Diaz Joe Rose 10.4.21

As long as we are wasting money on "new" bling every year and too busy making sure we all gets pics with said bling, we are not gonna win crap. I loved teh TO chain at first, but I hate it now, especially since the idea has been ripped off by so many....
Hes been the biggest head scratcher on this entire team IMO. What the **** happened to him? I know Manny just cant understand what is wrong with him and is hoping he will snap out of it at some point. But going into game 6..that is a long shot.

hes a better number 2 than he is a number 1 it seems.
No different from his response from last last year's losses... sounds reasonable but he has no clue how to fix it.
There it is. It sounds reasonable, like him we all know what is wrong. But like him we all have no idea how to fix it. Either his staff does know and is powerless to implement the fixes or they have no clue either.

I think every single one of us would be shocked if we beat UNC
As long as we are wasting money on "new" bling every year and too busy making sure we all gets pics with said bling, we are not gonna win crap. I loved teh TO chain at first, but I hate it now, especially since the idea has been ripped off by so many....

were tech not wasting money lol. its all **** we don't own
"ThIs iSN't WhO wE aRe"

Oh shut the **** up Manny and go choke on a ****, you've lost 5 straight games to P5 opponents and lost to FIU and got shut out by Louisiana Tech. The sample size is more than abundant now to know that this is what we are under your "leadership". Go kick rocks, assclown.
There it is. It sounds reasonable, like him we all know what is wrong. But like him we all have no idea how to fix it. Either his staff does know and is powerless to implement the fixes or they have no clue either.

I think every single one of us would be shocked if we beat UNC

the issue is the HC. he knows the problem but until someone in Hecht fires him, he isn't gonna be like **** I did everything I could I just suck oh well esp since the players haven't quit on him yet.
really? hes the only non stubborn coach we've had. he just couldn't make it work. you could tell he wanted it to work and would do w.e. it took. it just didn't happen. I won't hate on that. hes not a good HC and hes gonna get fired. he knows it too.
I hate that loser.
I was thinking the same thing but for me I think it is just the further we get into the mess I get more fed up. Richt made me more ****ed than Golden, Golden more than Shannon, etc.

I will say I think Manny might be the worst of all of them. Manny isn't stubborn to replace coaches or coordinators. He's not running a prevent defense. He's not a lazy recruiter. He's not running a slow paced offense to protect his defense. He has connections on his staff to recruit south Florida. He's doing everything right that the previous 4 before him did wrong.. and he's still losing. Because he's so bad on gameday. January-July he's a top 5 coach in America. August-December he's one of the worst.
Right! Man this explains it perfectly