Diaz Joe Rose 10.4.21

I didn't even make this up, made me laugh:

Diaz on the play against Tyler Van Dyke: “It really, truly was his first real start. Bronco Mendenhall is going to make things hard on a young quarterback. It is just what he does.
Funny. Has Manny ever made things hard on any young QB we played in the last 3 years? He is saying Mendenhall is a real coach lol
"the effort is not the issue with the missed tackles. he says the issue is the leverage. the defense isn't playing with the trust to send the ball back to the pursuit for other guys to clean up if a tackle is missed."

that's a very roundabout way of saying the players don't trust themselves or their teammates to make a tackle. how can he possibly think that this answer makes things better?

So let me sum up. "I don't trust anyone else to make the tackle, so I'm going to make the tackle all by myself, and now I just missed the tackle."

Yep, sounds like a perfect way to sum up our coaching, our results thus far, and our entire season.
He cant politic his way out of this mess. UNC is going to do the lord's work 2 Saturdays from now...

Can anyone tell me the exact year that college football went from "hey, man, it's not really about scoring points" to "****e just got real, now it's all about scoring points"? Just curious if it was a rule-change...
Devil's advocate: They did start stopping UVA alot better in the second half and the offense got going as well. Maybe these are signs of life from Manny finally learning how to coa.....na I can't even type it with a straight face. Manny sucks. Next!
Could you imagine if they adjusted after the second drive of the game... They can never adjust game plans till halftime... “Hey coach they are lined up in an odd front” ... Diaz “ Don’t worry we will keep doing the same and adjust at halftime”
I just don’t get it.. Like coach our 3rd down D is terrible... Diaz “ We will fix it in the offseason”
**** These are made up quotes*****
Could you imagine if they adjusted after the second drive of the game... They can never adjust game plans till halftime... “Hey coach they are lined up in an odd front” ... Diaz “ Don’t worry we will keep doing the same and adjust at halftime”
I just don’t get it.. Like coach our 3rd down D is terrible... Diaz “ We will fix it in the offseason”
**** These are made up quotes*****
How do you know if they are made up or not. Seems plausible to me.
As much as this sucks, Goldens post game ***** on the fan base we’re quadruple the load. That guys was just ******* with us
As much as I like and respect Coach Mark Richt, I would love to kick him in the pants for bringing Manure here.
Richt was waiting for Aranda but lost him to lsu. Next day he hired Manny. **** could have been very different if Richt had won that battle.
It's like he has a "coaching talking points" handbook
Honestly, that’s how I visualize it. I see him flipping through pages from said book, looking for the words & phrases to jump off for him.

If there was ever such a thing of accountability, he would take responsibility v. blaming not enough points scored, guys not trusting each other (which I don’t even know what that means), we’re in an offensive league “now.”

It’s all b.s