Diaz Joe Rose 10.4.21

That being fired on Monday was just twitter rumor aka hope. No changes are going to be made until we are mathematically eliminated from the Coastal or someone (UNC) beats us by 30+. Both are inevitable.
I was thinking maybe once we have been eliminated from bowl contention but ill take what you said too. After we lose to UNC and NC State our bowl chances are pretty much out the window. No need in keeping him around at that point.
What he said about Mallory will be the reason he'll never... I mean NEVER be a successful head coach. You have to realize when a player is dogsh!t and just don't have it in him. You have to realize when it's time to sit that player down and start with fresh blood. Smh Manuel will never learn.
It summed up his entire existence here perfectly. Just will never, ever get it
My favorite Mandyism is him trying to convince everyone that this isn't who they are, as a team and coaching staff. And that somehow this is just a bad stretch

When we have a 3 year sample size now
You can tell he learned at the foot of a politician- all spin and excuses. Protect your position and influence at all costs, results be damned.
"The issue with the offense is that they aren't scoring enough points," interesting take. It's that kind of in depth analysis that makes me realize why he is the HC and I'm just some bum on a message board.
Controversial and bold strategy to outscore your opponent.

Jury is still out on how effective it is.
What he said about Mallory will be the reason he'll never... I mean NEVER be a successful head coach. You have to realize when a player is dogsh!t and just don't have it in him. You have to realize when it's time to sit that player down and start with fresh blood. Smh Manuel will never learn.
Hes been the biggest head scratcher on this entire team IMO. What the **** happened to him? I know Manny just cant understand what is wrong with him and is hoping he will snap out of it at some point. But going into game 6..that is a long shot.
Only thing that is consistent is the losing
Season 8 Clown GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race
What he said about Mallory will be the reason he'll never... I mean NEVER be a successful head coach. You have to realize when a player is dogsh!t and just don't have it in him. You have to realize when it's time to sit that player down and start with fresh blood. Smh Manuel will never learn.
That quote is the one that really got me. You know the player you saw in the off season is still in there? Nothing against Mallory but he has been **** in every facet of the game. He isn’t catching passes and he is getting destroyed trying to block anyone. I’m sure he looked good in the preseason running wide open against our backers but we are four games in and he has proven to be a liability. Switch his reps with Arroyo because that kid is playing better. If Mallory starts to show more in the limited reps then give him more and see if he can WORK his way back. As a coach you can’t just sit and hope a guy plays to his abilities when his play is a detriment to the team.
Mallory looks and moves like he was pieced together in a lab like Frankenstein. Nothing about him makes any sense. He is weak, clumsy, uncoordinated and lacks confidence. We all see it. We all see Arroyo jump off the screen when given the chance. Stephen Field? F-ck that ****.
I think we need to take these Monday morning interviews for what they are. 560 is the Miami flagship station and it's always going to be softball questions, coach speak, rinse, repeat. It's been this way with every coach for the last however many years.
That is by design with his havoc mentality.

The breakdown is lack of positioning to make tackles. D is almost always one step early or late for a full wrap. EVERY D makes a shoe string tackle on Miami O, Canes D rarely does the same.
Roman Cane has documented how frequently our Def alignments put us at a disadvantage

This is a broad statement, but our LBs get bunched inside and our DBs play too far off, especially as lot in clear passing downs
Mallory has been a disappointment, but I wonder whether the lack of any passing game in the middle of the field is a culprit for the lack of production as opposed to Mallory himself. I don't know how comfortable King is throwing to the middle of the field due to his height; and then TVD comes in and I suspect he's more comfortable throwing outside where INTs are less common than into the middle where you have LBs, safeties, and just more bodies in general. I don't know.
He didn’t really say anything wrong. He just doesn’t have the ability to fix this.

this. he knows hes done. there isn't much left. credit to at least not being stubborn in terms of changing - hes done everything he could do to make it work. he just couldn't make it work. he got better recruiters, changed out both sides of the ball from a staff pov, got impact transfers, etc. he just couldn't win. he may be a successful HC down the road but he wasn't ever gonna get that time here. I don't hate him for that. he tried hes just not it. time to move on but the guys feeding Feldman info are likely gonna keep Manny employed for longer than he should be.
I hate manny more than any miami coach by a long margin.

**** that loser.

really? hes the only non stubborn coach we've had. he just couldn't make it work. you could tell he wanted it to work and would do w.e. it took. it just didn't happen. I won't hate on that. hes not a good HC and hes gonna get fired. he knows it too.