Recruiting Update 12/13

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
2 min read
I will continue to add to this thread all day as new development take place.

**As expected, FSU OC James Coley visited South Plantation today and met with FSU commit John Franklin and RB target Alex Collins. Franklin sent out this tweet: "Coach Coley to smooth he just left from visiting me and @Budda03 #FSU"

**I exchanged a few text messages with Keith Bryant earlier today and he told me that Miami coaches haven't set up any more visits with him recently.

**I was told last night that Stacy Coley was "ready to commit" to Miami, but that FSU's offer to Eddie Jackson is a blow to Miami's chances. Jackson and Coley are very close friends.

**After announcing yesterday that he would be visiting Miami this weekend, JuCo DL Lavon Hooks has cancelled a visit to Miami for the second week in a row. I just asked him why he didn't make it to Auburn today and he told me he would be there on Sunday. So I said, "Will you be at Miami on Friday and Saturday?," and he responded "no sir."

Then I asked one more time if he would be visiting Miami at all and he responded, "no sir"

So there's that I guess

Comments (142)

Wow at the Coley news. Can we get one kid doesn't give a **** about who they play with.
Jesus...there was nothing good in there...nothing lol
Fsu is riding that best friend train this year. They know they in trouble!
I will continue to add to this thread all day as new development take place.

**As expected, FSU OC James Coley visited South Plantation today and met with FSU commit John Franklin and RB target Alex Collins. Franklin sent out this tweet: "Coach Coley to smooth he just left from visiting me and @Budda03 #FSU"

**I exchanged a few text messages with Keith Bryant earlier today and he told me that Miami coaches haven't set up any more visits with him recently.

**I was told last night that Stacy Coley was "ready to commit" to Miami, but that FSU's offer to Eddie Jackson is a blow to Miami's chances. Jackson and Coley are very close friends.

FSU can't beat us head on

They have to offer their scrub friends to have any chance agasint Golden. LOL at Franklin tweeting about anything. Kid didnt earn the scholly he got gifted

I would feel like a clown if I knew my scholly came with an asterisk yet this kid adamantly beileives FSU really wants him for his "talents" HAHAHAHAHA
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In trouble or not they're going to snag 2-3 blue chippers cause if it. Some BS. Both Collins and Coley would do their careers a favor by coming here. And that's with all homerism aside.
Seems the best friend thing has been huge this year. We always here about package deals in the past (many that never came about) but it seems like since the Robert Nkemdiche and Clemson thing a lot of kids want to get their boys an offer now. Most package deals we heard about in the past usually involved good players. Not one good player and lower level kid.
I will continue to add to this thread all day as new development take place.

**As expected, FSU OC James Coley visited South Plantation today and met with FSU commit John Franklin and RB target Alex Collins. Franklin sent out this tweet: "Coach Coley to smooth he just left from visiting me and @Budda03 #FSU"

**I exchanged a few text messages with Keith Bryant earlier today and he told me that Miami coaches haven't set up any more visits with him recently.

**I was told last night that Stacy Coley was "ready to commit" to Miami, but that FSU's offer to Eddie Jackson is a blow to Miami's chances. Jackson and Coley are very close friends.

Another thing.....Eddie Jackson won't even qualify academically right?

So he's gonna prep or JUCO anyway. Or is FSU's academic standard that low?
If Jackson probably won't qualify, then it won't hurt to offer him. It sounds like he would have had more offers if he had grades. He won't affect the class if he doesn't make it in.
I don't understand why one close friend at FSU would be better than several friends (Deon, Howard, Duke, Malcom, etc.) at Miami.
Becareful bashing recruits friends, they do check these boards as well. If he's on the fence, seeing a fan base trash his friend isn't going to help. Let's just hope, they choose the best school for them and their future....and realize what we already do. With that, there's 2 months of recruiting left. Have faith in the Golden plan. There are a lot of DT's out there, and KB can either take the opportunity or we can move on.
Wouldn't matter even if Coley committed right now. You don't just go from not giving a **** about recruiting to all of a suddenly being 100% on a school. This one will play out the whole way.
Becareful bashing recruits friends, they do check these boards as well. If he's on the fence, seeing a fan base trash his friend isn't going to help. Let's just hope, they choose the best school for them and their future....and realize what we already do. With that, there's 2 months of recruiting left. Have faith in the Golden plan. There are a lot of DT's out there, and KB can either take the opportunity or we can move on.

I don't think people are bashing the friend as much as they are bashing FSU's recruiting tactics.