Can someone explain the UGA rumors?

10 months til signing day and we're already talking about this class being a fail.

how bout this. enough w the speculations, just wait a week. you'll find out where hes headed from his mouth. no point now that he is announcing on the 26th. weve waited this long for his choice, i think waiting another week is fine. and dont read too much into insider reports or interviews bc these kids know there are a ton of people reading into every little thing they say or do. they are gonna try to troll some of us.
Thomas was a perfect example because for months people actually said we were in it and some said he was a UM lock........... I wonder how many insiders actually talked to him and his family and how many just read bs rumors
lol we're bringing in the best OL haul in the country. You could put any SFlorida RB behind these mammoths. Oh yeah, and that Yearby boy is pretty **** good.
Look. Bottom line is Golden has to win at least 10 games this year- plain and simple. He does that? he'll have Sony and whomever else he wants....
This is different then the MT situation. That clown never showed interest in us whatsoever other then the fairy tales and endless hope fabricated on this site and others. If we had taken off our O&G glasses alot sooner then we did we wouldnt have been so shocked on NSD.

Sony has visited us many times. Has loved us since he was in the 8th grade. Shows respect to us and the staff. AND Hurlie Brown is on his a$$.

I agree with the original question..Besides endless babble from people who know nothing, experts who are guessing, and GA sites that make it seem like Sony has all but told them he is coming (NOT!), where the **** is this "give it up, he is going to GA" nonsense coming from? Im not saying he picks us but **** im not conceding him to GA unless I hear from HIM. (Im not believing family members, homeboys, cousins twice removed, or jumpoffs anymore either after the Alex Collins mess. These kids tell their parents/friends what they want to hear and end up making their own decision in the end.)

As of today..we got a 50/50 shot at a top 10 player in the country. I will sit on that until the 26th. Thanks.
Why are the Sony rumors to UGA so strong? Jc Shurburt or someone tweeted predictions and 8 of 8 people had him going to UGA. What is driving these thoughts?

How do those 8 people know where he is going, considering that the people close to him including his coach say he is a very private person who keeps his thoughts to himself?
This is different then the MT situation. That clown never showed interest in us whatsoever other then the fairy tales and endless hope fabricated on this site and others. If we had taken off our O&G glasses alot sooner then we did we wouldnt have been so shocked on NSD.

Sony has visited us many times. Has loved us since he was in the 8th grade. Shows respect to us and the staff. AND Hurlie Brown is on his a$$.

I agree with the original question..Besides endless babble from people who know nothing, experts who are guessing, and GA sites that make it seem like Sony has all but told them he is coming (NOT!), where the **** is this "give it up, he is going to GA" nonsense coming from? Im not saying he picks us but **** im not conceding him to GA unless I hear from HIM. (Im not believing family members, homeboys, cousins twice removed, or jumpoffs anymore either after the Alex Collins mess. These kids tell their parents/friends what they want to hear and end up making their own decision in the end.)

As of today..we got a 50/50 shot at a top 10 player in the country. I will sit on that until the 26th. Thanks.

Im not saying the situation is the same I mean the predictions were similar and when the dust cleared aI look at the UM predictions and think wtf were they thinking?
it's been said many times but I will say this again

EVEN IF Sony doesn't come here, if Miami wins 10 games, beats UF/FSU, wins ACC, and goes to BCS bowl, no "failures" at recruiting will be given a *****
If it were an OOS kid, I would agree. But these So Fla kids know whats up. They been dealin with it since optimist league and High school. If you suck, NOBODY is coming to watch you play. Not even Grandma! Thats what it is. If you win, you got the biggest piece of chicken at Sunday dinner. This aint Texas where 15,000 are showin up to watch a .500 team and after they get blown out 42-0 everybody goes to the nearest AppleBees to celebrate the "good effort". You win, they come. And that starts in pop warner and follows you to the pros as it pertains to So Fla. Not gonna accept that excuse. Besides, that FLA game on Sept 7th will be soldout and will be a GREAT atmosphere.
never trust what the kids tell the reporters, they tell them what they want to hear, so if he does a interview and is pro UGA im taking that with a grain of salt, i take everything every recruit says with a grain of salt, people are saying UGA because its a SEC school period, no one knows other than sony, so stop talking like it is over and is a fail and this and that, everyone is in meltdown mode and the kid hasn't even made a commitment, we will see the 26th
saying poor game day experience affects recruiting is a cop out.

EVERY school has its disadvantages and advantages.

Miami offers great education and location and has crappy attendance.

UGA offers crappy education and location but has great attendance.
It's not a cop out. Or an excuse. In this case, it's one of the factors that Sony feels UGA has over Miami, and something that he's interested in. That's about it.
Im not making comparisons. Im just parroting some information I saw on the premium board of another site. Lots of local south Florida folks believe we will get Cook if Sony doesn't come. And no this doesnt mean Cook is scared of competition or anything similar. It's simply the recruiting chess match.

Most years, Cook would be an A list guy for us. Given that SOny and Yearby are coming out the same year, this makes Cook a plan B guy. If Sony goes elsewhere then I suspect that Cook will become our Plan A for the 2nd RB spot.
this guy is not a plan B in any year

lol first play he shakes and outruns thomas
Unfortunately, we have to keep getting kids like Sony and Yearby and all other top SFLA kids to make the attendance better. These kids are from down there. They should know the deal. It's the same with the Fins, Marlins, and Heat. How were Heat crowds before 2010? We still had Wade. Didn't matter.

The people down there are what they are. It's a high standard and I believe we will reach it soon enough.

Hopefully, Sony realizes the opportunity. But if not, it's foolish to sit here and act like the sky is falling because a 17 year old boy doesn't agree with you. Some of y'all acting like he's not coming already, when you really don't know, are just trying to hedge your butthurtedness. I get it, but I refuse to let a 17 yr old boy make me too unhappy. I will let him make me excited of we get him, but I will move on if not.

Just look at how Dallas Crawford is balling out for us. Everyone thought we were ****ed since Collins didn't come. Golden is getting all he can out of a kid like Crawford. I expect the same from Gus Edwards and Corn Elder. Even Dilliard as time goes on. We're adding Yearby to that at least and there is nothing wrong with that.

Hypothetically speaking, if Sony picks UGA and we rattle off 9 or 10 wins, he probably starts thinking about it. Esecially if you combine that with a UGA 3 game losing streak or something. Because when UGA loses a game or 2 early, their fans start calling for everyone's head. Trust me. He'll see. Most years for UGA aren't like last year. They usually lose early conference games and then have to dig themselves out of a hole while they're fans trash Richt and his staff to death.