Diaz Joe Rose 10.4.21

What a lying sack of *****.

He says that it’s hard to score points when you “can’t run the ball.”

We were running the ball down their throat in the 2nd half (specially on the last drive), until Danny Miaz decided to get cute and run the ball into the middle of the UVA defense to run the clock down.

How does he expect for any rational thinking person to believe the drivel that comes out of his mouth?
Who said a word about the free site? What did CIS have to do with David Lake's writing? The interview was with only Diaz who else was he going to be asking the questions to the janitor? Who was pounding their chest about having a script until some jerkoff got involved claiming it was free? Sounds like you just decided what narrative you wanted to without a **** thing backing it up. If it's only 25 cents a day (which actually isn't close to correct but we'll go with it), then pony up. If you needed it to made clear to you that it was still Diaz speaking 6 paragraphs in I guess that tells me everything I need to know about who I'm replying to.
Listen. Go argue with yourself.

I never replied to you in my original comment yet here we are because your feelings are hurt.

Out of all the things to ***** about you cry about that? Go have a drink or get laid…or just do both.

Manny has really made people miserable to the point they are complaining about the man’s name being mentioned multiple times.

It is true everything sucks when you’re losing. Maybe you don’t make that comment if we’re undefeated and ranked top 5.
You all shouldn't get worked up about Manny's comments. Honestly, no one would want to be in his position. Imagine sucking at your job and it's quantifiable and you have to answer in public. He has to get defensive and it's always cringeworthy when coaches try to find excuses at the end.
I would gladly be in his position.

He's getting paid over 3 million dollars annual salary.

That said, totally agree there's no point in paying attention to trying to find meaning in what he's saying. You have to spin when it's imploding.
Honestly, I feel bad for CMD. Imagine having to wait for each Monday to pass to find out if this is the week someone finally decides this program needs direction.
I would gladly be in his position.

He's getting paid over 3 million dollars annual salary.

That said, totally agree there's no point in paying attention to trying to find meaning in what he's saying. You have to spin when it's imploding.
Fair point! Haha.
How many years do we have to hear this from Diaz? Oh my gosh, if I told my boss that over, and over-I would be fired! Boss, just need more consistency with my results. This is such a joke. This guy is wasting so many talented players careers by not be able to develop anyone! Like we think anything is going to change. He needs to be fired after we get boatraced by UNC. Make a statement.
Devil's advocate: They did start stopping UVA alot better in the second half and the offense got going as well. Maybe these are signs of life from Manny finally learning how to coa.....na I can't even type it with a straight face. Manny sucks. Next!
That's been a theme in many games under his tenure.

See OK st last year and VT 2019.

Guess what? It's still a loss in the columns.
Hes been the biggest head scratcher on this entire team IMO. What the **** happened to him? I know Manny just cant understand what is wrong with him and is hoping he will snap out of it at some point. But going into game 6..that is a long shot.
Let’s try giving him more than just 1 throw and not have him blocking most of the time.
Phil Longo is watching Miami film right now laughing his *** off. It's not like he really has to game plan anyway, he can just run that same counter from last year and hang a 40 burger.
40? Are we only playing one half?
I hated Golden and what richt was doing more than manny. Manny isn’t capable of doing this job. Golden and richt were they were just stubborn. Manny’s in over his head at his dream job. Blame Blake for that. Don’t get me wrong I hate manny but Golden keeping NoD and richt keeping his offense and his son on staff was so annoying. Manny isn’t fit for the job. Gotta move on. But he’s tried to make changes. This is who he is. His scheme is broken and figured out. Coaches literally laugh at his scheme.
THIS. Manny made a lot of logical changes, but he ain't built for this.
People don't remember the mess Golden took over. No commits. No scheduled visits. Blandy's loss to USF. A roster with more holes than swiss cheese... Meanwhile Manny took over his defense, his roster & a season removed from being ranked #2.
And how can I forget THE CLOUD!?!