Don't kill the messenger. Word is, Golden gone by Monday.

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There is no way a coach can finish his 4th yr 6-7 make 0 changes to the coaching staff, talk about how they have "progress" and not expect the fan base to turn completely against him

As long as the ACC keeps sending checks what does it matter.
GEO CAN U GIVE US AN UPDATE!!!!??? Man I've literally waited all day lol.. Pathetic yes but I want this fat *** gone
Anybody else curious why D$ or Pete haven't chimed in? A simple we don't know a dang thing would suffice.
Nothing will be done over the weekend .Monday will tell us if this has all been a load of BS.
Current tally:

75 pages total;

4 good jokes;

45 pages of rehashed tired "PM me"and "players notified" type played out shtick;

30 pages of the same dudes repeating that nothing is happening, yet they keep coming back just in case something is;

OP sweating like Folden.

You nailed it!
The "PM me" schtick and intentional misinformational posts are getting old.
if it happens, it will be leaked sunday night. thats how things happens
Anybody else curious why D$ or Pete haven't chimed in? A simple we don't know a dang thing would suffice.

D$ already said he doesn't know anything, and Pete is a ghost.

Thanks. Missed it but then again I couldn't bring myself to reading every post.

Sounds like Al will stay undefeated vs rumors. It's ironic as ****. He's basically wagging his middle finger to the entire fan base and administration. It shouldn't come as a surprise, however. It's the same stubbornness he exemplifies with his schemes and overall philosophy.
Can we make a "vol. 2" of this thread? It's beginning to become a bit much to handle, albeit, most the **** on here is nonsense.
My hooker has snorted coke off the bunghole of stuart miller's 2nd in command who is married to Sebastian Ibis. According to her, Al Golden is gon-norrhea.
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