Enough is enough

Their performance is a reflection of him and his coaching staff. He doesn't know what he's doing.

He missed 407 kicks this year. Blew coverage on a fake punt today. Couldn’t get rid of the ball on an endzone sack, got beat deep for TD #3, got run over on numerous tackles, dropped passes?

Clearly more than one problem
I get the implication here is Manny, but at least last year how was he dictating playing time for the WRs? Please understand I am not attacking or questioning, just more curious to get a glimpse under the hood of the dysfunction.
That's what I'm confused about, he must be referring to Kosi?
Because he isn’t kissing their asses when they suck at football..... we want Accountability until we get it, then he’s mean...

Ivey made some of the worst plays on the field today and stayed in the game. Where’s the accountability there?

You can’t pick and choose when to hold people accountable. You also can’t hold players accountable and not coaches. Our calls and schemes as atrocious. Cam was gassed but no breaks by giving Burns a shot. Defensive coaches couldn’t find a way to tweak the D and NOT play Ragone.
Manny's a prick and is in over his head, I imagine he's insufferable to play for right now.
I get the implication here is Manny, but at least last year how was he dictating playing time for the WRs? Please understand I am not attacking or questioning, just more curious to get a glimpse under the hood of the dysfunction.
Pretty sure he is taking about Cooney
Ivey made some of the worst plays on the field today and stayed in the game. Where’s the accountability there?

You can’t pick and choose when to hold people accountable. You also can’t hold players accountable and not coaches. Our calls and schemes as atrocious. Cam was gassed but no breaks by giving Burns a shot. Defensive coaches couldn’t find a way to tweak the D and NOT play Ragone.

Maybe the unnamed coach that can’t recruit his own high school player hasn’t coached up #23/#24... not earthly clue why #23 and #24 didn’t get more burn, or why we didn’t go with anyone other than #34....

But none of that is getting #7 more catches on O....
He missed 407 kicks this year. Blew coverage on a fake punt today. Couldn’t get rid of the ball on an endzone sack, got beat deep for TD #3, got run over on numerous tackles, dropped passes?

Clearly more than one problem
He does continue to run Ivey out there though. He also, for some reason, thinks Ragone is a better option than Brooks.
Maybe the unnamed coach that can’t recruit his own high school player hasn’t coached up #23/#24... not earthly clue why #23 and #24 didn’t get more burn, or why we didn’t go with anyone other than #34....

But none of that is getting #7 more catches on O....

Right, no clue bc we have already lost confidence this staff plays the best guys or puts their guys in the best positions to succeed. In year 1, that’s a terrible place for a program to be.
Right, no clue bc we have already lost confidence this staff plays the best guys or puts their guys in the best positions to succeed. In year 1, that’s a terrible place for a program to be.

I blame myself for not seeing this preseason....because we are not good....