Coaching Staff 12/27 PM Update: Rumph, others

Coaching Staff 12/27 PM Update: Rumph, others

Stefan Adams

Comments (485)

NO. there was a rumor banda would be replaced with a better recruiter. one reason was he wanst happy he was demoted and would pursue a DC spot at a mid major.
Well he won't get hired by anyone else so we're ****ed
You’re right my man. UVA and the greatest show on turf was shut down
The point is you're picking a bad outing and I can counter with a great one against a team that didn't score less than 17 all year and Clemson held them to the 17. Miami held them to 9. The defense isn't below average and their issues are compounded by the unit they always had to make up for. Go look across the country and start picking apart defensive performance. Everyone railing on about the UNC game when Sam Howell did the same **** to Clemson on the final drive. The difference is we dropped a two point conversion that would've forced Mack Brown to either kick an extra point or go for the win like he did against Clemson. Instead the two was an easy decision for him against us and they went up by three.

Good teams score points. Alot of them against "lesser competition". Bad teams don't and find themselves in death struggles. Clemson found themselves in one close game all year and their defense gave up a TD. Why? They only scored 21 points. Their lowest total of the year. You leave yourself vulnerable when you don't score in bunches. Our offense was so bad we didn't even win 50 percent of those games. And for all the "4th quarter blown leads" talk the offense had the ball in their hands with chances to win all of them and failed each time. UNC, UF, Duke, GT wasn't a blown lead but similar.
You think he’s bull****ting? I think he’s clueless and delusional enough to actually believe the isht he says.

That's exactly why its bullshat, cause nothing was proven prior too, and he's in no authoritative position of credibilty to talk like that, talking as if he's a proven headcoach,you right though, at the time, im sure he was impressed and believe it, he hired em, but of course the hypocrisy begins, let the hypocrites hypocrite, this is coach diaz now after that video:

I don't have a problem with only Enos being fired on the offensive side of the ball. I would leave all personnel decisions up to the new OC'er. Let him come in and make the changes he wants.
Lol at ‘simply winning 10 games’ with manny as hc. We’ve won 10 games once in 16 years. Not with manny.
Actually, Manny had a lot to do with the 16' season. But, believe me, I'm no Manny shill.
As has been stated many times before, we will be more talented than all 12 teams we face next regular season. One would think with a modern, competent OC, we'd be able to pull that off. I know we won't with Manny at the helm, but my point is, if Manny just does what should not be very difficult to do with all of the natural talent on his roster, he and his underachieving band of merry men will pull in enough talent to rule the Coastal and be at least respectable nationally.

Of course, he's done nothing to make anyone on here believe he'll do any such thing (beat 10 over-matched teams), but I do think for our school in particular, recruiting is simple math: if we win 10 games, we get a ton of talented players who can help us take the next step.
Actually, Manny had a lot to do with the 16' season. But, believe me, I'm no Manny shill.
As has been stated many times before, we will be more talented than all 12 teams we face next regular season. One would think with a modern, competent OC, we'd be able to pull that off. I know we won't with Manny at the helm, but my point is, if Manny just does what should not be very difficult to do with all of the natural talent on his roster, he and his underachieving band of merry men will pull in enough talent to rule the Coastal and be at least respectable nationally.

Of course, he's done nothing to make anyone on here believe he'll do any such thing (beat 10 over-matched teams), but I do think for our school in particular, recruiting is simple math: if we win 10 games, we get a ton of talented players who can help us take the next step.
1. Manny was ok as a dc. He was not hc in ‘16, and is not ok at being a hc.
2. Miami fans consistently overrate our effective roster talent. Having three future nfl rbs is not that meaningful an indicator if you have a terrible OL, bad QB, and mediocre wrs.
3. I cannot think of an OC so good he could overcome manny’s lack of leadership at HC. This team doesn’t believe in manny and doesn’t play hard for him. An OC change won’t fix that, imo.
4. I think manny has a greater chance of losing 8 games than winning 8 games next year.
1. Manny was ok as a dc. He was not hc in ‘16, and is not ok at being a hc.
2. Miami fans consistently overrate our effective roster talent. Having three future nfl rbs is not that meaningful an indicator if you have a terrible OL, bad QB, and mediocre wrs.
3. I cannot think of an OC so good he could overcome manny’s lack of leadership at HC. This team doesn’t believe in manny and doesn’t play hard for him. An OC change won’t fix that, imo.
4. I think manny has a greater chance of losing 8 games than winning 8 games next year.
Wish I could dispute any of this, but unfortunately, I got nuthin'.
The AD comes out and says changes are needed and now those changes are essentially going to be the Enos crew? That tells me the OC is going to be someone with strong ties to Manny. He's going to go to a place he feels safe based on everything he's shown us otherwise.

