Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors

Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors


Comments (923)

I guess it was all board members and since salary was being paid for Frenk had no issue. Honestly I have ZERO clue how this could even possibly be how this is being reported. BLAKE DOESNT HAVE ANY SAY SO OVER THEM AND FRENK. it would have to be majority vote by board and approval by Frenk to turn this down... my understanding was frenk had already checked off. Only way that would be possible to lose the deal is if board switched majority vote to against. That's crazy.

Frenk afraid to give Blake ultimatum? Frenk needs to grow a pair and summon his inner Zapata to put an end to this circus.
Per a source with knowledge of the meeting, a group of high-level donors met with Blake James on Friday. The purpose of the meeting was to offer significant money if Manny was willing to make necessary changes.

Most notably, the group wanted Alonzo Highsmith to take on a general manager role that would usurp some of Blake and Manny’s power over the football program. One booster even offered to pay Highsmith’s salary for two years. Blake refused and instead offered a more traditional “chief of staff” role that was mostly administrative in nature.

Highsmith is not expected to accept the offer and instead is in discussions with Mario Cristobal at Oregon.
What is Highsmith discussing with Mario?
I have any idea:

We send Kenneth down to Gables.

Using his skills of persuasion, Kenneth obtains pictures of key BOT trustees in compromising positions.

We then blackmail said members until they fire Blake James.

What do you guys think?
Why would they clean house next year if they get their way and not clean house now. Will something be different next year then it is now?
Even though I disagree with some of the decisions being reported, after all the smoke clears I will still be here. I'm not rooting against my squad. No real Cane would do that, that's like rooting for your child to fail. smh

How you going to be all hype about the new OC, but still want us to lose. *uck out of here with that.

That ideology is flawed and stupid.

He doesnt want anyone looking over Mannys shoulder ???

Hey dumbass, if Manny is good at his job it wont matter who is looking. This kind of shows Blake knows Manny is a handicapped coach. Hes fine winning 8 games, but he knows Highsmith wouldnt accept that.
What is Highsmith discussing with Mario?

This really doesn't make sense. I brought this up and I see others mentioning it that this sounds like a strategic leak of misinformation to rile up fans and put more pressure on Blake to make something happen.

This could also be floating from Highsmith (his agent) to leverage negotiations. If he is unemployed right now (haven't seen he was officially fired yet) what kind of leverage would he have?
How does James keep his job? Is this because Frenk had no clue how much football did to raise the visibility of this University in the last 35 years?

I thought this was obvious but Blake is able to keep his job because we lead the nation in (a) apathy, (b) lack of accountability, and (c) hiring the unemployable.
Per a source with knowledge of the meeting, a group of high-level donors met with Blake James on Friday. The purpose of the meeting was to offer significant money if Manny was willing to make necessary changes.

Most notably, the group wanted Alonzo Highsmith to take on a general manager role that would usurp some of Blake and Manny’s power over the football program. One booster even offered to pay Highsmith’s salary for two years. Blake refused and instead offered a more traditional “chief of staff” role that was mostly administrative in nature.

Highsmith is not expected to accept the offer and instead is in discussions with Mario Cristobal at Oregon.

So why didn’t the BOT cucks fire Flake on the spot? Without direct action this serves as a mere attempt at cover for the BOT.

It must be done. END FLAKE! Sanitize the Hecht.
For me, its easy to talk about rooting for losses but I've never been able to do it. Similarly, even though I knew where you guys were coming from regarding the Al Golden banners, I could NOT bring myself to participate in that.

At this point Im too old and too spent on this issue to give a ****. This past season I found myself doing laundry and house cleaning during Canes games. Contrast that with my mindset back in the day (when I would take a vacation day for National Signing Day, etc.) and you'll see the desired effect of the current administration on Canes fans.

They've won. They've broken the fanbase.
Yea man during games I would just laugh instead of scream. I shook my head in disgust and wasn't even upset anymore. I hung out with my family most the time