*Coach Kool Gone...headed to Alabama*

Did I miss something guy was a horrible recruiter, the dL we have were kids that would lean our way even if I coached the dL. We all thought that he would bring us national recruits, well he did bring us one national recruit, I think his name is Tyriec Martin, don’t let the door hit ya. Bring us a guy that can recruit and team, young hungry with some experience gun!!!
Give me a recruiter, Kul was god awful as a recruiter same as Rumph its why MR is lettting him walk he sees that now. He wont make the same mistake with the next hire. Obviously its a better fit for Kul at Bama, he wont have to recruit and he fits in at bama with the whole farm vibe.

I doubt richt let him go. Miami can't pay what bama pays their assistants.
Jesus our fans our dumb. This guy is the best DL coach in college, has been for years, he gets poached by Alabama, and fans think we are better off????