DeShawn Troutman, LB Orlando Edgewater ('21)

Don’t worry bro, I know I wedged that L way in there that you got to resort to insults because you don’t have enough football intelligence to debate me.

If your mighty football intelligence is anything like your reading comprehension and general grasp of the English language then any semi-functioning downie could debate football "to" you.

Still haven't shown a quote of me saying we shouldn't recruit Poole, have you, Shakespeare? Of course not, because I didn't. Your immature strawman argument is just a lame *** attempt at deflection.
He plays right. Seek/destroy LB.

You referenced size. Is he 5-10 180 or 5-11 195? I think that makes a difference in where he is as a prospect. If he is big enough, I see a really good LB and I trust your evaluation as to the type of dude you want. He looks mean out there.
He’s about my height... so he’s at least 5’11 and maybe 6’0. And I say he’s somewhere between 190-200.
Ya I guess my coaches were just so ****** the put hundreds of players in college and nfl along with winning states man their horrible
They didn’t put hundreds of players in college. Most kids don’t go to school for ball. The only coaches that have that actual tally in the HS coaching scene right now are Ice and Max. No one else has been around long enough to do that. 80% percent of your coaches down here don’t have the resume to be coaches in other states. I know because I know some of them personally.
He has a highlight video which is 15 straight minutes of him making violent, hard-hitting, downhill and sideline-to-sideline plays from the MLB spot. Not taking him at a position of need because of some pipe dream positionless stud athlete from North Carolina would be the Hyppolite/Flowe situation all over again.
Either your reading comprehension matches your maturity level, you're just straw-manning in a weak attempt to "win", or you're just plain dumb.

Do you want me to type it again slowly for you?

I said not taking Troutman while waiting for some OOS stud would be exactly how our staff got LB depth to where it is now.

Please point out EXACTLY where I said we shouldn't recruit the OOS stud as well, big man.
Imagine being so stupid that you LITERALLY said you would take Troutman over Poole THEN deny you said it.
Imagine being so stupid that you LITERALLY said you would take Troutman over Poole THEN deny you said it.

No, dumbass, I LITERALLY said DON'T NOT take him because you want Poole. For those of us whose mother tongue is English, that does not mean "don't take Poole" (you're original claim) nor even "take him over Poole" (where your struggling *** has now moved the goalposts to) .

Imagine being so stupid you spend 24/7 typing away at a keyboard and still only read at a 3rd grade level. (Edit: I am very sorry, if you're still in 3rd grade, no offense meant)

Are you really so dumb you wouldn't take a very solid (relatively) local LB because of some OOS long shot? For the second year running?
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No, dumbass, I LITERALLY said DON'T NOT take him because you want Poole. For those of us whose mother tongue is English, that does not mean "don't take Poole" (you're original claim) nor even "take him over Poole" (where your struggling *** has now moved the goalposts to) .

Imagine being so stupid you spend 24/7 typing away at a keyboard and still only read at a 3rd grade level.

Are you really so dumb you wouldn't take a very solid (relatively) local LB because of some OOS long shot? For the second year running?
No dumbass, Poole is being recruited as a LB by every school he has offers from and it’s been stated that the staff would expand the board BY offering Poole. Your feelings about where Poole plays does not matter. You would choose to take Troutman over Poole because Poole is a LB in our staff’s eyes just like Troutman and maybe if you knew how to use google you would’ve figured it out instead of running your mouth.

You chose to take a kid that doesn’t have half the potential that Poole does and a kid that would be there even if you didn’t get Poole at that. How dumb of you...
No, dumbass, I LITERALLY said DON'T NOT take him because you want Poole. For those of us whose mother tongue is English, that does not mean "don't take Poole" (you're original claim) nor even "take him over Poole" (where your struggling *** has now moved the goalposts to) .

Imagine being so stupid you spend 24/7 typing away at a keyboard and still only read at a 3rd grade level.

Are you really so dumb you wouldn't take a very solid (relatively) local LB because of some OOS long shot? For the second year running?
Dude clearly has a problem. I would stop engaging him.
I am sorry Zbrod95, I truly didn't know that our staff was going to recruit Poole at LB like every other offer he had because I wasn’t smart enough to read the entire thread. I chose to insult you because I have no way of coming back from that. I also don’t know what non sequitur is either but it sounds cool and I like pretending to be a lawyer so...

