Ed. Reed for secondary coach?

I don't quite get the constant thought of former players alway being brought up for coaching gigs here

Keep in mind the typical poster lives with his mom and has a learning disability and likely a touch of Aspergers.
Hey lay off of DBC....BTW I am happy to report that I recently moved out of my mom's home. I live with another guy in the adult transitional living program. Also I got a Job at Mcdowell's washing dishes. Hope to get promoted to fries soon because that's when the real bucks start rolling in
Mike rumph would probably be the better choice just because he has experience coaching
Would be the best choice period...he's one of the best dbs to ever play the game. And would kill it w/ recruiting .
If Ed ****** Reed wants an opportunity to coach DB's at Miami you don't say yes, you say **** yes.
I can't wait until all the hires are made so I don't have to read/listen to this dumb **** anymore.
Bottom line is this: does Ed Reed REALLY want to be a coach? He nonchalantly said he'd wanna be DC or something like that, but was he serious? Doesn't he have a nice gig on Inside the NFL? That's a lot cushier than being a position coach and waking up early and driving around to high schools and going to meetings and tweeting/texting recruits and staying on kids about grades and off-the-field **** and being patient when guys make mistakes or don't have the desire and professionalism he possessed.

If he REALLY wants to be a coach, then my guess is he'd be good at it. But my guess is he probably doesn't miss the grind of it all. Same reason Ray Ray has his plush job at ESPN.

I don't think these guys have the desire to be coaches. If they did, they would probably be doing it.
Bet you internet tough guys wouldn't tell Ed Reed to his face he can't coach dbs, its not like people are talking about an average run of the mill player this guy is one of the top 3 best safeties in NFL history, also one of the smartest and hard working, not to mention he was a leader on a few of the best defenses ever seen. If he wants to give it a shot im for it, he can't be worse the current guy coaching that position. Experience can be overrated at times, look at Kehoe.
You can really pinpoint the morons in our fanbase by their constant chirping to bring former great players back to the program to coach.
Being an instinctive player like Reed often makes it quite hard to teach kids where it doesn't come naturally. HoF players don't automatically make great, or even good, coaches. He can pay his dues as a grad assistant, or some other way to prove himself in the coaching ranks.
I agree to a certain point ... michael Jordon not a good coach his greatness stems from instincts he can't teach others that.. I have seen Ed Reed Commentate and he was point ing out scheme when the cost host asked him to dumb it down so that he could understand .. Ed Reed did just that ... the co-host was impressed with Ed's Knowledge of the game ... I was very Impressed and know he will be a great choice ... Everyone has to start somewhere but Ed Reed a GA that offended me
Why is it so obvious that he'd recruit well? Do you guys know him? Do you know if he's a gregarious guy who wants to bust *** 80 hours per week sucking up to 17 year olds and their crazy parents?

Now that we have a former player as HC I get the chance to realize my dream of an entire staff of only former players. Looks like Kehoe might have been retained, so we are 2 for 2 so far. Which former player is a realistic and competent DC option?
I bet the hot chicks in the Hardee's commercial are not experts in fine cuisine ... I'm certain they have had attention diverted to a hamburger a time or two .., how *** sales ... Ed Reed would be the football equilliavent ..I agree you can't teach instinct but I have witnessed his X and 0 knowledge and have heard him express his interest I'm sold.
I don't know if Ed Reed would or wouldn't be a good coach, and no one else knows knows it either. It's been a while since we've had a good coaching staff, so I really don't think that we need to experiment with people who have never coached.

What if Ed sucks as a coach? Will it be easy for Coach Richt to fire him? I would have to think that it would be a nightmare.