Big update from Herald

I'm so confused by this board. You all HATED Blake James but if we get Alonzo Highsmith or Gino Torretta you're done with the program and even more mad?

Alonzo has cut his teeth in the NFL and is very well respected. If he takes this job that means we are committed to winning and giving him every resource to do that.
The problem is if you’re going to give the job to Zo, give him the job. Meaning the AD position. Don’t bring in multiple people to fulfill one position. Let Zo have free reign. If not you’re wasting his time, and it is only going to come off as ploy to appease the fan base to those of us that know how this school operates.

If you’re going to go with an established AD, don’t poach the failure from New Mexico. Get an established D1 AD who knows how to operate a sports program with rich tradition and money in the bank.
Most don't care but I want an AD who can also fix the very broken basketball program. Only takes a charismatic coach and a half dozen top players to turn that around. Baseball ain't what it should be either. The new AD should be capable in administering ALL sports.

No one wants to hear it but a crystal ball might tell us that this smallish, private university has a better chance for a Nat'l Championship in hoops in the next decade or so than we have competing with richly-funded state schools in football. Our footprint is more like Duke than Alabama, OSU, etc.
An experienced ALL sports AD. Yes sir
I was merely advancing what the arguments would be for Gino.

But I do disagree with you that Miami is not unique. I think it is different. We're not a school where everything revolves around football. This isn't Bama, OU, UGA, Clemson, OSU, LSU, etc. Unlike those places, there will be resistance to offering the football team every resource and dollar imaginable to thrive. That alone can be a shock if someone comes from that background. I am not suggesting it's insurmountable, but it can be an obstacle if someone isn't prepared to have to fight the BOT.

Again, that exists everywhere. There's certain schools viewed as Football schools, while others are Basketball or Baseball schools. Every school is a little different but many have the same issues. An AD always has to fundraise, balance budgets, justify expenditures, etc based on the situation they are in. Miami is not unique to Miami. There are many other schools out there with the same issues. It's just that some Miami fans only compare Miami to Bama, OU, UGA, LSU, Clemson and a handful of others. That's less than 10% of colleges in D1......and it's very unlikely we'd be stealing an AD from any of those schools. It doesn't mean there aren't qualified ADs out there who are not former players.
read the article 2 weeks ago they were going put in 20-30M for football now they (BOT) want to do something meaningful
what a complete CLOWN show........
Took them two weeks to circle back to Zo, Torretta and ******* Strawley

Three people who have zero experience. Unbelievable man
quite the joke correct. why hire someone who knows how to get it done Jurich, when you can parts of the old boy network
sad *** clown show,,,,, way to many cooks in the kitchen
With the Jurich problems and folks like Radakovich probably not interested or otherwise available, sure, 3/4ths of the board would probably be thrilled to see:

Director of Athletic Operations: Zo (focus on Football)
Director of Athletic Administration: Nunez
co-equals, reporting to Frenk, Strawley asst. for both
HC: Mario (or Kiffin)

This is so much better than what we have and what was forecast over the weekend, any moping over this should stay at home. Seriously guys, if this happens, SAVE IT for your thera-****ed. <sic>
If Strawley is still there then the University hasn’t learned anything. This isn’t because she’s a woman like other idiot posters say. She is unqualified to have any major roles in this ****** AD.
The fact we also haven’t heard a peep from insiders leads me to believe things took a turn for the worse. Coincides with all the negative news.
He is not totally wrong. I have said all season that I don't get people who feel bad for a guy getting $3.5m a year, and still feel that way. But the entire way this has played out is making the university look absolutely inept. Would you leave a stable situation to come here seeing this?

They had MONTHS to fire Blake James if they wanted to take their time on a hire. When they fired him, they seemingly acknowledged the two week timeline given the end of the season. And yet, they still didn't expedite the process or attack it with any sense of urgency. They didn't even get his two little henchmen going in the process immediately. Instead they let this tug-o-war of the Board play out in public. Every part of this cluster is a self-inflicted wound. Julio Frenk should absolutely be given his walking papers over this ordeal, as if the last five years was not enough evidence of that.
He is wrong about the Manny part. This dude stole 10x what he deserved from UM.
Give me a multi million dollar golden parachute and I'll gladly take my chances sitting at home for a year.


Guy is about to be cut a multi-million dollar 'go away' check.

The 'poor Manny' angle is a stupid one, considering that he did his share of firing himself in his duties as HC.
Everyone relax now that riley is at usc and oregon gets their heads bashed in again in the championship game mario will be running for the hills and anyone hoping he lands in miami will get their wish.
note to manny and bear

manny's next job wont be lsu or um

it'll be cvs
Nah Publix. Mfker better have my groceries bagged and ready.

Publix manny.jpg
So nobody can figure out ****. We all can do that. Don’t put me on any list of who I want. But what I do want after going for over 52 years and surviving the last 20 is at least some sort of structure. This is a university right. They do teach business I’m sure. Does anybody know how to hire and fire. JC , this is a train wreck no matter how your arrange it. No words that anyone can say after the AD firing can fix how the administration looks. Who would want this F’in job. I know you will say everybody, but why. You have to work with such incompetent people for god sakes.
Again, that exists everywhere. There's certain schools viewed as Football schools, while others are Basketball or Baseball schools. Every school is a little different but many have the same issues. An AD always has to fundraise, balance budgets, justify expenditures, etc based on the situation they are in. Miami is not unique to Miami. There are many other schools out there with the same issues. It's just that some Miami fans only compare Miami to Bama, OU, UGA, LSU, Clemson and a handful of others. That's less than 10% of colleges in D1......and it's very unlikely we'd be stealing an AD from any of those schools. It doesn't mean there aren't qualified ADs out there who are not former players.
But we want to be a NC caliber program, right? I didn't cherry-pick those schools. Those are the schools we've consistently seen in the playoff or recent champions. They all run quite differently than we do and if we want to compete head-to-head with them, we need someone who understands our limitations; not folks that run to another place (see Hocutt and Eichorst) because they have a bigger budget or pool of resources to draw from. To some degree, its a retention issue.
Epstein needs to be thrown in a cage underground and not released until the New Year