Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

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Then why would you BS and talk about how all the teams are playing again?

Maybe just refrain from commenting on that about which you know nothing.
Point i was making is you said major setback seemed more like bump in the road.
Not enough testing? Come on. The public test sites in South Florida are now empty with no wait, because there are hardly any more sick people left to test. Over a month ago, you had 4 hour waits at the Hard Rock site. Right now, "testing" is pretty pointless.

I don't understand why we can't just move on and accept that this is over.

So you don't understand the difference between TAKING THE TEST and GETTING THE RESULTS?

Pathetic. "Right now, testing is pretty pointless". That's your statement.
The test sites are empty. Look it up.
good then in 5 days miami dade will have a handful of positive results. it is inevitable after an area goes through a period of substantial community spread that the amount of cases will drop off. we are probably at at least 25% exposure to covid in miami. while it isn't herd immunity it means a lot of people have the antibodies.
goodfellas GIF
The 12 yr old MORON. Carry on.
Its possible we'll end up w some sort of Mutant mega conference this season. It could work.

It literally is going to come down to this: how many players can go 4 months without some ***?

Seriously, if there is a breakout, itll be bc someone slipped up and went to go get laid and got exposed.
Point i was making is you said major setback seemed more like bump in the road.

No, I pointed out how a team sport with SMALLER roster size than football, with LESS CONTACT than football, with GREATER SPACING than football, with less exchange of bodily fluids than football...ONE WEEK INTO THE SEASON, saw major outbreaks on 2 teams out of 30.

And that it might be reasonable to be CONCERNED that a non-bubble HIGHER-CONTACT sport such as football might encounter bigger outbreaks.

It's not complicated.

Again, I'd love to see football played, but the three most successful pro sports leagues (successful, thus far) have been played in a bubble. And in a bubble, thus far, as MLS will begin playing home games again soon.
Come on, man, you're better than this. I realize you're not a scumbag like 1LuvCane, accusing the guy of eating McDonald's and chicharrones, but he went to the hospital, he saw a doctor, he was diagnosed. What if the doctor was right? What if the doctor is wrong? Are you honestly acting as if KingB02 is making this up?

It's not for any of us to act as if he did not undergo problems, it's not for any of us who are not doctors to act like medical research experts. The virus has been around for 9 months, let's not act like there are decades of writeups in "medical journals".
It's not the bubonic plague. It's an upper respiratory coronavirus.
Pretty easy to rebut most of these arguments. COVID is way more infectious than those other viruses or any other "danger" that exists.

I agree that the virus isn't going away and vaccine is not an instant panacea. Even a late 2020 vaccine will not lead to a return to normal any time soon.

I already said what I'm in favor of. NFL has new face masks that are supposed to help but the transmission dynamics of the virus make in-game spread unlikely as long as huddles are avoided and distancing is implemented on sidelines. Sanitation is not even necessary mid-game.

Players who contract the virus on a Wednesday and test negative on Friday can be potent spreaders on Saturday. Testing is reactive not proactive as shown by the Marlins. Ultimately the best way for athletes to avoid the virus is to avoid the general public, which means some form of bubble and strict discipline. There are schools who are doing it successfully now in preparation for the season - see Jim Harbaugh's latest tweet - but all it takes is a handful of bad actors to undo everyone else.
Covid requires a certain viral load just like any other virus. Walking past an infected person in a grocery aisle is not going to infect you as was shown in FL before July. Spending a lot of time around an infected person will cause a problem, as was shown in FL once restaurants opened.

The evolving virus theory says it will be more contagious and less severe as time goes on.
That is true and we have other problems, but that has nothing to do with transmission and why we have the most Covid-19 cases.
totally agree. the post was about our healtcare system etc. i was just saying our outcomes are not worse because our hospitals aren't good but because our population is very sick.
You're really trying to defend what we've done? We failed at prevention, leadership, politicization of masks, lack of PPE (still),opening to soon, etc. We are at polar opposites of any G7 country. We're #1 and our closest G7 partner is the UK at #14.

Reality check We were at the bottom for several months when the virus first came out when we needed it most. Now, we lead in total testing because other countries don't need to test as much since they've brought their cases down to the hundreds per day while we're in the thousands and we have over 2 MILLION ACTIVE cases. So, you have to test a **** of a lot more when you have a wide spread infection. Bragging on total tests is a really weak argument that is quite frankly embarrassing when you look at why we have so much testing and it's still not enough based on how widespread the virus is.
Ranting about the democrats and their politicizing of the pandemic is not going to help things.
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Covid requires a certain viral load just like any other virus. Walking past an infected person in a grocery aisle is not going to infect you as was shown in FL before July. Spending a lot of time around an infected person will cause a problem, as was shown in FL once restaurants opened.

The evolving virus theory says it will be more contagious and less severe as time goes on.
Shortly after Virginia went to phase 3, there was a spike in cases, mainly in the tidewater / Va beach area because people crowded the beach.
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