden other prospects start saying "yeah, Miami left me hangin like they did Skai too"....

Ariz, are you gonna ad that to your script when interviewing recruits now "are you frustrated that Miami hasnt offered you yet" or "did it bother you with how long Miami took to offer you?"

****, and i thought Bakas took a turn for the worse....
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I'm honestly losing faith in this board. Between this and some other things. I understand this a free board but how is a mod on this board really trying to justify this topic (or maybe he's just trying to stir the pot)
So because other schools have offered, that means we should too?

It makes me laugh to read everyone fapping over Golden's comments about finding "the right" kids but then still ****ing like babies about not offering everyone.

Which is it?

its like praising Golden for finding Figueroa and then talking **** about him not recruiting Skai
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