2021 OT Tristan Leigh receives offer

It’s incredible what the sec has done.
The marketing of their program has really brainwashed these players.
Everywhere you turn to these talking heads rinse and repeat “sec caliber players” or “he can definitely play in the sec.
These kids are hearing the is sht constantly for the past 10 years as if the nfl is exclusively made up of sec players.
It’s incredible what the sec has done.
The marketing of their program has really brainwashed these players.
Everywhere you turn to these talking heads rinse and repeat “sec caliber players” or “he can definitely play in the sec.
These kids are hearing the is sht constantly for the past 10 years as if the nfl is exclusively made up of sec players.
Yeah, it's disgusting. Another reason to hate ESPN.
Yeah, it's disgusting. Another reason to hate ESPN.

It's just business. If we had a real ACC commissioner who looks out for the well-being of the conference teams instead of the fluffer we have now, the ACC could also promote its quality. Instead the ACC let in a non-member for one year that now has a chance of winning the ACC title, then leaving. Think about the long-term damage to the conference's reputation if an independent team came in and won the conference championship. I'd say it's breach of fiduciary duty, but then that would imply the ACC commissioner is legally responsible for ensuring the success of all teams in the conference. Funny thing about conferences- all of them require a "grant of rights" expect one- the SEC. That is what locks them into these 10-12 year deals. But no team would willingly leave the SEC because they are so generous with their members. The next best conference in terms of flexibility is the Big 12. They have allowed both Oklahoma and Texas to have their own side deals outside of the main Big 12 contract. Hypothetically Miami could join the Big 12, then look at signing an exclusive side deal with Amazon Prime or Netflix (both want original content and would kill to get some football) and would get a worldwide audience. ESPN is dying a slow death. Online streaming is the way of the future- Miami should be an innovator. If Blake James wasn't fluffer #2, he'd leverage the fact that the ACC screwed its own dues-paying members by allowing ND in for a year to either negotiate the right to sign side deals or get out of the conference early without a penalty.
It’s incredible what the sec has done.
The marketing of their program has really brainwashed these players.
Everywhere you turn to these talking heads rinse and repeat “sec caliber players” or “he can definitely play in the sec.
These kids are hearing the is sht constantly for the past 10 years as if the nfl is exclusively made up of sec players.
Come out next year & put it on Bama. Period.
Come out next year & put it on Bama. Period.
It’s the only way.
To be the man you gotta beat the man.
And if we don’t win it better not be some Clemson 2020 sht.
Saban should be going back to kkklanvile knowing that he just barely beat or lost the worst cane team he will see in the next few years.