Bags aren't the problem

UGA must suck at recruiter instate receivers, missed out on Jadon Haselwood, Demaryius Thomas, and Calvin Johnson.
you can have good coaching and a missed tackle or a drop can cost you. you can say thats coaching but elite talent lowers that margin of error. we had ******* malik rosier at QB bro, theres no coach fixing that BS

You are missing the point. As it stands right now, UVA, Duke and BC are not anywhere close to Miami in talent. Miami should have beaten those teams by 2 plus touchdowns at a minimum based on the comparative talent levels. But they lost because of poor coaching.
How much did Syracuse drop on Nunn? How much did Indiana drop on Mullen? How much did Clemson drop on Boateng? How much did Michigan drop on Solomon? How much did Kentucky drop on Scalzo? How much was dropped on Brownlee & Good? How much did OU drop on Davis? Just curious how much was dropped on these guys that are bodies that we need?
Why don’t you ask the guy that told Rumph he couldn’t offer Samuel until December last year...Ask him why Banda has more say than Rumph at his own position.
7-6 with one of the worst offenses in America

Richt got two five stars last year in Lingard and Pope, he completely misused them. How can anyone be shocked that the elite guys would want nothing to do with it right now?

Manny's gotta fix the offense. We have enough talent on defense to survive one ****** class


Here's the bottom line broken down for everyone, in as simplest terms as I can put them.

Running a successful college football program is like a wheel. There are certain spokes on the wheel that all feed and lead the process, and which are present in pretty much every program across college football that are perennially competitive.

-Spoke 1 is an administration that cares about football (ok we're ****ed there).
-Spoke 2 is the solid coaching staff put in place by that administration that cares about football (We HOPE we've finally found that).
-Spoke 3 is WINNING and creating positive hype around the program that increases your perceived value amidst recruits and their parent.
-Spoke 4 is getting recruits as a result of those wins

Once it's all set up's just a wheel that keeps spinning round and round with success. #2 feeds #3, which ultimately feeds #4.

For the last 20 years, we've had something that more closely resembles an Octagon as opposed to a circle/wheel.

There are only TWO ways to fix this:

1) Have a couple of cycles where you VASTLY outrecruit your weight class as compared to your perceived reputation
2) Have a couple of year where you VASTLY outperform your expected when total on the field, as a result of a coach who "does more with less" and wins you some games you maybe shouldn't have won

That's where we are gentlemen. The hope is Manny gets a bad *** OC and #2 happens...which fixes #1 and we can have something more closely resembling a wheel that actually rolls.
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when u get regular players u play risk with those teams especially when u weak on OL and DT.............they can beat us because of that. U take a risk going into the game

You do need elite talent to consistently beat them. The 4 programs in the P5 have had back to back 10 win seasons: Wisconsin, Washington, TCU and Michigan st. 4 programs out of 100. 3 of those have coaches that would be wanted as hc by the blue blood programs. We have manny Diaz, who hopefully turns out to be good.

It’s no surprise that after all of those wins, they still couldn’t recruit with the elite schools.

Last year, all of those kids that signed committed to us before the 10 win streak. We got two kids from those wins with bethel and Williams.

Other programs like UF can have 2 4-8 seasons in 5 years and still outrecruit us. Today’s recruits were 6 years old
the last time UF was good.

Same with FSU. We beat them twice Years I an row, they’ve actually had a worse offense than us, and they didn’t make a bowl game lol. Still outrecruited us. Winning matters, but there’s a cap on how much that really influences recruits. Elite programs are elite programs, regardless of wins.

Starting to feel that our best shot is for
Mannys dad to use his connects stick the IRS on the coaches, boosters, kids and the parents that are taking bags lmao.
Bags are a problem and will continue to be a problem that gets worse each and every year. It used to be more hush hush but the lack of action by the NCAA has allowed it to be more well-known now, especially with social media and other things out there. Plus a lot of these programs have learned how to pass the money around creatively.

It's no surprise that the top teams are the top teams. They have the funds to pay their coaches AND their players....and buy everything appealing to recruits, support staff, etc. Money wins in college football. You will occasionally see another team leap forward with a stud QB, a few under the radar recruits that explode, or legit up and coming coach......but those programs don't stay around like the money programs. Money doesn't guarantee winning (see Texas) but it **** sure helps.....and bounces you back MUCH quicker than other schools that tumble.
Lol Manny...don’t get me wrong I love the guy as a DC but it’s ridiculous that Rumph has to apparently get Banda to agree with him.
There were something like 7 or 8 4* or better CBs in Miami's recruiting area. Let Mike get any 2 of those he likes, and if you want more, then you go croot them. No reason why Miami's 2ndary should be less than 16 men, with the overwhelming majority of them being 4* or better.
Bags are real. I've spoken to people on both sides of the transaction. Tyrique Stevenson and others are getting paid. The SEC is cheating and barely hiding it.