Go canes!
I wish I could move goal posts and call people retards like @FreePawn does. Your Avi suits you. Can I hire you for my nephews birthday party?
Because he does. You’re talking about an undersized guy who uses instincts and needs weight over a guy who’s 6’0 225 that ran a 4.6 at 16 with a 39’ inch vert, is a 1500 yard RB, and is a safety so you know he can cover. You just take the “find and hit the hole” mentality and flip it to the LB side. Again I like Troutman and I think he can be productive but you don’t settle for him when you have a guy with first round pick measurables in front of you.
You sound slow...u have no numbers on troutman, therefore your statement that Jordan Poole is just so much more athletic is invalid. Jordan Poole is athletic, but so is troutman, u must not have watched the film the dude can move and if he ran a 40 it would probably be a 4.6 as well.... Your acting like Troutman has the same level of athlecticism as Flagg. When has a 6'1 205lb, who is still growing, consider undersize, like tf. Is he smaller than Poole yeah, but he is not undersize.
You sound slow...u have no numbers on troutman, therefore your statement that Jordan Poole is just so much more athletic is invalid. Jordan Poole is athletic, but so is troutman, u must not have watched the film the dude can move and if he ran a 40 it would probably be a 4.6 as well.... Your acting like Troutman has the same level of athlecticism as Flagg. When has a 6'1 205lb, who is still growing, consider undersize, like tf. Is he smaller than Poole yeah, but he is not undersize.
What do you mean? @Kayone covers him and says he might not even be 6’0 200 pounds. I like the kid too, it not even like I don’t like Troutman. I’ve stated multiple times in this very thread that I do. Where did this come from out of you?
This is 100% wrong. Jimmy took speed positions and moved them closer to the line.
Isn't that what he's saying? They took a kid whose natural position was LB and moved him to rush end.

Now the question is, does he have the speed to move back to LB on the next level.
Guys, again, as someone that covers HS football and been around Edgewater program... Troutman is someone you want on your team. **** stars! This kid is going to be a viable player for the program. He was and is the coaches favorite player. When the Lu talk about him you see the gleam in their eyes. I saw him last week and he is still growing. He is quick and fast! Tougher than most of these kids that are running at 5*. You will love this kid.

love this kind of insight...good look
Orlando (Fla.) Edgewater High School standout Deshawn Troutman says the Hurricanes factor in right at the top of his list.

“How I’m feeling about Miami right now - as of right now my feeling is I don’t know if I want to commit as of right now but it might be in my best interest because if that’s where I want to go the next four years then that’s what I might have to do,” he says. “But it wouldn’t be closing my recruitment, but it’s showing them I do want to go there.”

He says UM is his clear frontrunner and that others still in it are Minnesota, Florida State, Louisville and Kent State.

“I’d consider them [the above programs] if something happens (with Miami),” he said. “Those are other schools I’ll be taking visits to regardless (of if he commits to UM).”

Why would he commit if he’s not pretty close to 100 percent sure?

“With the whole coronavirus thing they wanted me to come down and check it out, I’ve been talking to coaches on FaceTime, they said it’ll be closed the whole summer so they want me to commit, make it official over the phone,” Troutman said.

He adds “But I’m not too worried about it because I’m going into my senior year, there’s time.”

The soonest he might make a decision?

“June or July is what I’m thinking right now,” Troutman said.

He says what’s drawing him to the Canes is “Miami’s my hometown, I’ve grown up there, I grew up loving the Hurricanes. It’s always been a dream for me.”
love this kind of insight...good look
For sure. Like I told one of the Edgewater coaches the other day, I like him as a prospect, but if I was a UM recruiter I would still being lookIng at other LB in the country as and that’s only based on size. But from a leadership, toughness, and quickness standpoint... I like him. I suspect by mid season (if HS has a season) his stock will grow. One of the coaches just told me Auburn, USCarolina, and Arizona State are getting involved in his recruiting now. I believe that’s the only reason why he hasn’t pulled the trigger.
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