Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors

Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors


Comments (923)

she is the chair of the BOT...she is one of our biggest PROBLEMS

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She’s not the only one That’s pushing this. This is general theme of gender parity is huge at the school. Not sure it’s bad for football, but not sure it’s good in that football is probably not a high priority relative to other issues.
The donor was paul dimare... and him and stu want a Alabama Clemson OSU type staff
Will clean house next year. No one will have a job including flake if they have their way. Let's pray

Yet they were fine when Blake did such an exhaustive search and hired Manny Diaz... yea big time wanting a Bama, Clemson, OSU “type” staff....
I guess it was all board members and since salary was being paid for Frenk had no issue. Honestly I have ZERO clue how this could even possibly be how this is being reported. BLAKE DOESNT HAVE ANY SAY SO OVER THEM AND FRENK. it would have to be majority vote by board and approval by Frenk to turn this down... my understanding was frenk had already checked off. Only way that would be possible to lose the deal is if board switched majority vote to against. That's crazy.

this didn’t go to board vote
“Chill and see what happens”

Is how we got here in the first place
Like waiting for a cat 5 to take a last minute turn.
The program is literally at the crossroads. Enough talent to win the coastal next year and make 2019 an afterthought. At the same time enough volatility and dissent from the top on down to set this program back for years to come.
So Blake said no to what the BOT wanted and still has a job? Yea not buying that. BOT, at least at real schools have big time say in things like that.
Not sure if anyone asked, what does Jenn Strawley have on Blake James? This Chief of Staff position basically would be her position. Maybe he doesn’t want to reassign her for whatever reason.
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Wtf, seriously. Then fire Blake’s bltch as and bring in Zo anyways. How hard is that? Blake is a ******* dead man walking.
Finding specific fundraising that occurred at a private university 20 years ago is going to be difficult. That being said, the below was taken from his bio and covers the last ten years.

"On the development front, the Hurricane Club continues to support UM’s student-athletes and coaches in record numbers. The Hurricane Club raised more than $16 million in 2018-19 and now boasts a record 12,500 members, an increase of 140 percent since 2010. Philanthropic annual fund gifts increased to $5.9 million in 2018-19 and the Hurricane Club secured 10 seven-figure leadership gifts."

You probably don't have much experience dealing with individuals like our BOT members, but those people tend to speak about facts and not let emotion get the best of them. Saying you think Blake should be terminated for his performance as Athletic Director, while acknowledging his success in other positions is a reasonable take. Claiming Blake is bad at every other position he has held at UM is a slap in the fact of the BOT and isn't accurate.

I expected a bunch of Blake-defending nonsense from you, but this is really stretching.

YOU claimed that Blake did well in a fund-raising role at Miami. I challenged you on THAT, and now you are saying "finding specific fundraising that occurred at a private university 20 years ago is going to be difficult."

So let me renew the question. When you wrote the following words:

"The fact is Blake has held roles at UM involving both gifts and ticket sales. Blake was good at both of these roles."

What were the specific reasons why you claimed that Blake was "good at" the job involving (major) gifts? Because now you are claiming it would be "difficult" to get such specific information. So which is it? Was your claim that Blake was "good at" gifts something that you claimed without any factual basis, or...well, I guess that there isn't really an option here. Either you have the specific knowledge, or you do not. I hope that Blake never calls you to testify on his behalf.

Now, moving on to your snide comments that I "probably don't have much experience dealing with individuals like our BOT member" (oh, and I do), I don't know why you think that a specific critique of SEVEN YEARS ON THE JOB is supposed to acknowledge "success in other positions". And, if you bothered to read closely, you would see that I DID ACKNOWLEDGE his success in the ticket office, even though I am capable of pointing out some ticket office disasters that have occurred since he became AD.

What I DID DO was to take issue with the myth of Blake's "fund-raising prowess" at UM, which even you were not able to rebut ("difficult" to get such information).

So please stop repeating false claims about my posts. I DID NOT say that "Blake is bad at every other position he has held at UM". That is an invention that you created. I never said it.

Finally, let's analyze the Blake Bio Hype:

"On the development front, the Hurricane Club continues to support UM’s student-athletes and coaches in record numbers. The Hurricane Club raised more than $16 million in 2018-19 and now boasts a record 12,500 members, an increase of 140 percent since 2010. Philanthropic annual fund gifts increased to $5.9 million in 2018-19 and the Hurricane Club secured 10 seven-figure leadership gifts."

Which are the record numbers?

HC raised more than $16 million? Do you have prior year numbers?

Philanthropic fund gifts increased to $5.9 million? Again, what are the prior year numbers?

Ten seven-figure leadership gifts? Any context for this? IPF-related (thus more of a one-time, non-recurring bump)?

Oh, the MEMBERSHIP of the Hurricane Club went up (or did it)? So we have 12,500 members (at the height of Richt-mania), and we are comparing it to mid-recession 2010 when Shannon was boring people to death. How about we compare it to 2002 or 2014? Any "percentage increase" is manipulable.

Look, if you want to cite Blake's Bio, that's up to you. I asked specific questions about the basis of your conclusions that Blake was "good at" his prior jobs at UM, and all you could do was say that it would be "difficult" to get the data I requested, and then you cut-and-pasted Blake's own self-serving bio.

Come on, man, just admit that you have no idea of the basis for the myth that "UM's BOT loves Blake because he has raised so much money for UM over his career".
I fully trust DMoney, but this post almost sounds too ridiculous to be true. I have a suspicion that information is being leaked out to cause commotion in the Canes community and increase the pressure before a bigger meeting happens. Especially him taking a similar position at Oregon with Mario. That just SOUNDS like some **** someone would leak because they know Miami fans would freak out.

I highly doubt Blake has the authority to look at key BOT members and say no to Highsmith. That’s a fired on the spot kind of offense.
But it's not really. The AD does a lot more than just football. And basically how it operates right now is Blake is pretty ******* hands off regardless if we suck or not. So for him it really wouldn't be changing much. He'd still be out fundraising. He just wouldn't have control over the football decisions like hires/fires or recruiting or any of that. He raises the money, and Highsmith spends it.
So, just like I said yesterday, you hire a lead and allow that person to hire complements or help that person hire complements. You can argue all you want and go off what seems reasonable in a perfect world. Or, if the person is too deficient, you don't hire the person. Either way, the science is in. Split authority doesn't work consistently enough.

Yesterday, I mentioned the story of a large corporation I worked in early in my professional life. A CEO was brought in from a separate industry. Everyone was concerned he'd fail because of the complexity of my industry. First thing CEO did was hire a COO w/ insane depth of experience in our highly regulated industry. Basically, a complement. The duties were functionally split the way you describe, but authority came from one place. CEO is now considered a transformational leader.

I don't know if Zo is a lead guy or if he's not or what he is specifically. But, what I do know is you need decisions to come from a single place of leadership. Anyone arguing otherwise is trying to contradict proven strategies that span eras and industries. The University of Miami athletic department isn't that unique in anything more than people thinking it's special and continuing to make horrible decisions about how it should be led.