
ALOT of people want to blame everyone BUT THE HEAD GUY.. They would rather bring up gattis than say its Mario nerfing everything.. No wonder he gets turned down by sooooo many OCs.. Dawson is looking for lifeline outta here ASAP.. Mario offense is disgusting, this was same **** as last year
This place is looking like a place where OC’s come to die. SMH…
How is it that Dawson’s play calls, designs, formations have been this bad? What has changed since the ATM game? Serious question. And although I didn’t know Dawson before this year, many people on this board that know way more football than me said he’s offenses in previous stops were good and that Dawson was legit. Why has he regressed as an OC?
People said this when he was hired and it’s fair to say his stops without Holgerson by his side hasn’t had the best results. I‘m not ready to say that yet but something has been exposed the last month. Something on film. I also think he’s trying to meld his offense with what Mario wants. We‘ve been running more and more condensed , tight formations. The last month is starting to look just like 22.
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Dawson might be a problem but I believe he is running what Mario wants so its hard to tell. I belive what we saw earlier in the year was Dawson and what we are seeing now is Mario meddleling.
This is the dumbest QAnon **** on CIS. So we ran an exciting offense that scored 48 on TAMU but Mario said I don’t like that?

TAMU played man which played into TVDs hand. Everyone else since plays two safeties deep and dares TVD to take the short passes and build a drive … which he can’t.
Dawson is probably being forced to run some of this ****.

If not, then this abomination of an offense is on Dawson AND Mario.

Truth is, no amount of slick talk will spare Mario the barrage of criticism and skepticism directed his way. He is going to be put under a microscope, as the fans, analysts, and reporters dissect his body of work. He better get on his knees, pull out his rosary beads, and pray...
Completely agree. Tvd's poor play really magnifies our woes on offense.

ACC coaches are not stupid. Once they got a few games worth of film, stopping Dawson's vanilla concepts hasn't been hard.
Game on the line and Clemson couldn’t stop Dawson’s “vanilla” offense with Emory at the helm…. So are you sure that’s the issue?
I just don’t understand why people are complaining about us coming out in tight formations and running the ball. You want us coming out in spread formations and throwing with a QB who is consistently throwing ill-advised interceptions? How is it not obvious why we have decided to completely change our offense to you? There’s no trust in QB1 to execute ANYTHING.
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I see more and more TE’s on the field. I think Mario made promises to get everyone playing time to help recruit & prevent transfers. We lost to GT to get Chaney 100 yards rushing.

#0 needs 15 touches a GAME. Jet sweeps, screens, and crossers. #4 needs more touches as well those are the two best weapons on offense.
I wish we had an all 22 because you’d be sick if you saw majority of the routes Vs the coverage. Tvd has been bad but Dawson has been awful too. Running 84 out there this much is hilarious , if he does get enough separation he still drops it lol.
I Dont Believe You Will Ferrell GIF

I see too many guys open just on the tv broadcast to believe guys aren’t open. We have actually watched him make horrible throws to open guys for 3 or 4 games in a row now.
Dawson might be a problem but I believe he is running what Mario wants so its hard to tell. I belive what we saw earlier in the year was Dawson and what we are seeing now is Mario meddleling.
Agreed, What Mario saw the first part of the season scared the **** out of him, and told Dawson to tone it down. Have never seen a Jekyll and Hyde act like this MID season w/o a serious injury involved. TVD is in dire need of a sports psychologist. I said we should have started Emory against Virginia, get him ready to play rest of season. And here we are, dead in the water with TVD. Canes need to get get a brain cell, step back, reset, move forward. EMORY
You’re picking out a couple plays a game. Tvd missed a td when NC State blew coverage but that was a blown coverage. We have no shifts , barely any motion or nothing in pre snap to get matchups or cause confusion. They just lined up and blitzed us all night and we just dropped back or tan it. Zero creativity. None.

Tvd deserves blame, he’s been awful but Dawson hasn’t been good since GT. Everything has went to **** after the bye week.
The problem is the couple of plays youre talking about are touchdowns. Not some random 10 to 15 yard gain in the middle of the field. He's taking points off the board, points that would win the game last night. All plays are not created equal. A pick 6 is not the same as a tfl, because one results in points.

And youre right about the pre snap motion, but I'm starting to wonder. What if the movement and motion is confusing to TVD and he doesnt like it. Im sure im not the only one that has thought to himself, he doesnt act or play like he’s the sharpest tool in the shed…….
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This is the dumbest QAnon **** on CIS. So we ran an exciting offense that scored 48 on TAMU but Mario said I don’t like that?

