Canes vs who? Elimination game...

Non-national seeds get to Omaha at a better rate than national seeds. Look it up.

I did.

You prove how dumb you are when you make such a statement. That's what I find most interesting about the professional whiners. They're so dumb and ignorant that they can't even comprehend the facts that prove them to be dumb and ignorant.

National seeds are far and away the likeliest Omaha teams. It's not even close.

You probably also use data from the live bat era. Another news flash: the game has changed. National seeds do not perform well anymore.

Think I heard 40% of national seeds have made it to Omaha the past 5ish years.
Dude doesn't think that you have to elevate your level of play in Omaha. But we're stupid.

Another lie.

You claimed that our teams elevated their play back in the day. I said they didn't. They were great in the regular season and great in the postseason.

You then turn around and make stuff up. As usual.
The team did not meet my expectations, which was actually doing something in Omaha.


You're more angry than I am about losing two games in Omaha.

Pat yourself on the back, fanboy.

Never said angry.
The word was "disappointment".

Look at the name calling on your posts.
You're the angry one. A little insecure as well.

Let's end it, again, right here.


"Fanboys are those who don't really follow the team but swoop in around May/June to whine when the team loses. They are usually delusional and don't understand college baseball."

Does that include kids that really believe that doing well in conference tourney's, especially the ACC and SEC , "don't mean that much" as far as national seeding goes?

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Think I heard 40% of national seeds have made it to Omaha the past 5ish years.

KeyWestConchs said that being a national seed is no help in getting to Omaha.

Amazing, right?

I think that 40% of national seeds getting to Omaha does support his position. 60% of non 1-8 ranked teams get to Omaha these days.

For a parallel discussion I would like to know how many number 1,2,3 seeds make it to the final 4. Of course the truest comparison would just be the number 1 seeds to national seeds.
Let it be heard...
That you can't have an opinion on Miami Baseball, non what-so-ever, unless first consulting "The Protector of Miami Baseball".
I think that 40% of national seeds getting to Omaha does support his position. 60% of non 1-8 ranked teams get to Omaha these days.

No it doesn't and this just proves, yet again, how dumb the average detractor is. You don't even understand simple mathematics.

Since 2007 there have been 80 teams that competed in Omaha. The seeds of those teams breakdown as follows

N1's: 39 (48.75%)
n1's: 18 (22.5%)
2's: 14 (17.5%)
3's: 7 (8.75%)
4's: 2 (2.5%)

National seeds are far and away the likeliest Omaha teams.

Saying that being a national seeds doesn't help getting to Omaha is asinine.
60% of non 1-8 ranked teams get to Omaha these days.

Just read this quote and tell me that imurcane and others aren't stupid.

'60% of non 1-8 ranked teams get to Omaha these days.'

There are 56 non 1-8 teams in the field every year. If this statement was true then that would mean 33 teams would be getting to Omaha every year.

The real figure is....

560 non 1-8 teams since 2007.

41 of them have made it to Omaha.

That's 7.3% of non 1-8 teams make it to Omaha. Compared to 48.75% of national seeds.

But somehow imurcane said that the data supports KeyWestConchs claim that being a national seed is not help in getting to Omaha.

And this guy is a moderator.
Florida is 6 outs from getting bounced and their fans are ecstatic!
The ones that aren't just don't know college baseball!