Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

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An infectious disease that there's absolutely zero proof they won't catch away from the field? Canceling football is the easy thing for university presidents because it shields them from the media scrutiny when players would catch it.

When the same players catch it away from the field, the university presidents won't be mentioned or held to any scrutiny. This is ALL ABOUT optics and the presidents wanting to avoid any scrutiny verus the presidents really caring about what's best for the players.
I agree with you, the University as a business is more concerned with PR and liability. IMO from a health perspective college campuses should not be opening period. We have done next to nothing as a society to control this virus. To me it is unconscionable to send kids back to school at all when we haven't done the work to protect them. I do recognize the point that Lawrence was making about some being in a more protected position in terms of setup and testing on a college campus then at home. Our testing system is a joke. I'm fine with them playing if THEY want to, understand the risk, and are not being pressured by couch potatoes who can't even be bothered to wear a mask. I fear that it is difficult to disentangle though the fact that some may view their professional careers as NFL players at stake. If any player is against playing due to safety but feels compelled to for the sake of "feeding the fam" then we should feel shame in that.
I agree with you, the University as a business is more concerned with PR and liability. IMO from a health perspective college campuses should not be opening period. We have done next to nothing as a society to control this virus. To me it is unconscionable to send kids back to school at all when we haven't done the work to protect them.
So says the nobody on a webboard...
No you would not.
You May feel that way today from the limited prism of college football, but overall everyone but 51% of Florida recognize him for being a rube. He is an undereducated person who is over his head in political matters.
Not to mention he is difficult to look at. Ugly, fat, little man.
You’re a ******* idiot dude! So want the all BS that’s going on in NY to come down here to Florida? Record high shootings and murder, riots and all other kinds of criminal activity all under the watch of that doofus fake Italian POS. Get serious, you might as well join up with SI, cnn or msnbc so you can continue to just keep spewing your agenda of bull$hit! Here’s a little nugget for you sport, NY has the highest De immigration of any State in America and there leaving that state in droves because of the two bums running that state. If you decide to move up there because you think it’s so much better up there then Florida lmao then just make sure they don’t send you to a nursing home sport. Smh
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You are correct it’s about optics, but those same optics will make it difficult for SEC, ACC and Big 12 to play if the Big 10 and PAC 12 postpone their seasons. As though we don‘t already have a perceived intellectual divide in this country between people in the north and south, how much would southern conferences still playing increase the optics that all people in the south care about is something as “insignificant” as football whereas in the north and west schools actually care about the “student-athlete”?
some schools like Bama and LSU may not care about this perception, but some schools will, likely to include UM, Notre Dame, Duke, Vandy, BC and certainly a few other presidents who think highly of their schools perceived Reputations.
The only people that the "perception" would matter to would be recruits. And recruits want to play football. They'd see the SEC and ACC as champions for them and everyone else who wants to play football.

At some point (and I think that point's probably imminent), society will completely rebel against the panic people. College football should help lead that charge.

The Legend understands and appreciates the dangers of COVID. The dangers are mostly to compromised people catching it and having terrible reactions. I also am smart enough to know that college football players will catch it whether there's football or not. THAT is the main issue that no one really wants to discuss in their desire to panic.
The only people that the "perception" would matter to would be recruits. And recruits want to play football. They'd see the SEC and ACC as champions for them and everyone else who wants to play football.

At some point (and I think that point's probably imminent), society will completely rebel against the panic people. College football should help lead that charge.

The Legend understands and appreciates the dangers of COVID. The dangers are mostly to compromised people catching it and having terrible reactions. I also am smart enough to know that college football players will catch it whether there's football or not. THAT is the main issue that no one really wants to discuss in their desire to panic.

Bro, you are spot on today!
No you would not.
You May feel that way today from the limited prism of college football, but overall everyone but 51% of Florida recognize him for being a rube. He is an undereducated person who is over his head in political matters.
Not to mention he is difficult to look at. Ugly, fat, little man.

Undereducated? He went to Yale and Harvard Law without rich parents.

I don’t agree with him on everything, but he’s been great on corona. Florida is already past peak and it’s still below the national average in death rate without crippling lockdowns.

Places like New York and Michigan can’t say the same.
Oh give a f'ing break. They gave no opinion. They just reported on what they discussed with administrators and medical professionals.

People think everything is some conspiracy unable to deal with reality.
It doesn't matter. In this environment everyone has an agenda. What they choose to report and what they choose to omit is just a passive aggressive means of presenting their opinion. It's called controlling the masses.
They played cfb during the Spanish flu and ww2 any other year this wouldn’t be a problem.
Agree, it’s all political politics. They played football in 2009 during swine flu but guess who was President, a Democrat so of course the media wasn’t gonna say anything because there nothing more then the propaganda arm of the DNC. **** they just flat out stopped testing in 2009 and said what’s the point, it’s a pandemic, no point in testing anymore and guess what, Clinton News Network. msDNC and the rest of the mainstream media didn’t say a word. Smh but now it’s a republican in office and an election year so now it’s plastered all over the place on every tv and computer to try and damage the president in hopes of trying to beat him in November. OP said it perfectly, Yankees and hippies are trying the best to ruin this country and our football. Thats the truth plain and simple, and mark my words if ole early onset dementia wins in November you won’t hear a peep about corona virus anymore. Lol it’ll just go the way of swine flu never to be heard of again. Smh
The only people that the "perception" would matter to would be recruits. And recruits want to play football. They'd see the SEC and ACC as champions for them and everyone else who wants to play football.

At some point (and I think that point's probably imminent), society will completely rebel against the panic people. College football should help lead that charge.

The Legend understands and appreciates the dangers of COVID. The dangers are mostly to compromised people catching it and having terrible reactions. I also am smart enough to know that college football players will catch it whether there's football or not. THAT is the main issue that no one really wants to discuss in their desire to panic.
One problem is that Covid-19 causes blood clots throughout the body in SOME people even those asymptomatic. I think that is scaring the **** out of college administrators.
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