Off-Topic Cuba

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Lol fake news, you guys need to go to cuba and see for yourselves.
The miami cuban community has poisoned your minds with all the negative propaganda.
How about somebody who knows there's a point where you paddle as hard as you can to the left or the current takes you out to sea? How about an ICE agent who was in Elian Gonzalez' house during the rais and was heartbroken about it? Or maybe my friend who visited family and relayed the stories? All three of those are people I know who've told me about their experiences. One, the ICE agent, lives in Miami. If you go to Cuba, look around and take pictures of the fully stocked grocery stores and report back.
Cuba has more freedom than the entirely of latin america.
The revolution is too strong and won't fall.
Anyone that wants what's best for Cuba should pressure the US government to stop the illegal economic blockade that's been forced on the cuban people for 60 years.
De que? Cubans are the most oppressed people in the world and have been since Fide first took power and you stating that means 1 of 2 things.

1) You’re a communist

2) you’re dumb as ****

They’re literally forcing their way into homes right now and dragging out young boys as young as 12 to be in the frontlines of these protests so that the Cuban people won’t be so violent and then they send in the military to start shooting and converging on crowds. If they don’t comply then they shoot them in their homes.

LOL at Cuba being “free”. Singao.
How about somebody who knows there's a point where you paddle as hard as you can to the left or the current takes you out to sea? Q? Or maybe my friend who visited family and relayed the stories? All three of those are people I know who've told me about their experiences. One, the ICE agent, lives in Miami. If you go to Cuba, look around and take pictures of the fully stocked grocery stores and report back.

Heartbroken because a kid was returned to his father?
There are plenty of kids growing up in the streets all over the world, didn't see one in Cuba.

Stoked groceries? Once again We are back to the embargo, plus whats the point of them being stocked when the majority of the country can't afford to buy anything. eg dominican republic, guatemala, haiti and many other countries that are worst of than Cuba but have no embargo.
De que? Cubans are the most oppressed people in the world and have been since Fide first took power and you stating that means 1 of 2 things.

1) You’re a communist

2) you’re dumb as ****

They’re literally forcing their way into homes right now and dragging out young boys as young as 12 to be in the frontlines of these protests so that the Cuban people won’t be so violent and then they send in the military to start shooting and converging on crowds. If they don’t comply then they shoot them in their homes.

LOL at Cuba being “free”. Singao.

If you belive any of that you are either naive or to gullible.
Que viva la revolución!!!

View attachment 149892

I would like to report this post for homophobia, racism, and anti Semitism. The men featured in this photos were known to thrown *** men and women off building, shot and killed men and woman of the catholic and ****** faith, and imprisoned thousand of cubans that still haven’t been found since the 60’s. They also treated African Cubans as 2nd rate citizens. They stole, pillaged, and raped women as well. This photo is offensive to Cuban, Venezuelan, Bolivian, nicaraguan, and Argentinian Americans.
Heartbroken because a kid was returned to his father?
There are plenty of kids growing up in the streets all over the world, didn't see one in Cuba.

Stoked groceries? Once again We are back to the embargo, plus whats the point of them being stocked when the majority of the country can't afford to buy anything. eg dominican republic, guatemala, haiti and many other countries that are worst of than Cuba but have no embargo.
Heartbroken because the kid didnt want to leave his family.

So it's the embargo causing the problem in the communist country, but nowhere else?
If you belive any of that you are either naive or to gullible.
Lmfao I have family that actually live in Cuba and some singao from a culture that can’t even speak Spanish correctly has the ball to tell me that I’m naive and gullible lmao. How about this, We’ll trade you for one of my cousins or somebody else’s family members on the board.
Heartbroken because the kid didnt want to leave his family.

So it's the embargo causing the problem in the communist country, but nowhere else?

He was a kid being used by adults for politics, have you seen an interview of Elian now that he's grown up? He loves it in Cuba and doesn't want to leave.
And yes the embargo is a big part of the problem in Cuba.
Lmfao I have family that actually live in Cuba and some singao from a culture that can’t even speak Spanish correctly has the ball to tell me that I’m naive and gullible lmao. How about this, We’ll trade you for one of my cousins or somebody else’s family members on the board.
Jaja ustedes los cubanos de Miami se ponen muy emocional, no se les puede hablar de cuba porque se ciegan. No ven razón alguna solo odio hacia cuba.
Me imagino que te gustaria que Estados Unidos invada la isla.
How's that spanish for you.
Heartbroken because the kid didnt want to leave his family.

So it's the embargo causing the problem in the communist country, but nowhere else?
It’s not.

The United States spent 20 million each year since 2009 in assistance programs to Cuba.

The Us exported 176 million worth of food last year alone and Cuba imported 123 million worth in Chicken in the last 6 months.