TAMU played man which played into TVDs hand. Everyone else since plays two safeties deep and dares TVD to take the short passes and build a drive … which he can’t.

I wish it was as simple as that.

There is nothing that would make me happier than being wrong about that.
You’re picking out a couple plays a game. Tvd missed a td when NC State blew coverage but that was a blown coverage. We have no shifts , barely any motion or nothing in pre snap to get matchups or cause confusion. They just lined up and blitzed us all night and we just dropped back or tan it. Zero creativity. None.

Tvd deserves blame, he’s been awful but Dawson hasn’t been good since GT. Everything has went to **** after the bye week.

Did Mario meddle during the bye week?
People said this when he was hired and it’s fair to say his stops without Holgerson by his side hasn’t had the best results. I‘m not ready to say that yet but something has been exposed the last month. Something on film. I also think he’s trying to meld his offense with what Mario wants. We‘ve been running more and more condensed , tight formations. The last month is starting to look just like 22.

This. Dawson probably isn’t the greatest OC but he’s good enough and we saw that against A&M

But since then his QB has handcuffed him and it has made Mario get involved now.

With a dud QB, Mario thinks the best way to win is to rely on his OL and try to micromanage and squeeze out close wins
Ok so if it was going so well in the first 4 games to the point that Mario is calling WR recruits and bragging about how exciting and dynamic the offense is and how he kept his promise that the offense would be exciting and fun for a WR to play in.

Then all of a sudden after those phone calls to recruits he then tells Dawson to pull the plug on the exciting and dynamic offense and replace it with a super slow boring unimaginative predictable run based offense that is based on running super tight bunched up and compressed formations seemingly for the sake of drawing 8-9 defenders into that small box but not so we use the speed we have on the bench to run outside and turn the corner. No we draw 9 defenders into a box the size of a uh I don’t know uh oh yeah a phone booth! So we draw practically the entire defense into a box the size of a phone booth in order to repeatedly run right at them right into an 8-9 man front. As much as I think Mario sucks I just don’t buy that.

What I do buy is that sometime right after the first 4 games, TVD Re aggravated the hand injury he had causing him to lose strength in his throwing arm and hand thus affecting his ability to throw deep and accurately. He then compounded that injury with another one during the UNC game after which his ability to play at a functional level was lost. Mario however knowing all of this just continued to trot him out there when he should have had Emory Williams take over. Mario was so hard up to keep TVD out there that he has put the entire season at jeopardy and dangerously close to losing this locker room. So instead of giving Emory all 1st team reps and coming up with a game plan that works for Emory based on his strengths as a QB, he forces TVD on the team knowing full well that the kid cannot perform and that the more he asks him to play the more mentally shaken the kid gets until we get what we saw today where TVD is completely dysfunctional. That’s what Mario thought the best course of action was and this is the offense that we get. This is a top 10 coach? That is the best he could come up with? That is absolutely terrifying! What a totally clueless and tone deaf dunce Mario is. A total clown!

The difference is not only in the passing game but in the running game as well. That's what leads me to believe it's Mario's hand in the change. We are back to playing in a phone booth. That's the Mario offense. He can't help himself.
People said this when he was hired and it’s fair to say his stops without Holgerson by his side hasn’t had the best results. I‘m not ready to say that yet but something has been exposed the last month. Something on film. I also think he’s trying to meld his offense with what Mario wants. We‘ve been running more and more condensed , tight formations. The last month is starting to look just like 22.

"I also think he’s trying to meld his offense with what Mario wants. We‘ve been running more and more condensed , tight formations. The last month is starting to look just like 22."

This 100%.
This is why he will ultimately fail here.
He will always revert back to what the offense looked like 22...condensed.
Even when he does the QB fycks it up. We’ve seen multiple open ppl that the QB just can’t find. The RPO on 4th down was fycking abysmal by TVD. His first INT of the night, pathetic
The RPO play we use is always to the running back I cant for the life of me remember when he pulls it to pass or run it himself . I swear if tvd pulls the ball out he can easily have made the edge for a first or even score
Yeah i dont buy it. I dont doubt that Mario wants Dawson to run more / protect TVD from TO's but Dawson still makes and calls the plays. I dont think Mario told him to abandon all creativity and only run up the middle or call a WR tunnel screen. Dawson is a deer in the headlights himself (like TVD) and doesnt know what to do so hes gone conservative


Dawson changed.

But Mario hasn't?