Barry Jackson is my Hero!

He also graded out in our top 10. Is that his fault or Richt/Manny’s?
Now please start leaving my packages at the front door. Thanks
Your the same kind of genius who thinks Jarren is a good QB because of his PFF score.
Stick to moping up **** at the Pink Pony.
However, it begs the Orange and Green question. Which SENIOR starting LB decides to crap out on their MENTOR Diaz.:roll-canes2:
With that being said, Garvin did nothing this year to suggest he should go pro.

I like Garvin and what not. But he's another upper-class player who REACHED his CEILING his sophomore season. But then again, Baker didn't do Garvin any favor with his defensive calls and all that. hUh. Nevertheless, Garvin made the wise decision because he has nothing to gain playing in the bowl game, and he can prove to the NFL suits his draft status during all those workouts and what not.