CMR on Joe Rose right now on the freshmen QB

i agree. thats only a move saban would do. thats why he's saban but lets be fair. a few years ago, Richt was an aaron murray choke away from beating him and probably winning a NC. that wasnt because he couldnt coach
True, Richt is a good coach I'll give him that, but not a great coach. He is much to laid back for me, not a chance taker AT ALL as we are seeing, I also think he needs to get on Manny's *** for all these crazy blitze schemes he runs, which a descent OC will eat up, luckily we don't see many. I love watching Gary Patterson coach, that's my kinda coach, a lot like Jimmy. I think we will always be a 8-9 win team with Richt and the occasional 10 win season. Just IMO but I think administration took the safe route, also IMO I don't think the powers that be care one damm bit about winning a natty OR getting back to the top of the CFB world
Let me ask you. How ready did Rosier look when we were down 33-3 to LSU? Do you honestly think HE is ready? Spare me the FSU game last year that should have NEVER come down to a last second play. Spare me the ND game where our D destroyed them. Same with VT. You going to sit here and say Rosier won us that game as well?
I am going to sit here and say I trust Richt and his decisions.

I have a feeling this team is going to get on a good roll and as I depicted in another post people will belittle that roll because of the opponents we play.
I am hoping that the more we win and the more the youngsters get confidence the better this team will be in the long run, And right now I see Rosier being a part of the positive progress not the backups.
I thought Kosi should’ve came in for the 3rd drive
That would have been a good time, since our defense had smothered them on their first three series. I didn't see much risk at that point. I was really hoping we'd score one more before the half and continue to dominate on defense, and let Perry pretty much have the entire second half to get into a rhythm.

But then Bobby Knowles happened, and in hindsight, we really couldn't afford to risk not scoring any of our early TD's.
True, Richt is a good coach I'll give him that, but not a great coach. He is much to laid back for me, not a chance taker AT ALL as we are seeing, I also think he needs to get on Manny's *** for all these crazy blitze schemes he runs, which a descent OC will eat up, luckily we don't see many. I love watching Gary Patterson coach, that's my kinda coach, a lot like Jimmy. I think we will always be a 8-9 win team with Richt and the occasional 10 win season. Just IMO but I think administration took the safe route, also IMO I don't think the powers that be care one damm bit about winning a natty OR getting back to the top of the CFB world

@Brooklyndee Richt laid back? not what i have heard he is like behind closed doors. i hear he's a savage who plays nice in front of media.

not a risk taker? he risked it to beat FSU last year. i have seen him take shots, do onsides kicks, etc. problem is execution.

look i dont know if he will ever win a NC here, im not thrilled right now but aside from saban, urban, and dabo. Who else was there?
When UGA didnt handcuff him early on, he was kicking people's teeth in.

As far as many, he's what the fans wanted. the complete opposite of Coach D. now, i think we lack depth and our LB's are overrated. I seen numerous times these dudes just look lost. thats not all coaching, he's lack of instinct and focus. One kid i like so far is Steed, he seems to have a nose for the ball. I like jennings too be just seems a little slow but he makes the right plays.
I am going to sit here and say I trust Richt and his decisions.

I have a feeling this team is going to get on a good roll and as I depicted in another post people will belittle that roll because of the opponents we play.
I am hoping that the more we win and the more the youngsters get confidence the better this team will be in the long run, And right now I see Rosier being a part of the positive progress not the backups.
i truly believe richt is playing the year out with rosier until jarren is ready. listen to him talk, it's clear jarren is his fav.
Malik was Malik on Saturday; an obvious better runner than passer. At this point I’m not sure putting Perry in as the starter or Williams or Weldon is going to truly make a difference in team play or a victory that Rosier can’t get for us anyways. I wish we had a QB challenge on our hands but alas we don’t. Is that coaching issues or is it the truly aren’t ready for anything but mop up duty at this point. I pray we’re up on several more opponents this season as such that we get to see the backups play some more so we can evaluate if they’re improving or not.
I am going to sit here and say I trust Richt and his decisions.

I have a feeling this team is going to get on a good roll and as I depicted in another post people will belittle that roll because of the opponents we play.
I am hoping that the more we win and the more the youngsters get confidence the better this team will be in the long run, And right now I see Rosier being a part of the positive progress not the backups.
I think the word is out, put 8 in the box, put pressure on Rosier, get in his face, he can't beat ya, he's gonna telegraph who he's gonna throw to, make one read and wing it out there for better or worse, and our online cannot hold up to that either. Sure we can play with most of the ACC but we can't play with the big boys, we need linemen bad, real bad
I am going to sit here and say I trust Richt and his decisions.

