Candidates for UM Head Coach

Hate all you want, Lane Kiffin is an offensive guru. We would have a coach that is actually good at something. He also can recruit.
Not on my short list but I'd be interested in hearing what Ray Lewis or Ed Reed would think about Brian Billick's style working here. Actually has a long college coaching resume and people forget that he once was considered an offensive guru when he was with the Vikings.
OP I hate your list. I'm making phone calls in the following order, and offering every guy the job until someone says yes.

1. Gary Patterson
2. Butch Davis
3. Mark Dantonio
4. Todd Graham
5. Rich Rodriguez
6. Jim McElwain
7. Mark Hudspeth

If they've all said no, start interviewing coordinators like

Tom Herman
Rhett Lashlee
Jeremy Pruitt
Kirby Smart

The AD wouldn't be doing his due diligence unless he first called up Jim Harbaugh's, Gary Patterson's, Mark Dantonio's, Todd Graham's, and Rich Rodriguez's agents and offered them the moon to coach in Coral Gables. I'm sure each of them would say 'no' but the AD should be contacting them.

Which leaves Butch. Unless Butch is offered the Florida job, Butch would give up his left arm to coach at Miami again.

And anyone who mentions Mario deserves a swift kick in the *******.
OP I hate your list. I'm making phone calls in the following order, and offering every guy the job until someone says yes.

1. Gary Patterson
2. Butch Davis
3. Mark Dantonio
4. Todd Graham
5. Rich Rodriguez
6. Jim McElwain
7. Mark Hudspeth

If they've all said no, start interviewing coordinators like

Tom Herman
Rhett Lashlee
Jeremy Pruitt
Kirby Smart

Most other schools conduct interviews. We call and beg.
Golden is a failure, actually a mistake from Day One. The Penn State/Big Ten style is passé. Southeastern athleticism (especially South Florida) is the cutting edge of college football. Who would: 1. Recruit well in Florida; 2. Implement a style of play in all three phases of the game that would compete with the likes of Alabama, TCU and Oregon? In other words, teach the game fundamentals to hungry athletes who want to play on Sunday. Here are some names that come to my mind:

Lane Kiffen
Rex Ryan
Bob Ryan
Jim Mora
Geoff Collins (DC at Miss. State)
Rhett Lashlee (OC at Auburn)
Mike Bloomgren (OC at Stanford, with NFL experience)

Please, no more Mr. Nice Guys like Golden. Nice guys finish last.

The Worst List Ever......
**** it, it could end in complete disaster but sign me up for Rex Ryan.
Would never happen but the buzz and excitement it would generate would be great. And I think kids would love him and his style of coaching. I think he could actually be good on the college level.
Schiano-Bucs still paying him so we could work out a financial deal
Graham-don't know if he has a buyout.
Chudzinski-Browns still paying him as well.
Stoops-have to pay 2 buyouts so highly unlikely.
Schiano-Bucs still paying him so we could work out a financial deal
Graham-don't know if he has a buyout.
Chudzinski-Browns still paying him as well.
Stoops-have to pay 2 buyouts so highly unlikely.

Wow Schiano, another winner!
Provide names my fellow Cane that are realistic. And don't spew Butch as there zero chance in that happening...

Schiano-Bucs still paying him so we could work out a financial deal
Graham-don't know if he has a buyout.
Chudzinski-Browns still paying him as well.
Stoops-have to pay 2 buyouts so highly unlikely.

Wow Schiano, another winner!
Butch, Butch.....Butch. Keep running around with unproven mofos and keep getting the same results. The guy is hungry and want to make amends.
I actually think Rex ryan would be a good fit here but I doubt he'll come. I wouldn't mind finding a decent NFL coordinator to come here and coach.