Benedict Cristobal is gone

And it's official: Alabama about to announce the hiring of Mario Cristobal as asst HC/OLine. Source says he was "in agony" deciding.
12:46pm - 20 Feb 13

Lol cot **** ******
hope he is in agony his entire tenure........I really really wish him nothing but the worst in good ol bamer.

I'm sick and tired of hearing that Mario "bleeds orange and green". The only green he bleeds is the color of money.

I wonder if he's smart enough to realize he was brought in strictly for his recruiting capability in S. Fla. If he doesn't light it up in recruiting down here, he'll be back kissing Golden's a$$ and asking for his job back. He's a pawn, hoping to become a king.
Not sure why Saban thought he would need a guy in South Florida anyway. Every recruit down here usually lists UM, FSU, and Bamer in their tops list. At least over the last few years.

Cristobal is going to lose a lot of credibility in some of the south Florida High School coaches eyes I think. Anyone who jumps ship after a month can't be trusted, someone who does that to their alma mater and home town is just a downright *****.
i dont think saban needs any help anywhere. most kids are going to jump at the chance to play for alabama.
For real, though, Saban doesn't really need ties to SoFL. Bamma does alright as is with kids form the Deep Souf.

I'm sure the recruiting was a plus for Fredo, but not the reason he was hired. Saban prolly thinks the guy is a legit coach.

And they can both go sit on rebar.
I agree Jerzey.........He is dead to us, we have gone through our 5 stages and can all agree that he is a douch comepinga...We all wish him nothing but failure in all his future endeavors **** with him..lets move on!!!!
300k isn't exactly chump change to him. Considering he was making 500 gs at FIU. UM couldn't pony up enough to keep him. Realistically who's turning down A 300k raise. Cant be mad at him.