CanesInSight is building a fence around South Florida

Oh snap

Welcoming @allcanesradio to the #CaneInsiderteam. Our coverage of the #Canes football team just went to another level. #ToTheTop

If that ain't a direct shot at Dmoney, then I don't know what is.

Another level because they added Brian "The Beast" London?

They tryin to rival THE PODCAST?

Good for them. I wish them luck. I am confident in our brand and the future it holds.
This site continues to separate it self from that shytt pool that is C.S. I swear the only reason I post there is to **** off some of the posters on there. Refrain from the BS posting on this site. Much respect to the updaters. This new wrinkle will be nice.
Good for them. I wish them luck. I am confident in our brand and the future it holds.

Agreed. It's all good by me either way. I just asked about "The Beast" because I hadn't heard about him in some time.
Cameron, my man! Read this site all the time. How funny that you're a contributor now! Canes and Cranes in the house!

Geoff Brethen
In our effort to provide the best content anywhere in the Canes world-- for free -- we've decided to take things to another level. Giving you great Canes recruiting info isn't enough. We also want to become the premier spot for all of South Florida high school football.

To that end, I'd like to welcome the two newest members of the CIS team: Tito Benach and Cameron Underwood.

Both guys are upcoming talents with a passion for South Florida high school football and the Canes. Those who read CanesInsider know Tito has extensive knowledge of Miami-Dade county athletes. Cameron is the voice of Miramar sports and Canes alum. You can see some of his work here:

So you can expect more game reports, opinion pieces, prospect breakdowns, interviews and general insight
to go along with the goods Peter Ariz has already been providing.

Join me in welcoming Cameron and Tito to the family and get ready for a season of the best coverage anywhere in the Canes universe.
