ACCCG Not Headed Back to Charlotte

Tad Footeball

1996 Interim Big East Conference Commissioner
Feb 6, 2014
I believe the ACC is autonomous in making the decision but they won't buck the NCAA standard. Politics aside, I'm absolutely fine with anything that makes the ACC less Carolina-centric.

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Wow!... That's all you can think of here? Call it what you may...but here's the reality to us real fans!... This post indicates a very strong chance, our canes could play the acccg, right here in orlando!! I know....g a y....right??
The ACCCG needs to be back in Florida but it's weak as fck that fake politics is the reason why
Politics aside, how does HB2 or it's lack thereof, have an impact on the community's ability to "ensure a safe, healthy, discrimination free atmosphere"

The NCAA is saying that there is an impact on the game which creates the lack of a safe, healthy, and discrimination-free atmosphere. Really? How? Why do they lie like that? Why not tell the truth? Which is that they have made a political decision.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled with anything that takes away the game from Carolina. I hate how Carolina-centric the ACC is, so I'm ecstatic about this, especially if it comes back to Florida which I think it will. It makes the most sense.

My point is whatever side you fall on this law, this is an effort to back a political stand and be politically correct. Just tell the truth. For political reasons you don't want to have the game in Carolina. But don't pretend like this law affects anybody's safety or enjoyment. It doesn't.

The law being on the books or not on the books makes absolutely no difference. It's up to that community to pass laws which they think benefit its citizens, and they should be free to do so. They can also create enough political groundswell to repeal the law. But the NCAA's actions are strictly political. But like I said before I'm thrilled that the game is out of Carolina.
NC is going to flush a billion dollars away because they're scared of /trans people. Hilarious. Remember when they didn't let black people use the same bathrooms too? That turned out well.
^now thats Ghey ! " politics aside.." then spends 4 paragraphs on a personal political tirade... get on with your hollier than thou self...,
^now thats Ghey ! " politics aside.." then spends 4 paragraphs on a personal political tirade... get on with your hollier than thou self...,

Are you talking about me *******? I didn't say what side of the law I stand on you dumbass

Also, it's "holier", you imbecile, with one "l"
NC is going to flush a billion dollars away because they're scared of /trans people. Hilarious. Remember when they didn't let black people use the same bathrooms too? That turned out well.

Yes, not letting people with a ***** use the same intimate facilities as someone with a ******, is the EXACT same as not letting a black ***** use the same intimate facilities as a white *****. Even though Title IX allows *** based segregated bathrooms, and the Obama Administration actually used the term "segregation" when arguing how *** based bathroom segregation is permissible. Hmmmmm...
Keep it in Orlando. Perfect weather, plenty to do, and Canes fans will show up in force!
Politics aside, how does HB2 or it's lack thereof, have an impact on the community's ability to "ensure a safe, healthy, discrimination free atmosphere"

The NCAA is saying that there is an impact on the game which creates the lack of a safe, healthy, and discrimination-free atmosphere. Really? How? Why do they lie like that? Why not tell the truth? Which is that they have made a political decision.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled with anything that takes away the game from Carolina. I hate how Carolina-centric the ACC is, so I'm ecstatic about this, especially if it comes back to Florida which I think it will. It makes the most sense.

My point is whatever side you fall on this law, this is an effort to back a political stand and be politically correct. Just tell the truth. For political reasons you don't want to have the game in Carolina. But don't pretend like this law affects anybody's safety or enjoyment. It doesn't.

The law being on the books or not on the books makes absolutely no difference. It's up to that community to pass laws which they think benefit its citizens, and they should be free to do so. They can also create enough political groundswell to repeal the law. But the NCAA's actions are strictly political. But like I said before I'm thrilled that the game is out of Carolina.

It's an unenforceable law that is purely based on discrimination and irrational fear. It's sharia law light for christians. What are they seriously going to put a bathroom attendant at every restroom and check under every slightly off looking females skirt to what genitalia they have?
The idiotic thing is the NC law is intended to cancel out laws that would cancel out the status quo.
The status quo is one biological *** can't use the bathroom intended for the other biological ***.
Charlotte passed a law changing this.
The state passed a law changing it back.

Most states don't have the NC law because they don't have the Charlotte law. Meaning the status quo in basically every state is: if you have a *****, you can't go into the women's room. And yet, the ACC is holding events in all of those states.
It's an unenforceable law that is purely based on discrimination and irrational fear. It's sharia law light for christians. What are they seriously going to put a bathroom attendant at every restroom and check under every slightly off looking females skirt to what genitalia they have?

All bathroom policy is based on segregation, champ. And nobody is arguing that is illegal or needs to be done away with, not even the liberals.
And most people don't like getting naked or using the bathroom around people of the opposite ***. That's not "irrational," it's pretty natural. Animals feel vulnerable when they relieve themselves. My dog eye f*cks the **** out of me when she sh*ts because she is an animal, so feels vulnerable, and is looking to me for comfort.
Politics aside, how does HB2 or it's lack thereof, have an impact on the community's ability to "ensure a safe, healthy, discrimination free atmosphere"

The NCAA is saying that there is an impact on the game which creates the lack of a safe, healthy, and discrimination-free atmosphere. Really? How? Why do they lie like that? Why not tell the truth? Which is that they have made a political decision.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled with anything that takes away the game from Carolina. I hate how Carolina-centric the ACC is, so I'm ecstatic about this, especially if it comes back to Florida which I think it will. It makes the most sense.

