Blake Baker Will Be Gone

Honestly, with the way the fan base has gotten against him, it's probably in everyone's best interests. He will get no credit here as fans all say Manny took over if something goes well. It's all on him if it goes poorly.

Not saying he does/doesn't deserve it, just saying sometimes it's best for all parties to make a change.

This place is not the fan base.
Let’s hope he wins you over, because you’re really important to the success of the program
Far from important, however, I’m proud to say I have contributed a nice amount of donations and support towards our athletics, throughout the years, which in turn has contributed to our athletics success even if it is only minor. I certainly have earned my right to my opinion. If only Diaz valued by opinion as much as you did, wouldn’t that be something..
i have no inside information on the subject. i am making a deduction that is simple and obvious to me. if manny is calling plays (which is one of Baker's most important if not MOST important tasks as a DC), then baker will be gone.

baker's remaining here is not feasible. a high level professional that cannot do his job satisfactorily such that his supervisor has to take over his duties cannot remain on the job. if i have to do my manager's and department head's job, then i have failed as a business owner if dont remove and replace them.
i have no inside information on the subject. i am making a deduction that is simple and obvious to me. if manny is calling plays (which is one of Baker's most important if not MOST important tasks as a DC), then baker will be gone.

baker's remaining here is not feasible. a high level professional that cannot do his job satisfactorily such that his supervisor has to take over his duties cannot remain on the job. if i have to do my manager's and department head's job, then i have failed as a business owner if dont remove and replace them.
I agree with your theory. Let’s keep it real, though. You have some contact with the program.
If Manny took over play calling duties again this year, during the fourth quarter of the NCSU game and most if not all of the VT game, then there is no way that Baker can remain next year. It is a clear admission that Baker cannot do and has not done his job satisfactorily. And being demoted to a position coach on the same team is not feasible for a coordinator. He gone.
I think you’re delusional if you think Manny is gonna fire his boy. We have another Golden-Onofrio sitch here. I hope I’m wrong.
He stays imo. Diaz can handle calling the plays he wants. There are coordinators who do not call plays.

Baker remains DC here until Manny quits or gets fired. Disgarding Baker means firing your friend AND relinquishing control of the defense.
Far from important, however, I’m proud to say I have contributed a nice amount of donations and support towards our athletics, throughout the years, which in turn has contributed to our athletics success even if it is only minor. I certainly have earned my right to my opinion. If only Diaz valued by opinion as much as you did, wouldn’t that be something..

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here, but I will give you an honest response regarding this issue.

First of all, just for the record, I’m not sold on Manny because the verdict is not in. Assuming he ends up having a good year this year, finishes up relatively well, then it’s at the end of next season when I think we will know if he is the answer or not. Bearing in mind next year is going to be a huge challenge, depending on who opts out early for the NFL and keeping in mind we start out with Alabama. So he’s going to be challenged severely next year. Let’s see how he responds next year.

Now, as far as the topic at hand, which is his selection of coordinators, assistant coaches, and so forth. I don’t want a coach that listens to fans or people like yourself, or me, about who he should hire or fire. No coach should listen to fans.

Who the fūck are we?

I wouldn’t let you tell me how to run my business, I wouldn’t let him tell me how to run my business, I wouldn’t let some random stranger tell me how to run my business.

Why should he? It’s his ***, it’s his decision.

If you got a pair of balls, you run your business your way, not the way some bunch of couch potatoes who don’t know jack shlt about football tell you to run it.