For me, almost every single thing I've been told about Manny Diaz has turned out to not be true at all. I was told he was a smart, innovative mind who strongly believes in analytics and understands what it takes to turn this program into a winner.

Instead, he's just another stubborn coach who the moment things get tough he goes to his safe place and gets conservative in the hopes of stringing out the tenure as long as possible rather than evaluating everything and making sage decisions each year.

you were an idiot for buying into some silly notion that Manny is “smart and know the secret miami needs” as if such a thing exists.

hes a nobody coach who has never coached on a good team, was in purgatory at MSU when his daddy’s friends on the BOT brought him in for Richt. He is literally the most unqualified man for the job we have ever hired, but you read a press release saying he “knew what it takes” and now feel betrayed? total sucker.
The AD comes out and says changes are needed and now those changes are essentially going to be the Enos crew? That tells me the OC is going to be someone with strong ties to Manny. He's going to go to a place he feels safe based on everything he's shown us otherwise.

For me, almost every single thing I've been told about Manny Diaz has turned out to not be true at all. I was told he was a smart, innovative mind who strongly believes in analytics and understands what it takes to turn this program into a winner.

Instead, he's just another stubborn coach who the moment things get tough he goes to his safe place and gets conservative in the hopes of stringing out the tenure as long as possible rather than evaluating everything and making sage decisions each year.


Instead of a a Wartime Consigliere who would innovate and score points (and attract recruits, btw), Manny is going to recommend the Safe Hire to Flake.
I'd rather Manny just sit with what he has now and gets fired after next season. No point in buying out more assistant coaches. This **** is just a downright mess though. We have to be the most inept and dysfunctional program in the nation.

Assistants aren't bought out. Funny how this idea has polluted this board in the last 24 to 48 hours. Assistants are week to week, nothing guaranteed.
Lol Steven why are you still doing this thing where you pretend to have sources? It has worked out terribly for you so far. You’ve been wrong on literally everything.

You literally threw out a guess that he’d be fired with the hope that you’d be the first to report knowing that if it didn’t happen you could just come back and say they changed course.

lol what a load of spit. You don’t decide you’re gonna fire someone only to change your mind within a day. Anyone that buys that is a simpleton. Just stop with the act already.
He has second-hand ties to Eric Morris at Incarnate Word through Banda, but it's true he doesn't have much in the way of connections that he could pull.

If it were me, and it was my entire legacy here, I'm going strong with the firings and trying to bring in as many smart people with new ideas as I can. It's my philosophy to surround myself with people smarter than me at work and they always make me look smarter than I am.

This waffling I'm reading about is another red mark against this coach in my view.

Leaders lead, not waffle. You're going to be wrong at times, and that's ok. Just learn and keep it moving. Does this look like Coach Diaz is learning anything, or getting conservative? I need to logoff, this stuff is ruining my staycation.
He’s the son of a politician.
The AD comes out and says changes are needed and now those changes are essentially going to be the Enos crew? That tells me the OC is going to be someone with strong ties to Manny. He's going to go to a place he feels safe based on everything he's shown us otherwise.

For me, almost every single thing I've been told about Manny Diaz has turned out to not be true at all. I was told he was a smart, innovative mind who strongly believes in analytics and understands what it takes to turn this program into a winner.

Instead, he's just another stubborn coach who the moment things get tough he goes to his safe place and gets conservative in the hopes of stringing out the tenure as long as possible rather than evaluating everything and making sage decisions each year.

Hate to tell you, but you just described how just about every human on the planet is. People are stubborn and hesitant to change. In particular the older they get. They tend to do things their way, thinking it is the right way. In management positions, they look for people with similar ideas or ask that things be done their way.

This problem is compounded as being a former DC, he's going to look for someone who challenges his idea of what a good defense is, as he thinks his defense is the way it should be played on that side of the ball.

Being stubborn only works for so long. The great coaches, few and far between, do things one of two ways. They have a system that works and find the players to suit said system. The other type are those who are continually looking to improve on what they're doing.

Manny is what he is and to me that's undefined at this point.
LOL at reversing course on firing a guy who brings virtually nothing to the table. What did he do to change Manure’s mind? Edit out all the wide open receivers from yesterday’s game tape? What a pathetic nut house in Coral Gables.

There are whorehouses in San Salvador compromised only of midget mongoloids that are not only employees but owners that are operated more professionally and coherently than Miami football.