My point is whatever side you fall on this law, this is an effort to back a political stand and be politically correct. Just tell the truth. For political reasons you don't want to have the game in Carolina. But don't pretend like this law affects anybody's safety or enjoyment. It doesn't.

The law being on the books or not on the books makes absolutely no difference. It's up to that community to pass laws which they think benefit its citizens, and they should be free to do so. They can also create enough political groundswell to repeal the law. But the NCAA's actions are strictly political. But like I said before I'm thrilled that the game is out of Carolina.

While I'd tend to agree with almost all of your points, there's also an easy out for people of our mindset. It's something like this- "Hey, the NCAA and other entities aren't being intellectually honest in their rationales......but it's a free market and they'll pay the price if there's a legitimate backlash."

I stop analyzing it there and sleep better knowing that conference will be spending less time in Charlotte and Greensboro and more in the major cities on the eastern seaboard that will justify the "Atlantic Coast" moniker instead of the "All Carolina" one. I can't stand Boeheim but had to massively agree with his take on the ACC Hoops Tourney.
Politics aside, how does HB2 or it's lack thereof, have an impact on the community's ability to "ensure a safe, healthy, discrimination free atmosphere"

The NCAA is saying that there is an impact on the game which creates the lack of a safe, healthy, and discrimination-free atmosphere. Really? How? Why do they lie like that? Why not tell the truth? Which is that they have made a political decision.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled with anything that takes away the game from Carolina. I hate how Carolina-centric the ACC is, so I'm ecstatic about this, especially if it comes back to Florida which I think it will. It makes the most sense.

My point is whatever side you fall on this law, this is an effort to back a political stand and be politically correct. Just tell the truth. For political reasons you don't want to have the game in Carolina. But don't pretend like this law affects anybody's safety or enjoyment. It doesn't.

The law being on the books or not on the books makes absolutely no difference. It's up to that community to pass laws which they think benefit its citizens, and they should be free to do so. They can also create enough political groundswell to repeal the law. But the NCAA's actions are strictly political. But like I said before I'm thrilled that the game is out of Carolina.

Well, have you seen the Nole fans? They need a place to pee, too. It's not safe for them to pee in public like they do in the trailer park.
Politics aside, how does HB2 or it's lack thereof, have an impact on the community's ability to "ensure a safe, healthy, discrimination free atmosphere"

The NCAA is saying that there is an impact on the game which creates the lack of a safe, healthy, and discrimination-free atmosphere. Really? How? Why do they lie like that? Why not tell the truth? Which is that they have made a political decision.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled with anything that takes away the game from Carolina. I hate how Carolina-centric the ACC is, so I'm ecstatic about this, especially if it comes back to Florida which I think it will. It makes the most sense.

My point is whatever side you fall on this law, this is an effort to back a political stand and be politically correct. Just tell the truth. For political reasons you don't want to have the game in Carolina. But don't pretend like this law affects anybody's safety or enjoyment. It doesn't.

The law being on the books or not on the books makes absolutely no difference. It's up to that community to pass laws which they think benefit its citizens, and they should be free to do so. They can also create enough political groundswell to repeal the law. But the NCAA's actions are strictly political. But like I said before I'm thrilled that the game is out of Carolina.

It's an unenforceable law that is purely based on discrimination and irrational fear. It's sharia law light for christians. What are they seriously going to put a bathroom attendant at every restroom and check under every slightly off looking females skirt to what genitalia they have?

You're not following my point. I'm not going to argue the the politics of the law. That wasn't my point. My point was the farcical statement put out by NCAA. They are, by their actions, stating they don't agree with the law and that is why they are removing the game. But they're putting it forward as that it affects the game or safety of the game for attendees. It doesn't. I'm saying, don't lie, just say that you don't agree with the law. And that's all. It has zero impact on the game itself.
It's an unenforceable law that is purely based on discrimination and irrational fear. It's sharia law light for christians. What are they seriously going to put a bathroom attendant at every restroom and check under every slightly off looking females skirt to what genitalia they have?

All bathroom policy is based on segregation, champ. And nobody is arguing that is illegal or needs to be done away with, not even the liberals.
And most people don't like getting naked or using the bathroom around people of the opposite ***. That's not "irrational," it's pretty natural. Animals feel vulnerable when they relieve themselves. My dog eye f*cks the **** out of me when she sh*ts because she is an animal, so feels vulnerable, and is looking to me for comfort.

It's not natural. It's a learned behavior. Just like how Americans are afraid to go to the beach nude but everywhere in Europe it's not only accepted it's normal.

Not to mention how often do you actually see someones genitalia outside of ****** stadium pee trough?

Last time i checked women pee in a stall behind four walls with a lock.