But that's not Miami's problem. For the past decade, we've recruited at a Top 15 level. We've produced NFL players at a Top 5 level. And we've played at a Top 40 level.

Let's get some coaches, man. I'm tired of talking about hiring "ace recruiters" to "lock down" South Florida and give us an overwhelming talent edge. I've been guilty of it myself. But it's a waste of time.

Do we need players like Tyrique Stevenson and Jerry Jeudy to compete for championships? Yes. We aren't getting them and we won't be in the title discussion until we do. But how about stringing together two 10-win seasons? Is that too much to ask? How about producing an offense that isn't the second-worst in Power 5?

These kids are getting smarter. Manny Diaz compared it to Kevin Durant going to the Warriors. The elite players travel the country in 7on7s and national camps. Social media has improved the flow of information. Elite recruits know what teams are winning and getting the good players.

Last year, we had our first ten-win season in fifteen years. FIFTEEN YEARS. There are fathers and mothers who had never seen the Canes win double digits. Not coincidentally, we had a Top 10 class. Let's get the most out of guys like Mark Pope and Lorenzo Lingard. That will help our recruiting more than any bag.

Miami is like the dude who goes to the club looking like a scrub, and then complains that the models only hang out with the rich dudes. It may be true, but it has no impact on your situation. Let's get our house in order. We aren't losing to Virginia because Jerry Jeudy got paid.
Well said, Money! This is what I've been saying all along! Let's put together 2 seasons in a row where we win 10 games each and you will see a return of elite players to Miami on the regular.

Here's the bottom line broken down for everyone, in as simplest terms as I can put them.

Running a successful college football program is like a wheel. There certain spokes on the wheel that all feed and lead the process.

-Spoke 1 is an administration that cares about football (ok we're ****ed there).
-Spoke 2 is the solid coaching staff put in place by that administration that cares about football (We HOPE we've finally found that).
-Spoke 3 is WINNING and creating positive hype around the program that increases your perceived value amidst recruits and their parent.
-Spoke 4 is getting recruits as a result of those wins

Once it's all set up's just a wheel that keeps spinning round and round with success.

For the last 20 years, we've had something that more closely resembles an Octagon as opposed to a circle/wheel.

There are only TWO ways to fix this:

- Have a couple of cycles where you VASTLY outrecruit your weight class as compared to your perceived reputation
- Have a coupe of year where you VASTLY outperform your expected when total on the field, as a result of a coach who "does more with less" and wins you some games you maybe shouldn't have won

That's where we are gentlemen. The hope is Manny gets a bad *** OC and #2 happens...which fixes #1 and we can have something more closely resembling a wheel that actually rolls.
Our beloved program is trapped in a circle/wheel cuz it’s the same old thing no matter who the coaches are.
Coaching. Coaching. Coaching. Canes had the 22nd ranked class in 16, 12th ranked class in 17 and 8th ranked class in 18. If we are basing talent on the star ranking system, the Canes have plenty of talent to win 10 games/season.

I hope that Diaz does not take a commit from a kid in SFL who still wants to visit other schools. This entitlement culture from kids in SFL has to change.
You clearly have reading comprehension issues. Go back and read again. Very slowly this time.
This was taken, directly, from the post: "Bags are real. I've spoken to people on both sides of the transaction. Tyrique Stevenson and others are getting paid. The SEC is cheating and barely hiding it." It's obvious, however, that you do have reading comprehension issues.
You do need elite talent to consistently beat them. The 4 programs in the P5 have had back to back 10 win seasons: Wisconsin, Washington, TCU and Michigan st. 4 programs out of 100. 3 of those have coaches that would be wanted as hc by the blue blood programs. We have manny Diaz, who hopefully turns out to be good.

It’s no surprise that after all of those wins, they still couldn’t recruit with the elite schools.

Last year, all of those kids that signed committed to us before the 10 win streak. We got two kids from those wins with bethel and Williams.

Other programs like UF can have 2 4-8 seasons in 5 years and still outrecruit us. Today’s recruits were 6 years old
the last time UF was good.

Same with FSU. We beat them twice Years I an row, they’ve actually had a worse offense than us, and they didn’t make a bowl game lol. Still outrecruited us. Winning matters, but there’s a cap on how much that really influences recruits. Elite programs are elite programs, regardless of wins.

Starting to feel that our best shot is for
Mannys dad to use his connects stick the IRS on the coaches, boosters, kids and the parents that are taking bags lmao.
We need a legit miracle
U name the post bags arent the problem then your first sentence is there getting cant make this **** up
Bro, I got in this thread late and I agree on the money mattering at some point but bags would be more relevant - if we were actually relevant. @Tetragrammaton Cane and I think @Rellyrell have been saying that these kids don't need bags to choose places like Bama and UGA over us. We're not even in the game. Sadly.