College football needs Miami to be great again.

Miami is one of the few teams situated in the right area and the prestige to knock off SEC teams.

The southeast from Georgia west to Texas has, by far, the most talent and best athletes. Almost all the schools with the resources to take advantage of that are in the SEC. Really only Clemson, Miami, and FSU fit the profile to compete with SEC teams in the region consistently. USC out west can compete if/when they lock down California and recruit nationally. Ohio State competes cuz they lock down Ohio and recruit nationally really well.

Most northern and western schools just can’t get the guys to compete with schools in the southeast, they don’t have the local or regional athletes to sustain that kind of success.
One thing that will change with that is the popularity of the sport. It will decline, probably significantly over time for most of the country. NFL understood this and structured the league to maintain a widespread appeal.
That’s where I worry about the long term lack of vision in CFB. The NCAA has been partners with the SEC for two decades now, and the unofficial enablers of Alabama. You have to ask yourself, does Emmert have the ability to look beyond today and realize what a run of Alabama winning thirty of the next thirty eight national championships does to the overall interest in the sport? Or perhaps the better question is - since you can make the argument that Alabama runs the NCAA to some extent - does Saban care what happens to the rest of the sport? Even if collapsing interest means that in another frw decades CFB is niche and there are only thirty two teams left, does is matter as long as the Crimson Tide is still winning “national championships”.
The BCS system is what precipitated what we are seeing now. Then it snowballed. When they expand the playoffs, along with NIL, and the transfer portal it will start changing overall. But i agree, its USC and Miami that need to get it together. Texas is going to the SEC and A&M been cleaning up Texas. All the neutrals are pretty tired of Bama.

Also i know people like to say the SEC but Bama and UGA are far ahead of the other SEC schools too. They the ones who get smoked in a pack before the playoffs even start. And Mich talent is no where near UGA, Cinci has good coaching but same v Bama. Mario is gonna fix that, don't you doubt it. That talent gap is gonna be gone in 2 cycles max after this one
If you have the conf champ automatically make the playoff. Then the Conf championship game basially becomes the first round of the playoff.
Except then you have an even more diluted actual playoff. So uga is out and ND is in? That’s new. nd is out because they’re not in a conference? Ok, then Baylor is in with two losses And plays bama? Yeah, That would be fun to watch…
The regional and national TV ratings for the Bama-UGA $EC/NC game will be interesting.

Will anyone care west of the Mississippi, north of the Mason-Dixon line?
Do this for another decade or two and CFB will become a regional sport. Lucrative - and to use a wrestling analogy like the AWA, JCP, World Class, or Vince Sr’s old WWWF - but still regional.
Someone has to stop them from loading up. Mario has a tough job but if Skinner was a sign then he can weaken their roster. Also Mario is a beast nationally he ain't just a local dog. He's as elite as they come on the trail. If we can't get talent with him we never will. Until Saban dies
espn in in bed with sec. sec schools can break all the rules. this is their wet dream of a championship game. That being said, we have an advantage by being located in the hotbed. Staying home means alot. bama players have no bond. its not a brotherhood.
The CFP is just a way to manipulate them to get 2 SEC teams in any costs...its beyond a scam...and obvious to the masses already

I don't buy the SEC bias.

There is no way ESPN was clamoring for an SEC title game rematch—as Georgia literally has zero national appeal.

Michigan is an old school program with national appeal, as they have fans and alumni everywhere. Georgia is a regional program with a large Southern fan base.

Anyone who thinks the four-letter network wasn't hoping for an Alabama versus Michigan and Saban versus Harbaugh national title game—you don't get how the whole thing works.

Ratings galore for the Crimson Tide and Wolverines, as no one outside of Tuscaloosa and Athens cares about an Alabama and Georgia rematch.
Mario must do this to succed…. Recruit and coach these kids up. Start developing multiple first rounders again. That’s why these kids go to certain schools.

When a position coach leaves it needs to be because they are moving up and Mario needs to replace them with the best person possible.
Would’ve taken just a little real investigative journalism to expose the pay-for-play scheme that has created the current imbalance and blow the whole ******* thing up. Ask yourself why no major journalist has tried and why ESPN prohibits its people from even mentioning that issue generally. It’s all a big fraud.
The only way to weaken UGA and bama is to protect sfla. Balance can't be restored if they take who they want.

No all the teams mentioned USC Texas Miami **** FL and FSU to an extent all need to get on their jobs because UGA Ohio State and Bama goes to Texas Florida and California and get the pick of the litter every year
Brett McMurphy is an idiot 🤣🤣🤣



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The playoff system isn't at fault here. It's the professionalization of the sport at some programs while others aren't. The analysts and recruiting departments and armies of staff. These programs have found loopholes for competitive advantages and they're exploiting them to stay at a different level. They're not even in the same league, literally. It's like amateur sports vs minor league sports. And now with NIL that gap will only get bigger.

Hopefully it's not too late for us..because of our talent competitive advantage, I feel like we can elevate to that top level quickly.. hopefully that's not just blind optimism or homerism speaking.. But when I watch UGA and Bama dominate with south Florida players in a south Florida stadium, it at least lends itself to some hope that we can have a quick path back to national relevance. That and our short but rapid return to the top in 2017 give me hope as well.
The CFP is just a way to manipulate them to get 2 SEC teams in any costs...its beyond a scam...and obvious to the masses already
not sure, ESPN paying a lot of $$$$ and UGA/Bama will not be much of a draw in MW and west Coast .
dollars will drive payoff expansion as poor ratings will show next week
USC, Texas, Miami, Florida are all getting their act together. With TAMU recruiting they’re going to be the second UGA as well. But really until Sabans gone here we are.
espn in in bed with sec. sec schools can break all the rules. this is their wet dream of a championship game. That being said, we have an advantage by being located in the hotbed. Staying home means alot. bama players have no bond. its not a brotherhood.
ESPN is also in bed with the acc, we are just a bad conference
Except then you have an even more diluted actual playoff. So uga is out and ND is in? That’s new. nd is out because they’re not in a conference? Ok, then Baylor is in with two losses And plays bama? Yeah, That would be fun to watch…
ND is out since they are not in a conf.

1st round: UGA vs Bama, Mich vs Iowa, Ok st vs Baylor, Oregon vs Utah
2nd round Bama vs Utah, Mich vs Baylor
Finals : Bama vs Mich

It creates an 8 game playoff without having to add games.