Billboard update

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1 month? Haha blatantly false.

I 100% agree. Feel free to help me find it for 7.1k. The only reason we could afford the location was due to it being trivision. The next one I’ve seen in the area is 16k.

So unless you’ll help look, pony up the additional money, or have something constructive to actually add please stfu.

What if you take out the "Fire Blake James" and change it to "We Demand Excellence" or "We Demand Change" something that does not point to a single individual or entity but pointing to the program as its entirety.
Get it done OP. Whatever it takes. Airport is not ideal. Slightly change the wording or whatever but it absolutely cannot be watered down.

That’s the only way it gets near campus friend. That’s the *only* spot that can be afforded near campus, and the company is basically being run by Andrew from the sound of it. We don’t get it there without butchering the whole point of the message.

I’m waiting on some I-95 quotes. But the list of locations available to put it up this month, that’s affordable, is very very small.
So that's your claim to fame?? A 4 second tweet of a plane flying over a mostly empty Marlins stadium pulling a banner nobody can read? What a pathetic life you must lead. Wow!! You really did show them. The only excuse I can come up with for you being do dam inept. Is that you're probably a millenial and you have no idea how to get a valid point across without the help of the internet or from an invalid source of information. Like the one in this stupid tweet that says nothing about the message you paid for. You're the type of millennial that gives millenials a bad name.
Honestly. You can't make this **** up. I almost feel sorry for ya.

Go Canes
I’m generation X sport and that 4 sec tweet means nothing, what does mean something is that bad @ss banner flew around marlins park for an hour for everyone to see! Lol But continue to spew you BS Hecht center shill stooge agenda but no ones buying it here anymore sport! Lol oh and I think people could read that banner just fine, especially your scumbag bosses James and Strawley. Lmao oh and look up in the sky game one against temple because they’ll be another banner calling for you and your Hecht center bosses @sses including Manure Diaz himself. 👍😎
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Ok guys. The drama continued, but a solution has been nearly locked down.

The spot I had zoned out for this is still open, and I told them weeks ago when I got the quote the goal was to bring awareness to the poor state of the football program. All good.

Shot them over the final design the morning ahead of the meeting. Sales guy who’s been my point of contact says all good, gets final details to prep paperwork for me to sign. Pumped I have all the cash upfront rather than credit.

Design gets passed up the totem pole, less than an hour before the meeting I get a call. Management has reservations about the messaging and does not want to put it up because it’s too aggressive. UM is one of their biggest clients (maybe the biggest) and they don’t want to risk alienating them. The only way they'll consider it is if we remove “fire blow James” and replace it with something more “positive”. Their words not mine.

So obviously this was a very disappointing pickle. My first course of action was to hit up every other billboard company with the messaging and see if there’s anything with the price that we can get at this point. Any location with current messaging is better than watered down bull**** out of fear of UM.

And Ive put a hold on one and just need to work out details. It’s a digital billboard next to the airport, run by a large national company that couldn’t care less about running controversial negative advertising that could upset someone locally. They will be more than fine.

It’s not what we wanted, but time is of the essence and it was the only other spot in our price point I could find within Miami proper. It will likely end up being a little cheaper than the original location as well, which means I’ll take any surplus and allocate it for a prob much needed banner to open the season with.

Go Canes

Will you children ever learn? First the banner plane fiasco and now this. Now you are placing your temper tantrum billboard next to the airport...hilarious! I would not be surprised if it was the Gainesville airport.

I am seriously considering the renaming of the HERD to...THE GANG THAT COULDN'T SHOOT STRAIGHT!

Please tell me that at least some of you HERD members realize just how foolish and incompetent these failed actions make you look. You're making it a tough sell concerning how clueless James and Diaz are when you Cats are the poster children for incompetency.
Will you children ever learn? First the banner plane fiasco and now this. Now you are placing your temper tantrum billboard next to the airport...hilarious! I would not be surprised if it was the Gainesville airport.

I am seriously considering the renaming of the HERD to...THE GANG THAT COULDN'T SHOOT STRAIGHT!

Please tell me that at least some of you HERD members realize just how foolish and incompetent these failed actions make you look. You're making it a tough sell concerning how clueless James and Diaz are when you Cats are the poster children for incompetency.

I literally have a full time job doing this with donated funds from the community. James and Diaz make millions and focus their efforts exclusively on football. You porsters who are salivating at the mouth for this to fail are asinine cucks.
I literally have a full time job doing this with donated funds from the community. James and Diaz make millions and focus their efforts exclusively on football. You porsters who are salivating at the mouth for this to fail are asinine cucks.
Don’t pay Ernie any attention. He hasn’t taken his meds yet today, or ever.
Will you children ever learn? First the banner plane fiasco and now this. Now you are placing your temper tantrum billboard next to the airport...hilarious! I would not be surprised if it was the Gainesville airport.

