An underlying issue

Unfortunately, I think that the negative perception from the Miami community and UM's climb in educational ranking are closely related. With admissions becoming increasingly rigorous, we have suffered academic casualties from local recruits (such as Grooms and Legget) who could have played an important part in keeping S. Florida talent home. Shalala's efforts in erasing the bad boy image that made the U what it was during our prime is also a factor.
Interesting Pete, I've experienced the town and gown divide that you describe.

Last year I taught a young man who played football at Miami Central. He plays college ball today. I would ask him questions about recruits (Yearby and Cook, etc.), and his reaction was just as Pete described. He didn't hate UM, but he really didn't think much of our program. That surprised me because I have always assumed kids from south Florida loved UM. When I asked him about it, he said that UM didn't recruit kids from local high school programs. I told him that Golden and company were genuinely trying to get kids from Dade to stay home and play at UM. Again, mind you, he made his statement out of hand - like it was a fact - not like he needed to be convinced; right or wrong, he was convinced. Again, he did not hate UM, but his impression of our program was not what I thought it would be. So, true or not, what Pete says is certainly a perception that some of the prospects hold in the greater Miami community. And I agree too that the perception of our program is that we are not a very good football team. Sadly, we as a program have gone a long way to prove that last point this season.

So then, from our vantage point, we know that if we get the top players out of South Florida then UM will have football success, but from the vantage point of the youth coaches, they may feel our staff will not maximize the talent of the kids we do get so why push them to UM?
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Malcolm looks terrible. He needs to get much stronger in the off season if he is ever going to contribute. I hope he does well but he just looks scared out there
Seeing all these kids throwing up the 305, then going elsewhere these last few years is the result of this. Right or wrong,SOMEBODY is advising them to make the right BUSINESS decision. *shrug*

Preciate u Pete
we arent getting cooks, lanes and rudolphs. we also "GOT" coley, duke, malcolm (he would be all conference if not hurt), powell, yearby, etc. we cant get everyone.

But everyy ear we miss elite program changers....petes right. Miami will continue in mediocrity if we cant get a HC that can clean up. its not 1995 if u get a top class 3 years in a row it means something now.
Ideally the media would expose the scumbags who are using children for personal gain of sorts and this wouldn't be an issue. I think that's what would happen in any other area of the country. Unfortunately I don't have the answer for our team currently being so ******.
This is not about other programs giving South Florida prospects benefits or anything like that, it's about this staff gaining the respect of the coaches and players down here. Coley is the most well-respected coach on this staff and that's because he has made it his mission to reach out to the "mentors", youth coaches, etc. over the years.

AAU Hoops.

Not about benefits at all.
duke johnson wasnt a program changer? stacy coley? tracy howard? he showed kids it was cool to go to miami again
duke johnson wasnt a program changer? stacy coley? tracy howard? he showed kids it was cool to go to miami again

Go look at fsus classes since jimbo took over then look at those teams records. U need multiple elite classes not just a player here or there.
This won't be a very popular post, but I wanted to expand on a post that caneaddict made on the football board and something that has been touched upon by other posters.

For whatever reason, this program has become resented and somewhat looked at as a laughing stock by a large number of people in the Miami community. Some people have made it almost a University of Miami vs. the Miami community thing. Of course, there will always be the same portion of people that will support this program no matter what, but I'm seeing recruits, coaches, "mentors", and the like really expressing their negative feelings towards the program and I'm not just talking about the Ermon Lanes and Dalvin Cooks of the world. Think about the way that a lot of people in Miami look at the Dolphins as a "joke".

It is the current staff's job to change this image that really began near the end of the Coker era and carried through the Shannon years. For a while (and I'm not talking about the first half of this season), it looked like Golden and staff had begun to recapture the "recruiting" community, but the end of this season seems to have sparked up the negative talk once again.

This is not about other programs giving South Florida prospects benefits or anything like that, it's about this staff gaining the respect of the coaches and players down here. Coley is the most well-respected coach on this staff and that's because he has made it his mission to reach out to the "mentors", youth coaches, etc. over the years. People don't respect D'Onofrio and there is not much love for his assistants either (including Barrow, who is from down here). As much as fans hate these behind-the-scenes individuals, they hold the key to landing many of the kids down here. Why do you think Joseph Yearby switched from FSU to Miami when Coley took the job here? Because Coley has had a relationship with one of the most important people in Yearby's inner-circle, one of his coaches from optimist ball.

I don't have the answers as to how this could be fixed and this is obviously not the only thing holding this program back right now, but the fact of the matter is that it's been a decade since Miami was truly relevant on the national stage and the recruits coming up over the next few years and beyond will have never seen a good Hurricanes team. Miami will continue to lose top talents until these relationships are patched up.

Oh no!!
its not just sf, its just sf has more talent. i knew a coach of knshown moreno who pushed him to ga. he was like "yeah, he can compete for a nc at florida but he will start quicker at ga and get that nfl money quicker. i need that."
The problem is always going to be there... why? Because The U only has 25-35 scholarships to give out (whatever) and NOT every kid in Dade is going to get offered. There are tons of high school programs down here and even more kids that think they DESERVE a UM scholarship. There are a lot of ballers down here but at the same time there are a lot of delusional inner-city kids that think they are much better than they really are. Same with the coaches. Since The U is the hometown school, they are vulnerable to more criticism from the butt-hurt locals.

I think winning does quiet these people down because their argument loses credibility if The U is on top. Right now they can say, "UM doesn't mess with us and look how sorry they are..."
duke johnson wasnt a program changer? stacy coley? tracy howard? he showed kids it was cool to go to miami again

Go look at fsus classes since jimbo took over then look at those teams records. U need multiple elite classes not just a player here or there.

exactly. we are just starting to get the tracy's, the duke's, the coleys. we didnt have any of them prior to 2012. Duke goes down and we are playing dallas crawford, i mean come on.
duke johnson wasnt a program changer? stacy coley? tracy howard? he showed kids it was cool to go to miami again

Go look at fsus classes since jimbo took over then look at those teams records. U need multiple elite classes not just a player here or there.

Agree, that's why I think this coming class moves us in that direction in a big way. Hopefully cook gets that. We need him.
It's simply as this players who are not going to miami, have built up some extreme hate for miami. This is the truth, the phrase and or mindset they are thinking is "going at miami" and not "going to miami" some kids don't like the U anymore, they don't know how we used to dominate as some of them weren't even old enough to know anything about sports, all they know is a decade of mediocrity......
Still recruit at a higher level than every team in the coastal. Do some actual coaching and win games. Win more games and the perception changes and more kids will stay home.
And that's why you don't play seniors cause you think you owe them something. You play the players that give you the best chance to win. Winning could go a long way in perception. Not surprised about Dorito, the guy is a clown and everyone knows it and by extension golden is deemed a clown.

Golden will be fired at the end of next year