I have a feeling this team is going to get on a good roll and as I depicted in another post people will belittle that roll because of the opponents we play.
I am hoping that the more we win and the more the youngsters get confidence the better this team will be in the long run, And right now I see Rosier being a part of the positive progress not the backups.
Oh I think we are one player away from going on a HUGE roll. The team is loaded on O. Just need quality play from the QB position, which I do not think we will ever get from Rosier consistently.
If Kosi goes out there up 21-0 and a bad snap goes over his head and they score off of it or in the ensuing possession and get on a roll then all the monday morning qbs here will be like why in the world did we put Kosi in when we were up 21?
I don't think we will see the Freshman QBs vs FIU. I fully expect FIU to roll Miami up by 45......according to these Butch Davis ****suckers on this site.
Oh I think we are one player away from going on a HUGE roll. The team is loaded on O. Just need quality play from the QB position, which I do not think we will ever get from Rosier consistently.
next year we will have one of the best offenses in the country. we are building that butch davis era depth on offense. We two nfl TE's, multiple NFL Rb's and wr's, and at least 5 NFL caliber OL (just young)
we need defensive depth. we need at least one more safety commit, another cb, and a 3-4 DT's and DE's in this cycle.
Oh I think we are one player away from going on a HUGE roll. The team is loaded on O. Just need quality play from the QB position, which I do not think we will ever get from Rosier consistently.
It would help if the OL played a bit better. It would also help if Richards could play like he did a couple years ago.
(Heck, I'd just take Richards being relatively healthy the rest of the season.)
Think this is just Richts way of saying they anticipate blowing them out early this week. Lol, cause he certainly hasn't shown any indication of the others getting reps otherwise.
It would help if the OL played a bit better. It would also help if Richards could play like he did a couple years ago.
Heck, I'd just take Richards being relatively healthy.
There's an old saying about how good QBs make bad OLs look good, while a bad QB can make a good OL look bad. There's a lot of truth to that. If your QB can keep a D honest, and keep them off balance, the entire O functions better. Right now good teams just tee off knowing Rosier can not beat them with his arm, and legs, alone. When he starts, IF he starts hitting passes downfield against them, they won't be able to focus on taking the run away. His consistency is non existent, and that is taking the whole O down a notch.
next year we will have one of the best offenses in the country. we are building that butch davis era depth on offense. We two nfl TE's, multiple NFL Rb's and wr's, and at least 5 NFL caliber OL (just young)
we need defensive depth. we need at least one more safety commit, another cb, and a 3-4 DT's and DE's in this cycle.
I guess I didn't realize we throw to the TE's. We need linemen, that's the glaring difference between us and the big boys
He said the same bull**** last week. Coach speak, he isn't pulling Malik until its Pitt levels of bad. That much is plenty clear to me after he called 3 handoffs for Kosi.
Cmr not concerned what anonymous posters want on this forum. He is doing what he feels is the correct strategy regarding young QBs. He is not going to change to satisfy your whims.
next year we will have one of the best offenses in the country. we are building that butch davis era depth on offense. We two nfl TE's, multiple NFL Rb's and wr's, and at least 5 NFL caliber OL (just young)
we need defensive depth. we need at least one more safety commit, another cb, and a 3-4 DT's and DE's in this cycle.
I guess I didn't realize we throw to the TE's. We need linemen, that's the glaring difference between us and
@Brooklyndee Richt laid back? not what i have heard he is like behind closed doors. i hear he's a savage who plays nice in front of media.

not a risk taker? he risked it to beat FSU last year. i have seen him take shots, do onsides kicks, etc. problem is execution.

look i dont know if he will ever win a NC here, im not thrilled right now but aside from saban, urban, and dabo. Who else was there?
When UGA didnt handcuff him early on, he was kicking people's teeth in.

As far as many, he's what the fans wanted. the complete opposite of Coach D. now, i think we lack depth and our LB's are overrated. I seen numerous times these dudes just look lost. thats not all coaching, he's lack of instinct and focus. One kid i like so far is Steed, he seems to have a nose for the ball. I like jennings too be just seems a little slow but he makes the right plays.
Fair enough, but is it possible they are having to think too much instead of read and react, basic instinct football, using athleticism
I guess I didn't realize we throw to the TE's. We need linemen, that's the glaring difference between us and the big boys
we have OL talent. it's jsut very young. richt inherited a bunch of trash. he has said it multiple times too.
There's an old saying about how good QBs make bad OLs look good, while a bad QB can make a good OL look bad. There's a lot of truth to that. If your QB can keep a D honest, and keep them off balance, the entire O functions better. Right now good teams just tee off knowing Rosier can not beat them with his arm, and legs, alone. When he starts, IF he starts hitting passes downfield against them, they won't be able to focus on taking the run away. His consistency is non existent, and that is taking the whole O down a notch.
I want to see how the season develops before I can fully agree with this paragraph. A lot can happen between now and the next time we play a good team.
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