DVD to FIU as CB coach

idk all the details and frankly dont care. But DVD's #1 job/priority was Cormani. Built a relationship with the kid and his mom for 2+ years and then Deion swoops in last minute and DVD loses him. I'm 100% sure there's a TON else that went on behind the scenes but bottom line, its a results business. You deliver or you dont. Yes Mario did get beat and deserves blame but if DVD wanted to be CB coach here, you land Cormani
I get that it's a results business. But, ****, to fault a guy based on the whims of a single 17 or 18 y/o kid is too much. I think it's way too harsh to judge him for one, largely improbable recruitment.
The “Details” were a guy in The Back Office should NEVER HAVE the responsibility of closing on the #1 Cb in America 🇺🇸. Do you really think a parent of a kid this caliber send their prodigy child there to be developed by the “runner”? Would you?
This “DVD whiffed on Cormani” is a JOKE and just flat out SLANDER. Deion closed, not Colorado Cb coach, if fact who is Colorado Cb coach? Where was Addee during the recruitment? Who took the picture with the “SHOE”? It was Mario’s recruitment and he couldn’t close against Prime.
Expecting DVD to close on Cromani is ridiculous, and anyone who believes otherwise is ridiculous as well, including Mario.

He didn't have to close CM to keep his job, but he did need to show concrete results and value to get the extraordinary promotion he was seeking, a Power-5 on-field position. At this juncture in his career his CV does not warrant being CB coach here, but he was trying to make a play. Good for him. He hitched his career-path to his recruiting ability, and his deep relationships. He wasn't able to leverage them well enough to make himself valuable enough to get on-field here at this time. He chose to take an on-field positioned at lowly FIU instead of keeping his position at UM, no one ran him off. The market has spoken.
He didn't have to close CM to keep his job, but he did need to show concrete results and value to get the extraordinary promotion he was seeking, a Power-5 on-field position. At this juncture in his career his CV does not warrant being CB coach here, but he was trying to make a play. Good for him. He hitched his career-path to his recruiting ability, and his deep relationships. He wasn't able to leverage them well enough to make himself valuable enough to get on-field here at this time. He chose to take an on-field positioned at lowly FIU instead of keeping his position at UM, no one ran him off. The market has spoken.

he needed to leave to gain the exp on field. he wasnt getting that here and we kept offering a pay bump to keep him off field bc we valued his recruiting. i hope he learns and develops as a caoch and comes back and gets addaes gig
I get that it's a results business. But, ****, to fault a guy based on the whims of a single 17 or 18 y/o kid is too much. I think it's way too harsh to judge him for one, largely improbable recruitment.
Fair comment and good point. To be clear, I'm a big fan of DVD and think he has a bright future. But if you want a big promotion, you gotta deliver (whether circumstances are fair or not)
y'all making a mountain out of a mole hill with this one.

He's the exact type of coach you have in your system early - as an alum - do the GA/Analyst thing for a little bit...now go learn how to do this on your own. When he was here as a CB Coach, he was not good. Sorry...he wasn't. Miami was 102nd in pass defense ypg. He's got a lot of potential as a recruiter, but its a brass tacks job...he hasn't really landed any major recruits despite developing good relationships with them and when we gave him a shot at on-field CB coach job, the pass defense was terrible.

He's got potential as a coach, especially in college where he seems up for the grind where many DB coaches would rather just go to the NFL, but he's got to learn to fly. If he's good, he'll be back.
Fair comment and good point. To be clear, I'm a big fan of DVD and think he has a bright future. But if you want a big promotion, you gotta deliver (whether circumstances are fair or not)
this is true however as repeated before, mario messed htis one up. he promised DVD the gig and promised it to recruits in their visits. it was just purely mismanaged
This is just a personal view, but I think DVD just took a step backwards in career trajectory by taking a job that will ultimately lead to failure. He's letting his emotions make this decision.

This is not to say he deserved any sort of Miami on-field role, or that he doesn't deserve to coach. I could be very wrong in a few years, hope I am. But it's hard to be successful there.
He whiffed on cormani, his #1 job and priority. He's not ready to coach at this level yet. Time to move on, best for both sides, simple as that. Hope he kills it and comes back in a few years with a coaching pedigree and ability to close. Best of luck to him
So the off-field analyst 'whiffed' on Cormani and not the on-field coach who barely seemed to be involved? The way I look at it is that DVD put Miami (Mario and Addae) in position to close and they weren't able to do so (and I give them a partial pass for not doing so considering the curveball which was Deion Sanders going to Colorado show).
Chess move. He'll come back when his son is a Cane.
