ACC balls drop

ACC v SEC loser leaves town match. Let's get it in.

If they would just be honest and tell the public, "some college kids will catch COVID whether we play football or not, so we're going to play and try to keep the football players more safe than they would be outside the structure of the team" it would all work out.

Can't succumb to every whim and panicky blogger out there. Get a wide base and stand in there strong. Kids will get sick. Get them treated and isolated as quickly as possible and forge ahead.
now our fate sits with ADs bosses -- presidents. if the presidents are on board, we at least have some football
One thing I’d like to add is that the ACC needs to be just as committed to doing this the right way. Keep the players as safe as possible given the circumstances.

Because I am a clairvoyant I can tell some of you are typing up the response, “well the very idea of congregating on a field is fundamentally and scientifically irresponsible, er go, unsafe.” To those of you crafting this response I offer the hole of my butt.
Somewhere kenneth is smiling.
this is great, but now they need to have the guts not to cancel everything because some or many players test positive, because that will happen many times over the course of a season.
Quarantine, isolate and move on with the rest.
hopefully presidents are on board. those are where the true decision lies
Now let’s feast fellas
Natures Great Events Walk GIF by BBC America
If there's only gonna be a couple of conferences playing, then do it right and put these teams in a bubble for three months. Stop the farce of making them go to classes, if there's no bubble positive tests are inevitable.

Why risk shutting teams down for a week or two, like baseball did?
We h

We hate it but can you really blame them? Chance to bring in NBC money for a season without ticket revenue
I mean I get that money talks, I just wonder if the thought of negotiating a more permanent status of ND in the ACC even crossed the Carolina Mafias mind before wiping their own chin after making the deal to let them play this season only.

Don't get me wrong, hats off for apparently not folding like the Big10 and Pac12, but still **** Tobacco Road.