C'mon Kaaya (Joe Schad Tweet)

Tad Footeball

1996 Interim Big East Conference Commissioner
Feb 6, 2014

That second goal is suspect at best when you see the likes of Tyrod Taylor being named to the Pro Bowl.
Nice dream, but I would have guessed his dream would be to win MVP or a Super Bowl

Edit: (he did say Super Bowl)
“And while I think I could have won a national championship and a conference championship had I stayed at Miami, it’s always been a dream of mine to play in the Super Bowl — and play in an NFC Championship or AFC Championship. Be a Pro Bowler.
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WTF kind of logic is that lol...

Smh, like I've said in multiple threads, everyone except him knows he made a huge mistake leaving early, but I'm glad he's gone & I've already moved on.
WTF kind of logic is that lol...

Smh, like I've said in multiple threads, everyone except him knows he made a huge mistake leaving early, but I'm glad he's gone & I've already moved on.

I've defended the kid and obviously still hope he does well as a pro but it rubbed me the wrong way to equate the two- especially when making a Pro Bowl is almost a junk accolade in today's NFL.
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WTF kind of logic is that lol...

Smh, like I've said in multiple threads, everyone except him knows he made a huge mistake leaving early, but I'm glad he's gone & I've already moved on.

I've defended the kid and obviously still hopes he does well as a pro but it rubbed me the wrong way to equate the two- especially when making a Pro Bowl is almost a junk accolade in today's NFL.
I'm not a Kaaya hater in the least bit, but he clearly didn't vibe well with Richt & wasn't comfortable in this offense, his slow pocket reads & bad decision making cost us games this year, so I'm excited to see how we look with a new QB.

As far as his comment, it's just another example of poor decision making on his part, if I'm a GM interviewing him at the Combine I would simply ask him, does indivual success supersede team success for you? He would probably say no & then that would go down as a red flag in his evaluation.
I always knew that Bard kaayak kid was fvcked in the head, this kind of tweet only cements my position.

With a mom as bat schit crazy as Felicia is, the poor kid never stood a chance.

BTW: Anyone know why my firefox won't display embedded tweets?
I see more and more why this kid got along so well with Al Golden. The Pro Bowl. Who gives a **** about the Pro Bowl? If you're playing in a Pro Bowl it means you aren't in the Super Bowl. Or one of the actually good QB's who fakes an injury so you don't have to waste your time with it. So Kaaya thought he could win a championship but wanted to be Andy Dalton instead? Take your 5th round draft pick money and get out of my face.
won't miss this kid at all. he has a loser mentality & just never understood what it was to be a Miami Hurricane.
Lol being in the pro bowl is more important to this kid then winning a national championship with Miami?

That is a kid thats all about self and not team. Kid will be lucky to start a NFL game missing wide open WRS.

One of the Cali teams will draft him too.
that tweet should be put in his file for reference... It reflects the thought process of a full blown ******
WTF kind of logic is that lol...

Smh, like I've said in multiple threads, everyone except him knows he made a huge mistake leaving early, but I'm glad he's gone & I've already moved on.

I've defended the kid and obviously still hopes he does well as a pro but it rubbed me the wrong way to equate the two- especially when making a Pro Bowl is almost a junk accolade in today's NFL.
I'm not a Kaaya hater in the least bit, but he clearly didn't vibe well with Richt & wasn't comfortable in this offense, his slow pocket reads & bad decision making cost us games this year, so I'm excited to see how we look with a new QB.

As far as his comment, it's just another example of poor decision making on his part, if I'm a GM interviewing him at the Combine I would simply ask him, does indivual success supersede team success for you? He would probably say no & then that would go down as a red flag in his evaluation.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe Brad thinks he will by drafted the Rams (or the LA Chargers, now that they announced their move since he declared) and be the King of hometown LA soon (starting QB in 2 years, tops). I just get that vibe that Miami was a stepping stone for him and since LA is NFL exploding, he has his chance to be a Kobe, Magic, or Gretzky.


This situation kind of reminds me of what happened with Christian Hackenberg...
Remember when he was this highly touted QB that was supposed to be the 2nd coming of Andrew Luck?

He had that Freshman year where he put up huge numbers, but that was really fools gold & a byproduct of Bill O'Brien's offense hiding his deficiencies & playing alongside Allen Robinson & Jesse James.

Then after he lost his weapons & O'Brien went to the NFL, he had a terrible Sophmore year & everybody made excuses for him for his terrible decline in play... It was everybody's else fault but his own.

Then the same thing happened again his Junior year & people continually made excuses for him again.
"He doesn't have any help, he has a terrible OLine, Coach Franklin's Offense his stunting his growth" etc..

He goes to the Combine & in the interviews scouts said he essentially blamed his last 2 years of failure at Pedo St on Franklin, then he blamed his OL, basically he took zero responsibility for how awful he had played.

He went from being the next greatest QB ever, to being passed up by the Coach who recruited him & not taken until 4th round.

People forget, the Texans could've drafted Hack, but O'Brien chose Brock Oswelier over him, which speaks volumes to what he really thought about him.

The point I'm making is, he was a kid who was extremely overrated & and allowed his ego to keep him from maximizing his potential.

He left school early too, despite being not ready for the NFL because he didn't like Franklin, why exactly? Because Franklin held him accountable.

Hack was a higher rated QB coming out of HS than Kaaya & is far more mobile, but their weaknesses are very similar.

Slow read in the pocket, holds the ball waaaaay too long, doesn't diagnose Defenses at a high level/bad at reading coverages, bad footwork, poor mechanics, struggles against pressure, overthrows the open man & overall doesn't have leadership quality.

I hope Kaaya does well in the league, because it will only help us in recruiting, but he's definitely gonna struggle if he has to start early on.
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You guys getting worked up over shīt somebody says in what amounts to a job interview is hilarious.

Pretty harmless stuff. Meaningless.
Not Brad's fault man, kid had two horrible years with golden and three ****** years with golden's ****** ol. I wish he would have stayed! Richt and co will be fine tho
You guys getting worked up over shīt somebody says in what amounts to a job interview is hilarious.

Pretty harmless stuff. Meaningless.

Just like Brad's career here.


Still mad at him for leaving, especially when he says **** like this. Oh. You thought you could win a National Championship, but you dipped to go 3-4 round because the QB competition was weak? BETA BETA BETA moves.
Bad move on his part. He took a ******* beating last year physically. I'm sure that influenced his decision some.