Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors

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I don’t know why people are acting surprised. No AD/Coach is willing to split their power on a three way. This isn’t early 2000s Roc-Fella and Def Jam. Manny Navarro said this on his podcast. The only way Highsmith comes here is if Blake James is relieved of his duties, and Highsmith is made new AD... But Blake is essentially betting on his future by letting Manny bet on himself. That’s why I tempered my excitement with the OC hire. As excited as I am for Lashlee it’s Just a tease to get this fan base to buy in again. If Manny and Canes win 8-9 games next year, (which with a new offense they’ll be capable of) they just saved their a— from being on the hot seat.. Idk what the **** is going on over there in Coral Gables but a s—Storm is brewing. Like Barry said, Civil war
Is there transfer papers for fans?

Like at what point can I just pick another team without guilt of disloyalty? I've invested 32 years. I obviously couldn't root for anyone in this region. I could be a Duck. Sebastion is almost a Duck.

If they just shut down the program we could all mercifully move on without any guilt.
So I guess it is safe to say the BOT with ties to Manny Sr have more money and voting rights collectively than the 10 or 12 others on the board asking for change in the football program. I want to know if Blake would have told those BOT's with ties to Manny Sr, "No, I am hiring Mario" would the headline in the Herald the next day would of been, "UM fires AD Blake James" Only structural change made this off-season was a OC. Though it was needed not enough to move the needle of frustrated fans, alumni, and reporters.
The administration does not care about the fan base. Doesn’t matter how much we complain.

They don’t care about football.
Sure, money helps influence decisions. But this needs to start with Frenk. FSU’s recent coaching search was largely comical, but their president was flying with the AD and staffers all over the country meeting with candidates. He was intimately involved. Frenk seems to be very hands off with athletics. So Blake essentially has free reign. He raises money well. So, they leave him alone.

Then no it doesn’t start with Frenk it starts with money and withholding it which the BOT can do. Frenk isn’t going to magically start caring enough to get hands on with athletics but he will care when programs in the Univeristy lose money.
Slight correction, he is actively trying to save his job AND he doesn't mind destroying Miami football in the process.
Ur ***** right. He is enemy number 1. ***** carpet bagger. ***** idiots are destroying one of the most unique and special programs in NCAA history.
This is not being a puppet bro. This is chain of command and being held accountable for your performance. Strong leadership doesn't ask their management if they would please mind implementing their vision for the organization. Blake is essentially operating as the owner of the **** team.

You are not asking for a vision, you are asking for a specific change. The BOT should hire an AD and allow the AD to implement their plan. If the BOT is having to give specific orders then it is clear they believe the AD isn't doing their job. The Richt hire isn't considered a bad hire, even if UM fans think so. At this point the BOT is being as hard as they can on Blake, considering we are one year into Blake's coach.
This part is just my educated guess, but I believe Blake’s future is now tied to Manny. If next year is a failure, Manny will be gone and Blake will be in serious trouble.

“serious trouble” after next year? D, he should be out immediately after that sorry *** display.
Sure, money helps influence decisions. But this needs to start with Frenk. FSU’s recent coaching search was largely comical, but their president was flying with the AD and staffers all over the country meeting with candidates. He was intimately involved. Frenk seems to be very hands off with athletics. So Blake essentially has free reign. He raises money well. So, they leave him alone.
And this is the biggest problem. The core of this ******* circus.

Finish the ******* billboard.
Blake James is clueless. What good is another powerless admin role going to do at this point?
Wish they would just fire this incompetent fool already.