CMR on Joe Rose right now on the freshmen QB

I have not seen Weldon but love what I have seen of Williams. I'm just saying you can't judge a guy solely on practice, I played this game at the same level we are at and can tell you some guys just don't get fired up about practice. Seen it many times tbh, a starter goes down and the backup comes in and its like omg where has that been, its been there the whole time but never came out at practice. Yes you have to judge by practice to a point, but who knows what would happen if you throw Williams in there, Saban threw that kid in at prolly the toughest time a qb could come into a game, against a badass defense that were smacking their lips. Look we all know we ain't going anywhere with maleek, that's a fact, why not see what these kids have in a REAL situation, anybody ??
I agree. You also have some guys (Malik) who ball out in practice and nut up when it's game time and the hitting starts for real. A lot of qbs look good in that red practice jersey.
I agree. You also have some guys (Malik) who ball out in practice and nut up when it's game time and the hitting starts for real. A lot of qbs look good in that red practice jersey.
Yes sir, here they are green tree all Americans but you are dead right, but **** man you cant tell me Richt don't know this as well, he played the game
I have not seen Weldon but love what I have seen of Williams. I'm just saying you can't judge a guy solely on practice, I played this game at the same level we are at and can tell you some guys just don't get fired up about practice. Seen it many times tbh, a starter goes down and the backup comes in and its like omg where has that been, its been there the whole time but never came out at practice. Yes you have to judge by practice to a point, but who knows what would happen if you throw Williams in there, Saban threw that kid in at prolly the toughest time a qb could come into a game, against a badass defense that were smacking their lips. Look we all know we ain't going anywhere with maleek, that's a fact, why not see what these kids have in a REAL situation, anybody ??

What have you seen of Williams at this level?
Any other predictions? The OL will cost us a game? The Special teams will cost us a game too?
I need to know now and not watch the rest of the season.
What have you seen of Williams at this level?
No I said I played the game at this level, there are always guys who can't get a woody at practice but have a raging boner in a game, that's just how it is. Some coaches take the attitude that if you don't give 100% at practice you don't deserve to be in the game ahead of a practice all american that gives 100% all the time, but that dude may be getting his *** kicked in the game. Some coaches, like Jimmy, knows its in there, and he'll throw your *** out there and see how you handle it, its a feel I guess
Unfortunately I agree. He will cost us games this year. When we begin to play teams that load up against the run we will be in trouble.
Rinse and repeat just like last year .. except teams already have the blue print to beat us .. it just took us until Pitt to be exposed
Sorry, no. The loss looks less bad, but they're still sucking on offense real bad. I think we all know that train will eventually derail unless their QB can get his completion percentage above 50%. Like Rosier, I don't see any reason he would get better.
Both of those games are in Death Valley, most likely night games. They can upset on of those teams in a low scoring battle like the Auburn game.
Y’all quick to write people off all the **** time. Richt said it himself the other day the plan was for Perry to get reps early in the game vs Toledo but due to the defense the game got tight and altered plans. Richt reiterated today they are ready

He said this today.
“You have to make sure the timing is right, but at some point down the line, like how a bird kicks them out of the nest and lets them fly—it is about that time,” Richt said.
I hear you but the history of Miami doesn’t support the “get the backups time” line of thinking. It makes sense, but Kosar, Testeverde, Erickson, Walsh and even Kaaya had limited or no snaps in the year before starting.

If the backups can’t beat out Rosier, then Miami should probably go looking for other QBs.

Kayaa started his first game as a freshman
I said before and i'll say this again.

Mark Richt is NOT going to pull MR in any game until he has had a chance to build his stat sheet to the point where he can show everyone that he has made the right choice in playing Rosier.

just like against SS he left Rosier in there until he had his 3 TD's and a decent stat sheet.

Richt puts on this choirboy image but he's one smug prick when it comes to his decisions.

So yea the backups will play but how much they play will be determined on how fast Malik fills up his stat sheet so Richt can point to it if/when NP or CW come in and play really really well.

Richt decision was pre-determined. Rosier could go 3-45 w 10 ints each rep w the 1s and Perry could go 18-21 w 10 TDs w the 1’s and Richt was going to start Rosier. Richt prefers older players; that’s his m.o.

That’s why I was really shocked that he said none of the QBs have done anything to separate themselves. Every clip we saw it was Malik throwing in the dirt on slants and behind players on bubble screens. The 3 fans I spoke w at the Spring game said Perry was the truth.

So all leads me to believe that no matter what, Richt was going to choose Malik. And that’s my issue.
Richt prefers older players; that’s his m.o.

No Madame Cleo needed. Look no further than LSU. Don’t let beating SSt and Toledo give you a short memory that Rosier and Feagles single handily cost us that game.
That does not mean that the team will revert to old habbits and lose to another team on our schedule in a similar fashion. And it does not mean that Rosier will be the only reason we lose a game.

Can it happen? Sure. I am not going to say I am confident that we will beat every team on the schedule.
But I do think this team can get better and I do think this team can beat every team on this schedule.
I will be patient to see how the season progresses before making bold predictions.
That does not mean that the team will revert to old habbits and lose to another team on our schedule in a similar fashion. And it does not mean that Rosier will be the only reason we lose a game.

Can it happen? Sure. I am not going to say I am confident that we will beat every team on the schedule.
But I do think this team can get better and I do think this team can beat every team on this schedule.
I will be patient to see how the season progresses before making bold predictions.

Please explain what makes you think the deficiencies on this team are simply "old habits" and are just a thing of the past. It looks to me and anyone, who is even remotely objective, that the same issues that plagued the team against LSU and the previous three losses before that are still very much a part of this team.
Please explain what makes you think the deficiencies on this team are simply "old habits" and are just a thing of the past. It looks to me and anyone, who is even remotely objective, that the same issues that plagued the team against LSU and the previous three losses before that are still very much a part of this team.
Old habits such as bad penalties, missed assignments and mental mistakes that occurred on both offense and defense (and on special teams).

Simply put many people are assuming that things will either stay the same as the season progresses or things will become worse.

I think there will be players that get better. There will be players that emerge as weapons who are not even factors right now and reps/cohesion can also help units get better.

Not to mention that this team relies a lot of intangibles and confidence. It is very contagious when this team get's a swagger again.
Odds are super high that Malik Implosier will resurface again. When he strings together a couple good games against a team that isn’t complete dogshyt or a MAC team with a tradition of horrific defenses, then maybe some people will start buying in. Until then, I’m expecting Implosier to resurface the next time we play a decent P5 defense.

I fully expect Rick and Diaz to take a horrible FSU team and turn them into a cross between the 85 Bears and the 84 Dolphins.
Odds are super high that Malik Implosier will resurface again. When he strings together a couple good games against a team that isn’t complete dogshyt or a MAC team with a tradition of horrific defenses, then maybe some people will start buying in. Until then, I’m expecting Implosier to resurface the next time we play a decent P5 defense.

I fully expect Rick and Diaz to take a horrible FSU team and turn them into a cross between the 85 Bears and the 84 Dolphins.
****. I agree 100%