I am seriously considering the renaming of the HERD to...THE GANG THAT COULDN'T SHOOT STRAIGHT!

Please tell me that at least some of you HERD members realize just how foolish and incompetent these failed actions make you look. You're making it a tough sell concerning how clueless James and Diaz are when you Cats are the poster children for incompetency.
Banner plane fiasco sport?! 🤔 I think not you bootlicking slurping scumbag Hecht center stooge! My beautiful banner flew sky high for you and all your Hecht center shills to see. #fireJames&Strawley&earnestTbass/ManureDiaz! 😂🤣
What if you take out the "Fire Blake James" and change it to "We Demand Excellence" or "We Demand Change" something that does not point to a single individual or entity but pointing to the program as its entirety.

Half the board would crucify me for attempting to appease by changing messaging, the other half will crucify for not getting it on US1 by campus. No one however will help me get quotes or do anything else.

Personally messaging and timing are most important so I’m optimizing for those. Impact won’t be as good as it would be in a perfect world where it lands across the street from Hecht, but the board will have to help by sharing the images around everywhere.
I don't know about anyone swindling money.
Sounds like UM may have taken the offensive approach here and made sure to let these billboard companies know they would be none to pleased if this went up... Just a side effect of doing it on a public site like this.... It's been posted everywhere for the past month...
This Is what I think happened too
The airport??????? Did dude just say the airport???? Why not Hialeah? Or Florida City while you're at it. I'm sure you could swing a deal on Alligator Alley and have enough money left over for enough banners for every ****** home game next season.
Went from Coral Gables to the airport plus a banner next you can't make this **** up.
Just give the snowflakes their money back so they can start another failed banner campaign.
The Airports and banners oh my...
The saga continues.......

Go Canes!!!!!!!

F'ing Hilarious!!

Next, arm tattoos for HERD members that state; Fire XYZ Coaches, with a credit for each following season where the tattoo artist will draw a line through the name of the previous season's coach, and add the name of the newest coach.

This is the best sitcom in the history of televised comedies.

305, if you can’t find another company to do it near campus with the current wording then do what you gotta do when it comes to the location. Don’t water it down, though.

You’ve spearheaded this from the getgo so I trust you.
Don’t pay Ernie any attention. He hasn’t taken his meds yet today, or ever.

You could be right, but that's not going to cure your progressive and incurable disease of "DUMB".

Please keep going with your botched schemes...pure gold!!!

Banner plane fiasco sport?! 🤔 I think not you bootlicking slurping scumbag Hecht center stooge! My beautiful banner flew sky high for you and all your Hecht center shills to see. #fireJames&Strawley&earnestTbass/ManureDiaz! 😂🤣

Nice try photoshop boy! Later today this genius will be posting photos of the billboard located on the UM campus. But, why stop there, how about a photo of an advertisement on the Space Shuttle showing a fire Manny message as it circles the moon.

Nice try photoshop boy! Later today this genius will be posting photos of the billboard located on the UM campus. But, why stop there, how about a photo of an advertisement on the Space Shuttle showing a fire Manny message as it circles the moon.

Ignorance is bliss. I don’t think you even know what photoshop is, Ernie.
I literally have a full time job doing this with donated funds from the community. James and Diaz make millions and focus their efforts exclusively on football. You porsters who are salivating at the mouth for this to fail are asinine cucks.
Don’t sweat these fools 305, especially not Manure Diaz’s burner account @Earnest T. Bass the dudes mentally handicapped along the lines of RainMan as we can all see with his Corching on the field, his nonsense Porsts on here and of course his lisp. Hey lispy/RainMan why don’t you go and fire your **** Warner Staph instead of Porsting on here? Maybe if you did that you wouldn’t be Corching on the field anymore. Lmfao
If Earnest T thinks it's a bad idea, then it's got to be good.

I'm okay with either a watered down message "Fix the problem", or a different location. Close to the stadium might get a mention because of Super Bowl coverage.
I literally have a full time job doing this with donated funds from the community. James and Diaz make millions and focus their efforts exclusively on football. You porsters who are salivating at the mouth for this to fail are asinine cucks.

Dear Lord!! You "literally" do this as a fulltime job? Well, I hope it is not for the raising of money to cure cancer as that ensures that disease will be with us for the next 100-years.

Here's a thought...use the billboard company that has the location next to the campus to put up a "Cure Cancer" message. In other words; do something meaningful that will truly help people in need, instead of fostering hate and trying to destroy people.
It doesn't have to be near the campus as long as it is in a spot that gets a lot of traffic and in Miami. Not sure why it has to be near campus. The message has to be strong and as long as it is seen by huge number of people the message will get out.


I don't care if millions of tourists see it.

I care that a few people at UM will see it.
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