The embargo also doesn’t stop humanitarian goods like medication and supplies to from being shipped to Cuba either but yet somehow it’s nowhere to be found. I wonder where it went?

The Embargo doesn’t prevent Cubans from fishing, being able to conduct an ordinary business, or strip farmers of a year’s harvest. The embargo doesn’t throw proton jail for singing songs about freedom, celebrating Christmas, or bartering with other families that have a surplus in supplies. The embargo doesn’t beat you in the streets and forces your son to be stripped from his family.
Jaja ustedes los cubanos de Miami se ponen muy emocional, no se les puede hablar de cuba porque se ciegan. No ven razón alguna solo odio hacia cuba.
Me imagino que te gustaria que Estados Unidos invada la isla.
How's that spanish for you.
Pretty ******.
With Biden having to cater to Bernie, AOC and all of the other socialists, I dont think the outcome will be good.
You can stop with political BS. You must first distinguish socialistic principles from dictatorship. When did Social Security, Universal hHealthcare, public drinking water, public transportation become a bad idea. We're the only G7 country without Universal Healthcare. Our mortality rate 8s w9rse than 3rd world countries.

Let's not forget who put Cuba back on the Terrorist state list blocking trade with Cuba hurting the Cuban people. This current situation didn't just pop up. It's been there for decades. Now the Cuban people are making a push and all the sudden it's on Biden when 45 didn't do ****.

The Cuban regime is an ally of Russia. The US isn't going to invade Cuba. No President has done it. Perhaps the US would aide the revolution like we're supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression, but not with US military force. That part isn't going to happen.
Can't read ha? Use google translator.
Usetedes los Cubanos isn’t grammatically correct. Then again your culture can’t even say “dog” correctly. Go back to your high school Spanish teacher and tell her you need to do Spanish 1 all over again communisto rependido.
Usetedes los Cubanos is grammatically correct. Then again your culture can’t even say “dog” correctly. Go back to your high school Spanish teacher and tell her you need to do Spanish 1 all over again communisto rependido.

My culture? What culture is that?
He was a kid being used by adults for politics, have you seen an interview of Elian now that he's grown up? He loves it in Cuba and doesn't want to leave.
And yes the embargo is a big part of the problem in Cuba.
You cannot seriously think that's an unbiased opinion. I'm pretty sure the leaders think it's pretty great too.

Under socialism/communism, the powerful get rich and the only way to get power is to know the right people.

Under capitalism,the rich become powerful and anyone can become rich.

So what about the other 150 or so countries in the world? Can none of them help out? It's exclusively the US embargo causing the problem?
You cannot seriously think that's an unbiased opinion. I'm pretty sure the leaders think it's pretty great too.

Under socialism/communism, the powerful get rich and the only way to get power is to know the right people.

Under capitalism,the rich become powerful and anyone can become rich.

So what about the other 150 or so countries in the world? Can none of them help out? It's exclusively the US embargo causing the problem?

Really doubt that you understand the US embargo.
US has the power to enforce it and make every country honor it.
If it was vs another country like China, Russia or even Iran the outcome would be different.

What the US is doing is picking on a small country that doesn't have the power to overcome that embargo.
My culture? What culture is that?
You cannot seriously think that's an unbiased opinion. I'm pretty sure the leaders think it's pretty great too.

Under socialism/communism, the powerful get rich and the only way to get power is to know the right people.

Under capitalism,the rich become powerful and anyone can become rich.

So what about the other 150 or so countries in the world? Can none of them help out? It's exclusively the US embargo causing the problem?
Don’t bother. He knows nothing. He talks about that kid being used for political reasons even thought the Communist government of Cuba is grooming him to be president one day. He literally is ****ting what he’s eating.
Don’t bother. He knows nothing. He talks about that kid being used for political reasons even thought the Communist government of Cuba is grooming him to be president one day. He literally is ****ting what he’s eating.

Groomed to be president? Lol
I guess going back was good for him then.
You can stop with political BS. You must first distinguish socialistic principles from dictatorship. When did Social Security, Universal hHealthcare, public drinking water, public transportation become a bad idea. We're the only G7 country without Universal Healthcare. Our mortality rate 8s w9rse than 3rd world countries.

Let's not forget who put Cuba back on the Terrorist state list blocking trade with Cuba hurting the Cuban people. This current situation didn't just pop up. It's been there for decades. Now the Cuban people are making a push and all the sudden it's on Biden when 45 didn't do ****.

The Cuban regime is an ally of Russia. The US isn't going to invade Cuba. No President has done it. Perhaps the US would aide the revolution like we're supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression, but not with US military force. That part isn't going to happen.
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